Chapter 31
My phone vibrated once again with another text from Luke. I hadn't seen him since 8 this morning and apparently that was too long of a wait for him.
"why are you so cute"
I ignored him for the second time, trying to focus on what my professor was lecturing the class about. I was distracted by the buzzing again and I glanced down to see the same name on my screen.
"answer me :-("
I rolled my eyes and pushed my phone away from me, leaning a little further back into my chair that I was dying to get out of. I anxiously tapped my pencil on my notebook, waiting for the next set of notes I would be needing to write down. I stopped once my phone lit up for a third time.
"today is valentine's day..."
I raised my eyebrow at his message, seeing that he had repeated this statement over and over again. We decided on not getting each other presents, but that hadn't gone to well since he told me he was taking me somewhere tonight and I got him a few cheesy presents of my own.
"i want to kiss you"
I pulled my phone towards me, checking that no one around me was reading over my shoulder. I kept ignoring him as his messages kept coming in.
"starting at your neck"
I took in a sharp breath, peering up from my phone in my lap to the others around me.
"then move down further"
That's when I decided to stop ignoring him and send him text reminding him that I was in fact in class and didn't need him sending me any risky texts with classmates around me. I knew that he was going to ask if I could just leave early, and since it was Luke I easily gave in.
I left the classroom, a few stares on me as I headed towards the door, one of them being my professor's glare. I quietly shut the door behind me and let out a small breath as I reached into my pocket and retrieved my phone. As expected, he sent a text just telling me to skip the rest of the class. I groaned and started making my way out of my school and down the few blocks to my home.
My arms were wrapped tightly around my torso as I hurried through the streets. There was still left over snow from last week and it didn't show any signs of melting any time soon.
I weaved around people, mostly tourists, and kept my head down to get back home. The walked seemed longer than usual, most likely because I was waiting to see Luke. As I reached my apartment building, I waved to a few of the older couples coming down the steps. They had looked like they were out for a Valentine's dinner.
I reached my front door, pushing it open and dropping my stuff down by the door. My legs felt heavy and my cheeks burned from the cold, putting my hands to them as I laid down on the couch.
Luke quietly stepped into the room, his sweatpants hanging low on his hips and his shirt gone. I raised an eyebrow at him as he motioned for me to move my feet so he could sit.
"Did you even go to school today?" I asked, curling into a ball.
"Nope." He leaned back into the couch and propped his feet up on the table.
"I saw you leave this morning, where'd you go?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he glanced over to me then back to the black screen of the TV.
"That's a secret." He smiled, gripping onto my leg as he stood up. "But what isn't a secret is that you have an hour until I take you somewhere, so go get ready." He held out his hand for me to take as I stuck out my bottom lip.
"Luke." I whined.
"Autumn." He mocked.
"I told you not to get me anything." I sighed as I grabbed his hand. He let it go once I stood up and grabbed my shoulders from behind me.
"I didn't get you anything, I'm taking you somewhere." He smirked as he pushed me towards my room.
"Where are we going?" I questioned as I was trying not to trip over my feet from him pushing me.
"That'll ruin the secret!" He laughed.
"How am I supposed to dress?" I turned over my shoulder to face him as we were now standing in the doorway of my room.
"Nice. Dress nice." He nodded, sticking his hands in his pockets. I sighed once more and backed up from him, grabbing my door and closing it to where only half of me was shown.
"Okay." I said, shutting the door on him and walking to my closest and left to think about where I was being taken.
I sat patiently on the couch, wondering where Luke had run off to. I got done getting ready a few minutes ago and we had 15 minutes to spare and by what he had vaguely explained, he was taking me to a nice dinner with reservations.
I took out my phone, wanting to call him but remembering he had left his phone on the kitchen counter.
The sound of our front door rattling caught my attention and soon enough Luke was rushing in with clothes in hand.
"I don't have anything nice so I'm borrowing Calum's." He beamed a wide smile before running back off into his room, leaving me back in the living room by myself.
I slumped into my chair and adjusted my dress. Ever since Luke had told me he likes them on me and my realization that Ellis was an ass for saying he didn't like them on me, I decided to go with what I liked and kept my own pride.
Luke came scurrying back in, trying to keep random stray hair from poking out. He stopped in front of me as I stood up, eyeing me head to toe.
"You look nice." He smiled, taking my hand in his and pulling my towards him. I stood on my tiptoes, leaving a small kiss on the tip of his nose.
"That is how you told me to dress." I giggled as he spun me in a small circle, the bottom of my dress flaring out the slightest amount.
"You don't look so bad yourself." I admired how well he cleaned up, even if it wasn't too much of a change. The only thing really different were that his pants weren't so worn out and his normal t-shirt was a button up.
