Chapter 35
I just got back to apartment after spending a whole day with a few friends when we were supposed to be working on a project for our physics class. I told Luke I would be home at 7 but as it was now 8 and my phone was dead, I was expecting a very worried Luke when I got inside.
I clung onto my plastic back in my hand as I had just picked up a few things which was one of the reasons I was coming home an hour later. I jiggled my keys into the door and stepped inside, slowly shutting the door behind me.
I immediately heard foot steps coming towards me and started setting my things by the door.
"Thank God, I was about to go right over to Natalie's myself." Luke said to me as I slipped my shoes off. He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair as he stopped.
"My phone died and I had a few stops to make before I got home, sorry." I sheepishly said as I walked towards the living.
"And you couldn't have used any of their phones?" He asked, crossing his arms as he watched down at me from my spot on the couch.
"It died right when left, I would've called you." I explained as he let out a sigh. He uncrossed his arms, narrowing his eyes in confusion.
"What did you even have to get?" He asked as he took a step back, pulling his phone out from his pocket and checking the time.
"Can you get off my ass a little bit?" I snapped, his questions adding onto my stress and turning it into irritation, definitely one of my bad habits.
He raised an eyebrow at me as he slipped his phone back into his back pocket. There was an awkward silence as we stared at each other, me still siting on the couch while he slowly swayed from side to side.
I sighed and rubbed my face with my hands, brushing a few strands of hair out of my eyes. I popped my knuckles as I thought of whether to apologize or just to let it go, but Luke had spoke up again before I had the chance to.
"It's 8:20, do you want to eat here or do you want me to run and go get something?" He plainly asked.
"Here. I'm not even in the mood to get up." I sighed again and he nodded his head at my response, heading into the kitchen.
I shook a hand through my hair and stood up, grabbing the few bags I had and walking towards my room. After a long day of researching and writing and practically frying my brain, all I wanted to do was put on comfy clothes and sleep forever.
I set my things down on my bed, stripping off my clothes and rummaging through my drawers for a t-shirt and shorts. I was thankful that it was just about to head into spring and I wouldn't have to worry about our heating bill being so high anymore.
I tugged my clothes over my body and went back to my bed, sighing as I collected a few things in my hand and carry them to bathroom since they were mostly shampoos and body washes.
"Hey Autumn?" Luke called out as I walked towards my bathroom with full hands.
"Yeah?" I answered just as he showed up in the door way.
"Would you happen to know where-What's that?" He suddenly asked as I started setting things down.
"What's what?" I raised an eyebrow as he pointed down to the counter and to the pills I had to go get. "A prescription I picked up." I shrugged, putting it into the side drawer of my counter.
"You told me to pick up your migraine ones a couple days ago, is there something going on with you?" He worriedly asked as I began to decided whether or not I should tell him what it really was.
"No, no. I'm fine." I chuckled. I looked up into my mirror to find him staring right back at me with no sign of less worry. I sighed, "It's birth control. I picked it up just to be safe and I heard it helps with your skin anyways so I got it." I explained as I turned to face him.
He was silent for a few moments, probably because he didn't really have anything to say about it. He then brought a hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it once.
"Are you scared I'm going to get you pregnant?" He questioned with a tone that made it seem he didn't even want to ask that.
"I did have to run out at 7am to get a morning after pill after my birthday. That was scary." I tried to joke, but it seemed to only make him more worried.
"That was also my fault." He sighed.
"It was both of ours. We just have to be more careful, I guess." I shrugged, looking down to my hands and he tangled them with mine.
"I feel so dumb, I'm sorry." He laughed as he shook his head and looked down to the ground.
"Don't be sorry." I told him, watching as he stared back up at me. I gave him a gentle smile which made him smile wider. "But I do want to say sorry for kind of snapping on you a couple minutes ago. That wasn't very cool," I said, letting go of his hands and going back to putting my things away.
He waved it off as if I wasn't completely rude to him and stepped back into my room.
