Chapter 37
"Autumn." Luke whined, just as we were about to get out of his car and go towards the pavilion where the wedding was being held.
Travis and his girlfriend's, or soon to be wife's, wedding was simply our close family at one of the nicest beaches New York had. It was a richer part of the state and the huge houses and perfectly landscaped acres of land showed that. Then when you put it with the thin stripped sand along the dark water topped off the expensive taste.
"Luke, we're going to be fine." I told him. He stuck his bottom lip out at me as he did for the whole car ride over here. He was now the one afraid of showing up as a couple rather than friends.
"What if your parents don't like me?" He shot me a worried look and all I could do was glare at him.
"What do you mean what if they don't like you? They've known you since you were Effy's age." I laughed, turning in my seat to face him.
"What if they don't like us together?" He asked, nibbling at his bottom lip. I sighed lightly, glancing down at his hand on the center console and placing mine right over his.
"Luke." I said, trying to convince him simply with the tone of my voice. Despite all the worries I had before, I knew the chance of them disapproving was at a minimum. "Your parents took it perfectly fine so I'm sure mine would too." I assured him.
"Okay." He sighed, getting out of the car as I collected the few things I had and met him at the back of his car.
The cool wind blew lightly against my bare legs and I instantly regretted wearing a dress that was preferably for summer instead of spring. I ran a hand through my hair as Luke did too, trying to keep it our of our faces.
"I don't think your hair is moving." I joked, watching his fingers ruffle through his light hair.
"Shut up." He muttered, grabbing my hand and intertwining my fingers as we followed the people walking out to the pavilion.
It was a short walk and even then we still made it with just a second to spare. If we wouldn't of had our morning struggle that made us half an hour behind, then we would've been fine.
There were a few rows of chairs set out and I instantly spotted my parents along with my two sisters. I hurried towards them, practically dragging Luke behind me. We sat right behind them and exchanged hugs and hellos quickly before the ceremony started.
Luke draped his arm around the back of my chair, keeping it there unless he fidgeted around or decided it was mature to pull at my hair. We still hadn't gotten any questions from my family, but I think they were too surprised at the fact that their oldest son was getting married, as we all were.
It was about halfway through when I seemed to notice something that I'm surprised hadn't come up earlier. I glanced at Luke then back to the couple then back to him, catching his attention by doing so.
"What?" He whispered, trying not to distract anyone around us.
I furrowed my eyebrows, "Does she look a little different to you?" I asked, seeing if Luke could point out the small things I noticed.
He shrugged his shoulders as he didn't notice anything.
"I think Sarah might have a baby bump." I muttered to him, keeping my eyes on the bride.
"Maybe," He said, peering down at me. "If you're in luck you'll be an aunt in a few months." He pulled me in tighter to him as I just shook my head. If my family needed just a touch f more chaos, this would be it.
The ceremony ended and now we had found ourselves gathering our things to head out to the reception, the only people being left in the pavilion being my family and Luke plus two of Sarah's relatives.
I turned to find my mom in tears, happy tears of course since the last time she had planned to go to a wedding, it was April's and we all knew how that fell through.
I walked up to her to give her a hug as well as the rest of my family, Luke following right behind me to say 'Hi' to everyone. We continued with the normal conversation about how school was going, this time with Effy sitting on Luke's hip and clinging her arms around his neck.
It all seemed normal at the moment, like it was this time last year and things were just about to start changing. The more I thought about it, the more I liked things now. It was different and maybe not what I expected, but I was happy with things.
"We better get going." My mom sighed, looking over to my dad as Luke started to put Effy back down.
"Of course it would be us who would show up last." I laughed. I looked over to Luke who seemed to be looking a bit tired from getting up early, not that he wasn't used to it or anything.
"You ready?" He asked, rubbing his eyes as he looked between all of us. I nodded my head and felt him slip his hand in mine and give my family a small wave.
My mom raised an eyebrow at us as we all said goodbye to each other and watched as I tugged on Luke so we could get going. There wasn't really hiding anymore, everyone practically knew about me and Luke except for my parents. I was surprised that no one had let it out yet, especially Effy with all of her slip ups.
"I'm surprised no one asked." I said, looking over my shoulder to Luke as we walked down our hotel hallway.