"Thank you." He shortly said, gesturing out his arm for me to hook onto and leading me out the door.
I gaped at the small restaurant in front of us then back to Luke who was giving his name for reservations he had made. I squeezed on his arm as we were led to our table, most of the people were in their late 40s or 50s and appeared as if they could literally buy me and Luke from the rings on their fingers and designer backs and jackets.
I sat down without a word, it was fairly quiet. There was dim music playing in the background along with chatters and soft laughter from nearby tables that were also filled with couples.
I peered up at him as he kept his same smug look, ready for me to say something about his choice of dinner.
"First of all, how?" I laughed lightly, looking around to see a few waiters weaving in and out of the tables.
"I've been saving for a month." He admitted, now quietly laughing with me. We were definitely the only teenagers in the place and despite the few 20 something year olds who also came out, I was impressed with his age and paycheck matching this place.
I flipped through the pages on the small menus set out for us. Most of it being things that I couldn't pronounce and it was then when I realized that I would've been okay with eating at a small chain restaurant. But tonight I didn't mind, it was a real treat and I was completely alright with being in such a nice place.
"Why are there so many forks?" Luke whispered across the table, furrowing his eyebrows at me. I covered up my mouth to stifle my laugh, looking around once again to take in the atmosphere.
"They're all for different uses." I explained as I read through the menu again.
"What for?" He asked.
"I don't know either." I told him. "No one is going to judge you for using a fork with a longer handle." I shrugged, taking a sip of the water in front of me.
"They might!" He said, making me put a finger to my lips to keep him from talking any louder.
"You're in college and you're taking your girlfriend here. If anything they're impressed with you." I assured him as he leaned back into his chair.
"Autumn Saunders, my confidence booster since 2002." He smirked sitting back up straight as he wiped the cold water from him glass in his hand on his pants. I raised an eyebrow at him as he set the glass back down.
"Luke Hemmings, my boyfriend since 2014 and probably won't make it until 2015 if you don't use a napkin." I joked. He rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair, smoothing out his shirt and looking around the restaurant then back to me.
"Get anything you want." He faintly smiled at me and I nodded my head once, admiring my surroundings once more before turning back to the words in front of me.
I stood in front of my mirror with Luke right beside me, both of us just getting home and changing into more comfortable clothes. I had on a pair of running shorts and his t-shirt while he was in the same sweatpants I found him in when I got home from school. Shirt missing and everything.
I noticed the subtle frown on his face as we both stared into my mirror. After all, he had insisted of changing in my room and using my bathroom instead of his own.
"Stop that." My eyes moved from his downwards lips to his sleepy eyes.
"Stop what?" He asked and the frown was instantly gone.
"You were frowning. Don't do that." I said, still staring at him through the mirror.
He sighed and stared back at his own reflection, his eyes trailing from his hair to the end of the mirror that cut off right at his hips.
"Luke." I shoved him lightly which he easily returned. "Stop judging yourself." I quietly said, scanning both of our reflections.
"I just look like shit right now." He sighed, ruffling through his hair again. I groaned to myself from the fact that Luke was almost never pleased with how he looked when he seemed to be getting better looking by the day.
"Look at me." I pointed to my naked face, mostly referring to the imperfections on me.
"Autumn, you're per-"
"Don't say I'm perfect because we both know I'm not." I laughed, cutting him off.
He sighed, "I think you're perfect." He stepped behind me, rubbing his hands over my shoulders.
"And I think you're perfect." I said, giving him a small smile.
"But I don't think I am." He shook his head a few times, looking back to the mirror with his smile matching mine.
"I don't think I am either." I blinked a few times at him as we sat in silence. His hands fell off of me as I walked back into my room and sat on my bed.
I stared at him as he stood in the bathroom for a few more moments, then walking back out to the middle of my room. I patted the spot next to me and he raised an eyebrow at me, slowly making his way over to me and sitting down.
We sat in silence for a little while, enjoying each other's company. I stared at my hands while my head rested on his shoulder.
"Autumn?" Luke softly spoke, getting my attention. I lifted my head up and stared into his tired eyes.
"Yeah?" I replied.
A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he flicked between my eyes and my lips, not even bothering to make is less obvious.
"Nothing." He breathed out, falling onto me which made us fall onto my pillows.
He pulled the blankets over us, making my breath hitch from his unknown intentions. He scooted closer to me and grabbed my hands in his.
"I hope you had a glad Valentine's day." He said is just barely above a whisper.
"I did." I assured him as I curled up to him. He wrapped an arm around me tight and placed a kiss on top of my head, pulling back and letting us fall to sleep with ease.
sorry for the wait, i'm at the beach and have horrible connection :-(
anyways, i hope you like dis
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