"It's fine, not a big deal." He assured, giving me a wide smile before leaving my room and heading off into the kitchen.
I stood in front of Luke as I tightened the tie around his neck, glancing up every few times to find him looking down at me as if he was admiring me. I smirked as I straightened the tie, stepping back from him and letting him stand in front of the full mirror in the fitting room.
"Not so hard now, is it?" I questioned, getting him to roll his eyes at me and he adjusted his collar.
We had been out shopping practically all day for my brother's wedding that was coming up faster than we expected. With four days until the actual day, we slightly panicked and ran off to shop right after our classes were over for the day.
He laughed, "It's not so hard when I had someone else do it for me."
"You're welcome." I joked as he turned back around to me with a raised eyebrow.
"Are we supposed to match? Or is that just a couple thing? I mean we are a couple, but not to your family yet and-"
"No, we don't have to." I cut him off as I tried to stifle my laugh. I walked up to his side as he turned to look at his reflection in mirror. My eyes trailed from the bottom of his blue button up that was still neatly secured with a tie and instantly caught onto his stare.
"So, um," I cleared my throat as he raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to continue. "I thought about letting my family know that we're together." I said. A half smile caught at his lips and I let myself continue on. "With the wedding, and all. I thought that it would be good timing and everyone will be in a good mood anyways." I watched as his expression brightened at the idea.
"Plus if your parents decide that us living together isn't the best then we only had two months of school left and I know they wouldn't just back out then." He added, making a good point that only made me eager to finally tell my family, or more importantly my parents.
"They wouldn't kick you out!" I laughed, pushing his arm playfully.
"They might!" He replied, breaking into a full smile.
"Reminder that we've also been best friends since practically forever and my parents love you too much." I reminded him. He smoothed the front of his shirt down as he shook his head at me, a subtle smirk showing.
He took a step back and peered over at me right before heading back into the small fitting room. He popped back out in what seemed like only a minute with clothes draped over his arm. He led the way out, grabbing my hand in the process. I was close behind him, weaving in between the racks of clothing as we both giggled like little kids.
We approached the register, easily paying and getting out of there before we were tempted to go even further into the depths of shopping for a wedding.
There were moments that I was so caught up with Luke that I had completely forgotten I was in a relationship, that we were still plain best friends. There's the nights where we're throwing joke insults at each other then the early morning car rides that we spent together visiting family. It's what I appreciated most about being actually with Luke, was that our friendship hadn't changed and neither of us expected it to.
I've had the thought in my head for a while now, it mostly occurring after he kissed me or when I roll over in my bed and find him sleeping soundly next to me. That's exactly where I was now.
We decided to skip out on our morning classes, using it to sleep in. It had become a norm for us to fall asleep in each other's bed, but there were the few nights where, in most cases when we were exhausted, we sprawled out on our own mattress by ourselves. But no matter how much I wanted to fall asleep again, I couldn't ignore how soundly he slept.
The covers were being completely hogged by him, one of his many annoying sleeping habits, and were tugged all the way up to his chin which left my bare legs exposed. I regretted wearing shorts to be the second he shifted around, his warm legs tangling with mine even tighter. His messy hair matched mine and his slightly parted lips drew in deep and quiet breaths.
I snapped out of my stare, realizing that it as actually pretty weird, and rolled back over to my side. I tried my best not to move around too much as I didn't want to wake him up, but the second his arm wrapped around my torso I knew it was too late.
He cuddled up closer to my back, blowing a long and soothing breath onto the back of my neck. I brought my hand up to his that rested on my stomach, lacing my fingers with his.
"Good morning." He mumbled almost to the point where I couldn't understand what he was saying.
"Good morning." I quietly replied back, still sounding more chipper than him. He muttered a few inaudible words before resting his head back down on the pillow. His soft snores found their way back into my ears and I found my comfort once again, which I realized was always there with Luke by my side.
lautumn got kinda serious for once hey bUT
anyways, i have finals this week then i'll be off of school for summer yes i cry, also, updates galore
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