Chapter 24
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Luke furiously asked, pulling me into the closet by our front door since every other room would be in earshot of Ellis who was now getting comfortable on the couch.
"We're in a closet." I stated, being forced to be pressed against Luke's chest by all the junk that we had in here.
"Forget about the God damn closet!" He whisper-shouted. His hands tugged through his hair, obviously out of frustration. "What made you think this was even remotely a good idea?"
"I felt bad! I didn't want him getting killed on the streets!" I explained, keeping my voice just as low as his.
"He would've been perfectly fine!" He replied. He sighed, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and pointer finger. "You are so dumb sometimes." He piped up.
"I am not dumb." I scoffed, crossing my arms.
"I do your calculus work." He retorted.
"That doesn't mean I'm dumb! That just means I'm bad at math." I straightened up my back to try to feel taller, but Luke's height was noticeable even with the sliver of light we had for us to see.
"You just let your ex-boyfriend, who cheated on you may I remind you, stay at our house when he tried to pull a move on you." He grabbed the sides of my face, his thumbs lightly resting on my cheeks.
"I told you he didn't try anything." I groaned.
"And I told you you're a bad liar." His voice became more delicate, but it was obvious he was still pissed about it.
"I'm sorry, alright? I just didn't want him roaming the streets by himself." I apologized. He dropped his hands, digging through his pockets.
"You know we have finals in," He started, pulling out his phone and checking the time. "4 hours." He finished. The fact had made me cringe and had put in an even worse situation than I thought.
"Time flies." I awkwardly rocked from side to side once, but Luke grabbed onto my shoulders to stop me.
"Stop messing around, this is serious!" His tone was angry once again, probably more irritated than anything. "I can't believe you did this." He shook his head multiple times, looking back down to me.
"Why are you so mad about it?" I questioned. His eyebrows raised at me, as if I had asked him something I wasn't supposed to.
"Are you really asking me that?" He whispered.
"I want to know." I shrugged.
"Fine." He said, letting out a short but heavy breath. "I'll show you." He smirked, almost in a sarcastic way.
Just then, he opened the door, grabbing my forearm and pulling me across the living room without warning.
"Let go of me!" I grumbled, thrashing out of his grip. I turned to Ellis who had an eyebrow raised at us, completely clueless of the conversation Luke and I just had. I cleared my throat, taking a small step to Ellis.
"Um, there's extra blankets in the laundry room." I stammered. As weird as it was just beginning to feel, a moment of normality had flashed in front of me. Even though it wasn't necessarily normal anymore and was something I definitely did not miss, it made me realize how much things had actually changed.
"Goodnight, Autumn." Ellis smiled, turning to Luke and nodding at him. "Luke." I spun back around to Luke who had a blank look on his face.
"Night." We said simultaneously, my voice more chipper over his. Luke pulled me yet again and went straight for his room, dragging me behind. He opened his door swiftly pushing me inside then quickly closing the door behind him.
"If you tightened your grip anymore you would've broken my wrist." I said to him, rather harshly, as I rubbed my wrist. He rolled his eyes, grabbing my hands and pulling them to his chest.
"At least I know Ellis won't try anything else on you." He whispered, knowing that if he would've spoken any louder Ellis might have actually heard him. I swallowed down my nerves that I wasn't too sure I had, and a second after Luke attached his lips onto mine.
He let go of my hands, enabling my to lock them around his neck as his fell to my waist. the touch was enough to smile into him and he took full advantage and wasted no time swiping his tongue against my bottom lip. He, rather roughly, had pushed my back to the door which caused me to let out a small yelp.
"Careful, will you?" I joking mumbled against his lips. He ignored me and grabbed the back of my legs, giving me no other choice than to wrap my legs around his waist. "I could've walked myself." I said as his lips attached to my neck as I was carried over to his bed.
"Where's the fun in that?" He chuckled, the vibrations from his lips tickling my neck. I inhaled sharply which I guess he was able to hear since the moment after I could feel the mark he had just put on my neck.
He picked his head up and crawled over me, reattaching our lips rougher than last time. I felt him pulling at the sweatshirt I had on, which he easily removed from me, leaving me in just my t-shirt.