"I don't think they would be too suspicious of us holding hands." He ran a hand through his hair, shaking it out as we came closer to our room.
My family agreed to stay in a hotel since it was the weekend and it was a little late and this was our free time before spring break that we'd be leaving for in just a few days. We had two rooms, my parents and my sister in one then me and Luke in another. They were on the line about it at first, then I actually had to remind them that I actually live with Luke and it wouldn't be any different.
We approached our room and Luke set our bags down on either side of him as I rummaged around my bag for the key. I suddenly heard my name being called and then followed by April and Effy running towards us.
I stood up from being crouched down and laughed at how silly they looked in their nice dresses looking like little kids even though Effy still was one. I scooted closer to Luke's side, his arm distinctively wrapping around my waist.
"It seems that we have the room right across from yours." April said, pulling out the key from her purse.
"I know, dad purposely did that." I informed her, watching Effy bounce up and down from the excitement of staying in a hotel for the first time.
"Either way," April began, looking towards the elevators to see our parents finally making an appearance. "Keep it down." She told us, making it seem as innocent as possible then ruining it with a wink as her key was accepted.
I wriggled out of Luke's grasp and went towards her, "April, I'm going to kick your-"
"Separate." My mom's voice was heard over our muffled attempts at insulting each other, which is exactly how it was just a few years ago.
Luke laughed as I rolled my eyes, pushing pass him and unlocking our door. I hurried inside as he said a few things with my family then eventually shut the door.
"My family is so annoying." I groaned, falling on my back on one of the mattresses in the room.
"You also love your family." He said, crawling into the perfectly made bed next to me. The exhaustion was just now hitting me from the long day.
Luke rolled over on his side, propping his head up as I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling. A relaxing silence settled over us as my eyes fell heavy, slowly blinking a few times just to try to keep myself awake.
"Babe," Luke quietly said, running a single finger up my arm. I didn't give him a response and simply threw my hands around the back of my head, losing his touch. "Autumn," He said, this time in his normal tone. I hide my smile as I was purposely trying to annoy him and it seemed to be working.
He lightly sighed, nudging his head towards mine. "Primrose." He cooed into my ear, placing his lips right under it. My arm fell around his shoulders and I lifted my hand to play with the short hairs on the back of his neck.
"Are you going to answer me?" He mumbled, still grazing along my neck.
"I don't think so." I replied, glancing down at him as he smiled into my skin, the stubble on his jaw poking at me.
"You're tired." His breath ran down my neck, making me shiver. He suddenly sat up and left me wishing I would've appreciated his neck kisses a little bit more. He held his hand out to me as he stood up. "Let's get into comfortable clothes."
"I'm a big girl." I told him, even though he still had trouble believing that. He walked over to the end of the bed and placed his hands on his hips. I raised an eyebrow at him, giggling at his stance.
"Come on." He urged, digging through the bag he brought to pull out a t-shirt and sweatpants.
"Just let me lay here." I whined. I pulled a pillow from behind me and rested my head on it, suddenly feeling Luke grab onto my ankle. I looked down to see him toying with the strap around my ankle from my heels that I regretted not breaking in.
"What are you doing?" I questioned, trying to hold in my laugh as I propped myself up on my elbows.
"The real question is how did you even get these on?" He laughed just as he was unable to undo the strap. "That's how." He muttered, tossing my show to the other side of the room and working on the other.
"You're so weird." I said, rubbing my eyes while still trying to avoid the makeup I was still wearing.
He pulled my other heel off and slipped off his own shoes, crawling towards me until he was completely on top of me. I giggled as he leaned down to me and placed a kiss at the tip of my nose.
"What am I taking off next?" He asked, a faint smirk showing up on his face.
Usually, he was really subtle about what he wanted and didn't really try to push anything with me, but tonight had been one of those exceptions. Every so often, he got a little cockier and took advantage of the moment to get what he wanted. There was a perfect balance between his usual self and then the inner asshole that he was too nice to bring out too often.
"Anything you want." I replied. I wasn't planning on doing anything with him tonight but nothing was more fun than messing with him.
"If I would've known that, your dress would've been off a while ago." He said, just as he pushed the hem of my dress just a few inches higher and gripped onto my thigh, pulling me closer to him.
