Chapter 32
I walked into the kitchen with my arms stretching over my head then falling right back to my sides. I had an extremely long week on school and it being Saturday and also my birthday, I treated myself to sleeping in late.
I squinted my eyes at the neatly wrapped present on the kitchen counter as I approached Luke who had his back turned to me, silently scrolling on his phone. I took the opportunity to try to scare him by suddenly jumping out at him, but my plan had failed and I was stuck pouting while I received a raised eyebrow from Luke.
"Happy Birthday." He laughed, wrapping an arm around me and pulling him to his shoulder.
"Thanks," I shortly said as I quickly kissed his cheek.
"I got you a little something." He nudged my shoulder as I rummaged through the fridge for orange juice. I stood up and walked over to the cabinet that held our cups.
"I saw." I gave him a small smile.
"Open it." He insisted, probably more excited than I was for my present.
"Okay, okay." I giggled as I waled over to the table with my drink in hand. I sat down and Luke followed after, eagerly waiting for me as I pulled the two boxes towards me.
There were two small boxes wrapped in classic birthday wrapping paper that were tied on top of each other with a thin blue ribbon. I slowly undid the ribbon, peeking over to Luke who looked like he wanted to rip it open for himself.
I pulled off the first box and unwrapped it, throwing the paper aside. By the looks of it, it was a small box that jewelry had come in and a smile instantly appeared on my face. I flipped it open, the first thing catching my eye was the small purple stone. I recognized it as my birthstone as I held the thin silver chain in between my fingers.
"Luke." I whined, out of disbelief rather than annoyance.
"Do you like it?" He asked with a pleased smile to match his brightened eyes. I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Of course." I answered.
If there was anyone who was good at giving the expected gifts, it was me and Luke. Every year we gave out other clothes or in this case, jewelry, or something cheesy and dumb, like a gag gift.
"There's still another," He said, pulling it towards the both of us.
I peeled the paper of just as easy as the first, and the first thing I assumed was that he literally gave me a box with nothing in it since it was so light. I shook my head as I scratched at the tape that closed the box and eventually got it off. I opened it to reveal a folded up piece of paper.
I furrowed my eyebrows as I took it out, unfolding it and another piece of paper fell in my lap. I picked it up and put in out the table as I read the information on it. My mouth instantly fell open and I gripped onto Luke's arm with my free hand.
"California?!" I yelled from the surprise.
"Yeah." He smoothly replied, watching me as I squirmed excitedly.
"This is for a whole week." I ran a hand through my messy hair that falling in front of my face, still not believing that I was holding an airline ticket to that would land me at LAX. "Spring break, right?" I asked, going over the dates on the paper.
He nodded his head, "Yep." He assured me as I picked up the other piece of paper on the table that had fallen out.
I read over the information, it being the same as mine, but with Luke's name on it instead of mine. I held the two tickets in my hands, wiggling in my seat from the presents.
"God," I breathed out. "Thank you so much." I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed him tighter than I probably should have. I pulled back from him with the biggest smile, one that matched his. "We're going to California together." I said, loving the idea better and better every time I said it.
"Actually," He began. "We're going to California with the boys." He informed me. My eyes widened at the thought and I hoped then and there that there would be no arrests on the trip.
"Oh God." I muttered, seeing Luke's half smile appear.
"Well, It's just Calum, since we'll stay his place," He explained. "But Michael and Ashton already planned on going down there and might stay a few nights."
"Is Calum, like, casually third wheeling?" I raised an eyebrow at him, or more at the idea of me and Luke being there as a couple while Calum was just kind of there.
"He's bringing his girlfriend." He told me, taking a small weight off of my shoulders.
"Good, I was hoping I wouldn't be the only girl." I laughed. He pushed on my shoulder with his own eyeing my up and down.
"Plus, that'll keep their eyes off of you." He said, suddenly gripping on my waist. I let out a short squeal, quickly covering my mouth from how annoying the noise probably sounded. "I'm serious!" He chuckled, standing up and grabbing my hand so I could follow him.
"Where are we going?" I asked, still be dragged by Luke down the hallway. He stopped in his tracks, spinning around without letting go of my hand.
"Where do you want to go?" He asked back, peering down at me.
"Um," I began, looking around as if the answer would come out of thin air. "I'd like to stay here." I answered, my laugh being heard between his words.
He rolled his eyes, "It's your birthday, I'm taking you somewhere."
"You just got me presents worth hundreds of dollars each, you don't need to do anything else for me." I shook my head slightly and watched as he spun back around and pulled me towards my room.
"It's your birthday so look hot, even though you always do that." He pushed me through my bedroom door and let go of my hand and I turned back to see him with a smirk on his face.
"You're such a boy." I groaned as he let his head fall, only for it to be picked right back up.
"I'll take you around the city." He suggested as he started to shut my door. "And by the way, our tickets were free. You can thank Calum for that." He told me right before shutting my door all the way.
I sighed and shook my head, something I've been catching myself doing too much at Luke. I was at least thankful that he kept my life interesting, which is exactly was I was going to be expecting from now until the day we left California.