His hands roamed down my sides, pushing the hem of my shirt up to right under my bra. Goosebumps formed on my skin from his cold fingertips, which then caused me to flinch once his hands reached the waistband of my pants.
"Am I making you nervous?" He asked, his voice slightly shaky from his loss of breath. I stared down at him, him now in between my legs. I quickly shook my head side to side at him. He was still peering up at me as one of his fingers fiddled with the top of my pants slowly inching them down.
Just as the reached right under my hipbones, Luke crawled right back over me, hovering over my neck for a few seconds before latching back on to me. A short moan had escaped from me, making me throw my hand over my mouth, feeling my cheeks warming up.
Luke laughed against me, driving me insane with the mix of one hand creeping back towards my sweats and the other slowly moving down my back.
"You don't have to hide it." He muttered against my skin. I rolled my head back and out my weight into my elbows.
"Ellis is literally right outside the door." I whispered.
"I know." Luke smirked, sliding my tank top over my head. He left a small trail of kisses down my stomach making me bring a hand up to his hair to urge him on. "That's why I picked the closest room to him." He stopped for a brief second to capture my reaction, then tugged off my pants and tossed them to one side of his room.
"Luke." I warned, feeling exposed. His fingers latched on to the thing fabric resting around my hips.
"Primrose." He cooed, curling his fingers and moving them down in one quick motion, him throwing them right to where my pants laid. "Are you going to try and stop me?" He smirked, knowing that there was no way I would be saying no to him now.
This was jealous Luke. This was also non-submissive Luke that I had accused him to be just a few days ago. This was a very different Luke that I knew I would adjust to rather quickly.
The obnoxious sound of Luke's alarm had woken me up, but I kept ignoring it as if it would magically turn off. I wiggled underneath the heavy arm that was hanging over my waist so I could get myself to sit up. I swung my legs over the edge of his bed and finally opened my eyes, reaching over to his phone to end the constant beeping.
I left the phone on his table, rubbing my face to wake myself up more. I let my hands fall to my lap which is when I realized that I in fact was without any pants. Or anything to cover myself up with since Luke was a blanket hog.
Then the reason why I was actually naked from my waist down washed over me then the second after I realized that Ellis was more than likely still in our living room. I panicked and hopped from Luke's bed, peeking over to his sleeping body that was still covered by his blanket.
I shook my head and searched around his room from anything I could slip over my legs so I could meet Ellis and get him out of the house as fast as possible. The idea of him being a few feet away from Luke and I's 'intimate acts' as Ellis would call it, was not too pleasing for me and made me cringe.
I didn't know how far I expected Luke to go last night and I was beyond happy that he hadn't pushed the idea of sex with me. I knew that in his mind he was reminded that I didn't want to take things too far and completely mess everything up. To this day I wasn't sure if Luke had known I was still a virgin, but as a cause of a slip up over the phone junior year, I knew Luke wasn't.
I crouched down to pick up a pair of sweats next to his door, swiftly tugging them over and tying them loosely at my waist. I tiptoed out of Luke's door, careful not to wake him. I gently closed the door, taking in a small breath to face Ellis again. Luke was right, it was an extremely stupid idea, but no matter what he's done to me he used to be a big part of my life and I wasn't risking his own safety for my bitterness. Or Luke's bitterness.
To my surprise, I had found a pile of blankets in Ellis' place in the middle of the couch. I crossed my arms over my chest, gripping at the sides of my top as I walked over to the couch and spotted a note left of the coffee table.
"Got a cab around 6 since I had an early final. Thanks for the couch.
Ellis was unusually vague. He was normally very detailed, especially with thank you's. It might have had to do with the fact that I was dragged to Luke's room and never left that night.
I neatly folded the note in my hand, walking back to Luke's room to wake him up. I looked up from the ground as I weaved around the furniture and found Luke giving me a lazy smile as he leaned on his door frame.
"Wanting to see a boy who got his ass kicked by a girl before seeing me?" He slowly said. I walked up to him, smiling at the ground and handed the note over to him.
"You know his story is complete bullshit." I watched his eyes scan over the scribbled words, tearing it down the middle and letting it fall in his trash can.
"How do you know that?" He asked as I tucked my hands into the front pocket of his hoodie that resembled the one I had on me.
