Chapter 34
I laid on Luke's bare chest as he intently watched me, or the marker in my hand. One of his hands rested on the small of my back while the other was behind his head and being propped up by the arm of the couch. It was a Saturday morning and we had a completely free weekend so we took advantage of it and did literally nothing.
"Please don't draw a dick on my chest." Luke said, getting me to glare at him.
"Don't worry, pretty boy." I dragged the sharpie right below his collarbone, aimlessly doodling on his fair skin. We don't know he we got here, but I was covered in black ink and Luke was about to be.
I drew a few random things on his chest, giggling as I did so. It was clear that Luke was trying to hold in his laugh as he was biting his bottom lip from being so ticklish. I peered up at him as he fought a smile that he was horribly failing at.
"Aren't your friends coming over today?" I reminded him, raising an eyebrow at him as I continued drawing on him.
"They're your friends too," He said. "And only Ashton is, the other two ditched me to hangout with their girlfriends." He rolled his eyes and I laughed at him, knowing that there had been times where he did the same exact thing.
"Michael's finally getting laid?" I questioned through light laughter.
"He's been getting laid for a while now." He joked, but something in his tone told me that he'd actually been seeing this girl for a while now. "They didn't want to actually have a relationship at first yet here they are." He explained, sighing at the end.
"Sounds familiar." I raised my eyebrows at him and put the cap on the marker.
He gave me a glare, "Very funny," He grabbed my arms, rolling me off of him and looking for his shirt as I did the same. "Now help me wash this off." His voice was muffled by the fabric of his t-shirt.
"Wash it off?" I playfully scoffed. "That is the work of Picasso on your chest." I crossed my arms as his head poked through the hole of his shirt, his eyes immediately falling to my bare torso that was only covered by my bra and he then turned around.
I rolled my eyes and let my arms fall to my side.
"Are you ever going to stop doing that?" I asked, thinking it was actually cute every single time he did it even though it wasn't necessary.
"Would you rather me stare at your boobs?" He asked, his back still turned to me. I picked up my shirt on the ground and pulled it over my head.
"I'd prefer not," I nodded my head to the side and walked over to him, getting his attention. "But what are you supposed to do when you're married and your wife is shirtless in front of you?"
"I can stare at her boobs then." He answered, giving me a smug look.
"You are so dumb." I sighed, shaking my head.
He laughed, "It's a habit, okay? Sometimes I forget that we aren't 16 and back at home in your room when you're changing into comfy clothes for movie nights." He grabbed my hand and pulled me back onto the couch. My legs swung over his as he wrapped an arm around my wait, pulling me closer to him.
"The first time I changed in front of you you peaked." I reminded him.
"That was one time! I was curious because you actually grew boobs." He admitted, his cheeks turning a light pink.
"You ass." I replied, giving him a smile as I lightly shoved his shoulder. "Can we not talk about my boobs?" I tilted my head at him as I picked up a strand of my hair a twirled it between my fingers.
"Then what are we-"
He was cut off by someone knocking on our door, both of us knowing that it was Ashton. He hauled me off of him and rushed to the door, both of us trying to beat each other there. He beat me there and pulled the door open wide, leaving me standing in the middle of the doorway with Ashton in my face.
"Hi, Ashton." I greeted, giving him a small wave. Luke popped up over my shoulder, slinging his arm around me.
"Hey Autumn, how are-Is that a dick on your shoulder?"
I turned my head to my right, looking down and seeing the drawing on my shoulder which is exactly why Luke told me not to draw one on his chest.
"I did that." Luke giggled, trying to cover it up as much as he could as I glared at him.
"I was about to say, if you wanted a tattoo I would've given you one for free." Ashton laughed as he stepped inside.
"Free?" I asked, looking over to Luke who seemed just as interested as I was.
Ashton shrugged, "I don't see why not. You'd have to tip me, of course." He gave us a cheesy smile, something he had done a lot to make his dimples poke out.
"Wanna get tattoos?" Luke questioned, looking down at me once we got into the kitchen.
I let out a loud and short laugh. "Not today," I answered as Luke ruffled my hair. I groaned quietly and fixed it, watching as Ashton dug through our fridge for a drink.
"What have you guys been up to?" He asked, looking between me and Luke.
I stared down at my shoulders that ink peaked through.
"Nothing mature." I told him, getting all of us to laugh. "What about you?" I asked as he took a sip from his drink, his eyebrows instantly furrowing.
"Actually, that's what I came here for. I'm having girl troubles and thought that speaking to an actual female would be a good idea." He replied.