After a few hours of running around Times Square and mainly avoiding tourists, it was safe to say I was worn out. But having 2 more hours of my birthday left I knew Luke was planning to make sure I would have a near perfect birthday.
"Can you take any longer?" I playfully asked Luke who was struggling to unlock the door. He said nothing, probably ignoring my smart remark then opening the door wide for me, letting me in first.
I set down the couple of bags I had, mostly them being clothes I wanted to wear for the upcoming season. As many times as I denied Luke spending anymore money on me, who wouldn't budge so I just went with it while keeping my self control which was easy.
I waited for him as he shut the door, his hand finding the small of my back as he guided me to the living room. We both sat down on the couch and immediately curled into each other. He nudged me once, getting me to look up at him.
"Did you have a good day?" He asked, his fingers running over the back of my hair. I nodded at him and he shortly placed his lips over mine, barely pulling back a second after.
"Thank you." I muttered, leaning back into him and pressing my lips harder on his.
He took advantage of the moment and fell backwards which landed me right on his chest. A giggle escaped from my mouth which was soon silenced by Luke kissing me again.
Things seemed to heat up quickly and by now we had our hands tied in each others hair, our breaths becoming heavier after every second. I untangled my hands from around him, slipping off my jacket and tossing it to the side as I tried my best to keep in contact with him.
He sat up, me now sitting in his lap as he struggled to get his coat off. My hand fell over my mouth in attempts to stifle my laugh, but he noticed before I could make it less obvious. He shot me a glare, swiftly getting up from his spot on the couch and hooking an arm under my back and knees.
"Luke!" I shouted, squirming in his arms as he carried me bridal style down towards our rooms. I gave up the fight and settled in his arms, both of mine clinging around his neck in the fear of falling. "You are so cheesy it makes me want to throw up." I laughed as he fumbled with my door knob.
"It's what I'm best at." He placed a kiss on my forehead as he entered my room, placing me down on my bed and instantly crawling over my body and kissing me again. His fingers curled around the edge of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head in which he did right after.
Soon enough we had found ourselves tangled in my bed with our clothes thrown aside. My blankets sprawled over us as he moved down my neck, making sure to leave a few marks that would be noticeable for a good couple of days.
He reached over me and gripped onto my head board as I hooked my ankles around his waist, waiting for him to actually move.
"What is taking you so-"
My words stopped by slight arch in my back forming, along with the sound of my headboard hitting the wall. My back laid flat against my sheets as I looked back up to Luke.
"Whoops." He chuckled, not even sounding the slightest bit concerned. But in the situation we were in, I had no concern either.
"Please," I began, trying to get my words out. "Do not put a hole in my wall." My fingers clawed at his lower back and at the point I'm sure we were going to get a noise complaint from our neighbors.
"I can't promise that." He told me, bringing a hand down to my hair and flipping it to where it covered all of my face. I let go of him and used my free hands to brush my hair out of my face, being too into the moment to actually yell at him.
Eventually we'd gotten into pace with each other as we had moved and adjusted at least five times just to get things seemingly perfect. His quick pace soon fell slower and out of rhythm as both of us weren't able to hold it together anymore.
Multiple profanities fell from both of our mouths as Luke's lips found their way back to mine. My head fell slightly backwards and my bottom lip was still caught between his teeth, letting go once we were both finished.
He collapsed beside me, our breaths still fast and heavy. They had matched our glistening bodies from how much heat was shared between us. I rolled over to him as he laid on his back as he stared up at the ceiling with a thin smile. His arm was behind his head and another draped loosely over the top of my pillows.
I stared at him in awe if anything, admiring how he looked right now. His damp and disheveled hair matching his soft eyes that were now staring right back at me. My dim lit room at been the perfect brightness for outlining the features on his face, yet making it not an obvious that the color had left his face.
"What?" He asked, shifting his weight to where he was now on his side and face to face with me. I propped my head up on my hand and let my elbow big into my pillows.
"Thanks," I quietly said, watching his eyebrows raise at me.
"You don't have to thank me for having sex with you. I'm more than happy." He replied. I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder as he gave me a smug look.
"I meant my birthday, you perve." My head fell back into my pillows and I scooted closer to him. He instinctively wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.
"In that case, then you're welcome." He laughed, it low and hoarse from the obvious exhaustion in both of us.
My eyes fell heavier every time I blinked and Luke had noticed. He was softly humming one of his favorite songs which, thanks to me, he had discovered not long ago. The noise had kept me awake yet also made me more sleepy.
His arms fell from my back to my waist and I glanced up to him, my eyelashes brushing against his chin. He gave me a soft smile before opening his mouth to speak.
"I-" He started, but shut his mouth quickly. I gave him an odd look which he returned with a goofy smile. I dropped my head back on his chest as he dragged his fingers up and down my spine. "Goodnight, Autumn." He sighed, that being enough to get me to shut my eyes in hope of sleep.
"And happy birthday," He said for the last time. I smiled to myself, clinging more onto him and drifting into a deep sleep.
*birthday sex plays in the background*
so this is actually coming to a close, i'm actually pretty upset bc i'm so attached :-(
there will be no sequel, but there will be an epilogue that will not suck!! i'm guessing there will be about 10-15 more chapters so grab ur tissues and share them with me
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