"Where did you think I got my bad lying skills from?" I answered. "And I already saw you this morning, you just weren't awake yet to see me."
"I think I saw enough of you last night." He smirked. My cheeks flushed instantly and I let my forehead fall to his chest. He laughed as he let his arms fall around me, pulling me tightly to him. "I'm messing with you, Autumn." My hands fell from his pockets and I pushed myself back from him.
"Messing around isn't going to get us to our finals." I told him, suddenly remembering the time and knowing that at most we had half an hour to get to school. He dropped his arms and ran a hand through his hair.
"Messing around also isn't going to help you get an A on your calculus final." He tapped my nose once before running off to his bathroom, shutting the door before I could even say anything back.
"Totally bombed it." Ashton had laughed, his friend Michael joining in as well as Luke. We were all sitting in a classic 80's diner for lunch since all of us had finished our finals and were officially on winter break. Unlike me, instead of laughing about my more than likely final that I had bombed, I couldn't stop shifting around in my seat.
Luke's hand fell to my thigh to stop in from bouncing up and down. I glanced down at his hand then back up to his gentle smile that matched perfectly with the soft look he was giving me.
"What's up with you, Autumn?" Ashton asked, making my head snap up from my view of my chipping nails.
"Nothing." I breathed out, shaking my head.
"It's something." He replied, his laugh filling the diner.
"Luke go a little too hard last night?" Michael teased. I cocked my head over to Luke who already has his red face buried in his hands. I quickly turned back to Michael, glaring at him. "I mean, I could see how him doing down on you could-"
"Shut up." I quickly interrupted. "Shut up, shut up, shut up." I repeated. I was thankful that Michael had become so comfortable around me as well as Ashton, even though they were mostly Luke's friends. They came by a couple times a week and we've all been a tight knit since.
I leaned my forehead onto Luke's shoulder, gripping his upper arm from embarrassment as his was still subsiding. I was too distracted by the fact that Michael and Ashton were laughing at us to yell at Luke for actually letting his friends get details on what went on.
"So, uh," Ashton started, pushing past Michael's jokes. "Where's Calum? Weren't we all supposed to meet up?" He questioned. I'd still yet to properly meet him since most of the time Luke was over at his house instead of him being over here.
"Calum ditched us, he already left for home." Luke laughed. "Right after he was done with his tests, actually." He added.
"And that's what we should be doing." I pushed on Luke's leg, nudging him out of the booth. We were supposed to leave right after we were done, but Luke had other plans that I didn't realize would push us almost 3 hours late.
"Aw." Michael and Ashton cooed at the same time.
"We'll probably be seeing you guys in a couple days anyways." Luke smiled at them as I raised an eyebrow at him. They nodded as we exchanged our goodbye's and left hand in hand out of the restaurant. We walked the short blocks in silence, enjoying the chaos of the city surrounding us.
We made our way to where Luke's car was since we already loaded our things into his trunk this morning. I stood by the passenger door, impatiently fidgeting with the buttons on my coat as I waited for him to unlock his car.
"Hurry up." I whined as he purposely took his time searching through his pockets for his keys. He lightly smirked at me, knowing he was bothering me.
"There you go, Princess." I heard the click from his car and I climbed in quickly, ignoring his sarcastic comment.
"So, exactly when are you seeing Ashton and Michael again?" I questioned, eyeing him as he slid in.
"And Calum." He nodded, starting up his car and staring his window.
"And Calum." I repeated.
"New Years Eve." He answered. I stuck out my bottom lip, my shoulders falling lightly.
"I thought we had plans together like we always do."
"We're going to a party." He glanced at me as he put a hand on the side of my chair then looked back over his shoulder to reverse from his spot.
"A party? I don't know if my mom will let me drive out too far on New Years since she won't be home." I remembered Luke telling me that Ashton lived a little while from us and that the other two lived right around him.
"You don't have to worry about that." He stated seeming rather sketchy about it.
"I'm not going behind my mom's back." I gently laughed, narrowing my eyes at him. He looked over at me, a smile slowly stretching across his face.
"You won't be because it's at your house."
lautumn did a thing
i would like to clarify that they did not have sex yet he just went down on her omfg
thanks for 300K like whut i love u
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