My cheeks burned from his words and I rested my hands on top of his shoulders. I parted my lips to speak, but Luke had stopped me by attaching his lips to mine. I smiled into him as I tugged him down closer to me, immediately giving him the access he wanted.
We went on for a few short minutes, his hand trailing further up my leg as the time went on. I reached for the top button of his shirt, undoing it with ease and going down one by one. I was about halfway down when he rolled us over to where I was now straddling his hips.
He looked up at me, his laugh as quiet as mine. His hands went around my back and he brought me back down to kiss him. I returned to working on getting his shirt undone, his hands lightly running over me from shoulders to thighs as if he had never actually touched me before.
I pulled just a centimeter away from him and was able to feel his heavy breath on my lips as I exposed his bare chest. I ran my fingers over his skin just before he grabbed the edge of my dress and pulled it right over my head. I nearly covered my chest from the sudden exposure, but was then pushed back into the pillows before I could react.
"I had fun today." He told me, just as he crawled right back in between my legs.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, looking between his eyes and his lips. His cheeks were pinker than normal and he seemed more calm than anything. He returned back to nipping at my neck when I hadn't given him a proper reply, which I had no problem with.
A few knocks were heard at our door, which we both ignored. Luke had been too indulged in working with the hooks on the back of my bra and I had been too indulged in Luke. Over the past few days I had been catching myself being completely captivated with him and nearly everything he did. He intrigued me with the little things he did and fascinated me with the bigger things. I was so stuck on him and by now I was sure they was no way out.
"Autumn?" A muffled voice called behind our door, followed by a few more knocks.
Luke stopped what he was doing and sighed, resting his forehead on my shoulder. I shut my eyes in hopes that maybe my mom would go away, but I had known too well that she wouldn't. I brought a hand up to the side of Luke's face and got him to look up at me.
"Give me a second." I told him, a sheepish smile following my words. He nodded and pulled apart from me, getting up from off my bed and starting to button up his shirt again as I grabbed a robe that was hanging up on the bathroom door.
I cracked open my door, finding my mom standing there looking around before noticing that I actually answered.
"Yeah?" I quietly said, trying to make it seem like I wasn't just making out with Luke.
"Your dad and I are going out just to check out town." She informed me. "Effy is already asleep and April is in our room with her. If you guys need anything just call me." She said, checking the time on her watch.
"Alright," I said. "I'm just getting in the shower." I told her just in case she questioned why I was in an oversize robe without a shower actually running.
I heard footsteps behind me and I turned over my shoulder to see Luke walking up behind me. I went back to face my mom and soon felt Luke's chin resting on top of my head.
"Have fun." He gave her a smile which she returned.
"Let Autumn have her privacy, Luke." My mom chuckled.
"I don't think he knows what privacy means." I answered, receiving a gentle shove from Luke.
She shook her head, "Goodnight you two, I'll be back in a few hours."
"Goodnight." We simultaneously answered and I shut the door just as my mom turned her back to us.
Luke backed off of me and I turned around to find him looking rather cozy in a big hoodie and sweatpants. He rubbed his eyes which made it evident he was tired, even though it was barely a quarter after 10.
"You look cute." I told him, walking past him and ruffling his hair. I dropped untied my robe and let it fall to the floor.
"So do you." He replied. I rolled my eyes as I slipped on pajamas.
"Very funny," I said, keeping my tone plain.
"I'm just kidding." He muttered, clinging his arms around my waist from behind me. "But I'm tired." He said right before placing a short kiss on my cheek and crawling into bed.
He patted the spot next to him as he got comfortable under the covers as if he thought I would choose to sleep in the other bed. It would probably be the desired choice to have a bed to myself, but anywhere where he was was desirable to me.
I already found myself pulling the blankets up to my chin as he leaned over to turn the lights off, then leaning over to wrap his arms around me. In the morning he'd be clinging too tight on me and more than likely would wake up with his head on my stomach as he always did. It was weird and only something he would do, but I liked it that way. I only wanted him to be the first thing I touched in the morning and the last thing I tasted at night.
i dont even know what this chapter was it was such a struggle sigh
thank you for reading and all of your cute comments aw i love u guys i hope you like this
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