I looked over to Luke who didn't look too pleased with Ashton's answer. I put a hand on his shoulder, "Looks like I stole your friend." I joked, pulling out the bar stool in front of me and sitting down in front of Ashton. "So what's up?" I heard Luke sit down next to me, placing his hand on my thigh.
"Okay," He began, clearing his throat. "So there's this girl I tutored and she's a bit of a dimwit, but she's really fun. Anyways, but, I stayed at her house one night and it turns out she had a boyfriend." He started.
"Oh shit." Luke and I said together.
Ashton nodded at us, "Oh shit is right. He came into her room and we were just sleeping and doing nothing sexual and he just blew up and I swear to you he almost laid his hands on her so I punched him." He continued on.
"You punched him?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him as he nodded again.
"I did. And I feel pretty stupid because he didn't actually do anything, I was just being careful. So he left and I just stayed with her all night and she was so upset, oh my God, I felt so bad seeing her cry because I really liked her." He rubbed his face with his hands, blinking a few times as he gripped onto the counter again.
"What happened after all that?" Luke questioned, glancing over to me.
I locked stares with him for a quick second then went back to Ashton. "Yeah, where are you guys at now?"
"Well what happened after is that we passed out at like 5am even though we both had midterms that next morning and when I woke up she was just like 'I need to get my life sorted.' then said she wants nothing more than just friends." He sighed.
It was obvious that he really liked this girl by all they had been through. It kind of makes me laugh how I had said something similar to Luke about being just friends yet look where we are now.
"How long ago was this?" I asked, suddenly suspecting a few things. And by the look Luke was giving me, so was he.
"December, right now we're just friends." He answered, finishing the last of his soda.
"Didn't Ellis get punched the night before midterms?" I furrowed my eyebrows at Luke and he nodded his head.
"Yeah, by Cianna though."
Ashton's head picked up, "Hey, Cianna is the girl's name. She actually lives in this building." He explained. My eyes grew wide as I realized what had actually happened and I turned to Luke whose mouth was slightly dropped.
"Cianna didn't punch Ellis, Ashton punched Ellis," I nodded slowly at Luke then turne dback to Ashton's confused expression. "Ellis is my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me, so don't be sorry." I chuckled.
"Wait," Ashton said, putting up a single hand. "Ellis cheats on you, gets with Cianna, then Cianna cheats on Ellis with me, and then now she's single and so am I and you're with Luke?" He rambled on, barely getting me to understand it all.
"Yeah." I clarified. Ashton let out a short laugh, something I wasn't expecting.
"Jeez, Luke, have you ever gotten Cianna? Because, damn, that would just complete the circle." He joked. I covered my laugh with my hand as I faced an awkward Luke.
"Actually, yeah. She kissed me once. It was weird." He took his hand off of my leg and rubbed the back of his neck, giving both of us a sheepish look.
"Okay, don't do that anymore because I'm trying to get back with her." He raised a finger at Luke and walked over to the trash, throwing his can away.
I turned to Luke, trying to secretly debate whether or not we should tell him that dating Cianna wouldn't be the best idea from all that has happened with her and the things we knew about her. Luke gave me an uneasy look then stood up which told me to keep my mouth shut.
Luke sighed, "Just be careful."
"I know, I just think that being friends first will make thing easier. You know, like we could possibly end up like you two." He said, gesturing between me and Luke.
I looked over to Luke whose cheeks had fallen a light shade of red again, "Maybe not exactly like us, but being friends first really did help." I assured him. "I mean, it did only take nearly thirteen years." I gave Luke a smirk.
"Hey! I didn't even like you until-"
"You've been in love with her forever, there." Ashton interrupted, getting my stomach to tie in a knot as he probably didn't know we haven't told each other we were in love with each other yet, if Luke even was in love with me.
"You guys down for pizza and movie?" Luke suddenly spoke, changing the subject. He looked at Ashton then over to me.
"I am down for a pizza and a movie." I nodded as he gave me a warm smile.
"I'll pick it up, it'll be a lot faster." Ashton suggested. We all looked between each other, agreeing with the idea then having Ashton leave in a matter of minutes with some borrowed cash from Luke's wallet.
As Luke shut the door behind Ashton, he turned around and pressed his back to the door, smiling down at me. I opened my mouth to say 'What?' but I guessed he already knew I was going to ask him that.
"I just really-You make me really happy." He told me, right before pulling my face to his and kissing me sweetly.
pLOT TWIST did anyone guess it bc damn i did
sorry for the long wait, i wanted to spice things up and needed some grey's anatomy shit but i wanted to do it without killing anyone off so here u go
i hope you're all lovely, i love you and thank you for nearly 2 millions reads!!!
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