Chapter 22
Luckily for me, I hadn't lived too far from where Luke wanted to meet me at. It was walking distance, only a couple blocks. As I looked down at the note he had given me, double checking to make sure I was in the place he expected me to be. I kept my head down as I walked, trying not to let the wind burn my eyes.
I stepped onto the sidewalk, weaving my way through people. I peered up, instantly spotting Luke leaning on the side of an old cafe. I quickly got through the sea of people, seeing as the city was always crazy on a Friday night, and hurried towards Luke. His found me easily, slowly standing up right and showing off his normal smile.
"You found me." He stated, his tone easy. It was clear he was more relaxed with the city and enjoyed it as where I needed a break every so often.
"Yep." I popped the 'P', peering over his shoulder to see the same 'World's Best Coffee' sign on the door that I've seen on a hundred other doors. "So you're taking me to get coffee at 6 o'clock?" I asked, letting out a light laugh.
He looked down, shaking his head lightly. His hands shuffled through the jacket of his coat, pulling out two pieces of paper. He pointed down the sidewalk, making me turn my head and seeing what he actually had in mind.
"Broadway?" I questioned. I grabbed a ticket from his hand, reading over it. "My first Broadway show is to see the Rockettes." I remembered Luke talking about seeing the Rockettes as a part of Radio City's Christmas Spectacular and I also remember telling him it'd be fun if we went and saw them since they were a 'must see'.
"Did I pick well?" He asked, nudging me with his elbow.
"You picked perfectly." I laughed. He shrugged his shoulders, trying to hold back his growing smile while I let mine stay wide.
"Come on." He quietly said, nodding towards the corner across from us. He brushed beside me, grabbing my free hand with his and tying our fingers together.
"I'm so mad my parents didn't put me in any dancing or acting or singing lessons when I was younger." I chuckled, gripping onto the cup of hot chocolate Luke just handed to me.
Our date, if I could call it that since it felt like a normal day with him, had actually gone a bit better than I thought. I wasn't sure what to expect from him as I'd never actually gone out with him in a 'more than friends' way. I didn't know how he acted on dates and I wasn't sure what to expect. I figured he would had taken himself down a notch, been more quiet and mannered like all boys were on a first date. Lucky for me, he had been his plain normal self, most likely because he's already known me a lot better than the girls in his past and didn't feel the need to impress me.
We were now sitting in a Starbucks right across the street. To my surprise, there were only a few people that were here. It was probably from the vast amount of Starbucks' in just a short mile.
"I can agree with you there." He pulled his chair out, setting his own coffee down in front of him. How he managed to drink so much caffeine at 8 at night made me worried for his sleep schedule.
"But you can actually sing." I stated as I pulled off the plastic lid, stirring the hot drink around with a small straw. I looked up to see his cheeks tinted pink, he always felt embarrassed when I brought up his musical ability, or rather just shy about it.
"But have I gotten anywhere with it?" He replied, raising an eyebrow at me.
"You've probably picked up a few ladies with it." I wrapped my hands around my cup, letting the warmth bring back the feelings in my fingertips. No matter how long I had been holding Luke's hand I would eventually need some type of heater.
"The only lady I've picked up by it is you." He laughed, adjusting his beanie.
"I can't tell if that was supposed to sound like win or lose." I watched at his fingers poked under his hat, trying to fix what the New York atmosphere had done to his hair.
"Definitely a win." He clarified, giving me a small smile before taking his beanie off altogether. His hand raked through his messy hair, shaking it gently.
"Do you need some help?" I insisted, lightly laughing once his hands feel down in defeat by his own hair. I reached out across the small table while Luke leaned forward on his elbows and rested his chin in his hands.
"How many times have you helped me with my hair now?" He questioned. I peered down at him, seeing that he was already looking up at me through his thin eyelashes. I took a deep breath, sighing at I let it out.
"Too many." I softly said. I felt his hands grip around my forearms as I pulled at different parts of his hair. I glanced down at him and back up, furrowing my eyebrows at his pouted lip. "What?" I asked.
He tugged on my arms once more, not letting a word slip from his mouth. I dropped my hands from his head and finally gave him my full attention.
"What-" Before I could repeat my question, he yanked me all the way down until I was less than an inch from his face. My hands fell to his shoulders since I was still leaned over the table and didn't have anything to support myself with. "What are you doing?" I whispered. He tried to plant a short kiss on my lips, but I swiftly pulled my head back as far as it could could which wasn't much further since his grasp was still strong on my arms.
"Come here." He whined. I turned my head back to him, our noses brushing the slightest bit.
"We're in public, this probably looks so weird." I muttered to him, hoping we weren't drawing any attention.
"We're in the corner and there's 5 people here. No one's paying attention to us." He tried to pull my arms further around him so eventually there would be no more space between us, but I easily did the job for him, kissing him quickly. He released my arms the second our lips touched, giving me the ability to sit back down.
I crossed my arms over my chest, leaning back into my chair as Luke gave me an unimpressed stare. I picked up my drink, eyeing him as he kept his same look. My eyes widened at him once I set the cup back down, pursing my lips lightly.
He suddenly dropped his head, shaking it side to side. His hands tied together as I noticed his smile began to reappear. His eyes popped back up to me then over towards the exit.
"Are you ready to head home?" He asked, already gathering his hat and untouched coffee in his hands. I nodded once, getting up with him and slipping on the jacket he had let me borrow. I followed him to the exit, pushing past the few people in line and heading back out.
Luke instantly stepped ahead of me, making me think he was going to run off again. I instantly grabbed the back of his jacket in hopes that he would oblige. He turned over his shoulder, looking down at my hand that clutched his coat and then back to me.
"I'm not going to run off, Autumn." He grabbed my wrist, pulling me next to his side as we kept walking through the crowded sidewalk.
"And how do I know you're not lying?" I spoke louder than normal as a cause of being in one of the busiest parts of New York. We both looked at each other, waiting for his response, but instead he had stuck his tongue out at me, making me roll my eyes.
We continued our short walk, bumping into each other every once in a while, our conversation mostly being about the show we had just seen. Soon enough, we had reached our apartment building.
Luke quickly ran in front of me and up a few steps, gripping the rail with one hand and turning over his shoulder to look at me since his back was facing towards me.
"What are you doing?" My arms were hugged tightly around my body as he gave me a small smirk. He reached out his hand and leaned towards me the smallest amount. I hadn't even gotten up one step yet.
"I can show you the world." He playfully sang, urging me to grab onto his hand. I looked him up and down, wondering what in the world he was doing.
"Did you just make an Aladdin reference?" I had more knowledge on Disney movies than I did on the major I was planning on studying so there was no doubt I could be wrong on this one.
"I sure did." He nodded, a look on his face telling me he was more proud than ashamed. I slowly reached out for his hand, but he had snatched it and began running up the stairs, tugging me behind him. Our laughs filled the empty staircase, along with the sound of our shoes against the cement.
"You're such an idiot." I giggled in between breathes from the amount of flights of stairs we just climbed. He pulled me to our door, pushing me against it while our laughter still tied together.
"Maybe so, but you're the one holding the idiot's hand." He said. I looked down, seeing that our hands were in fact still intertwined. He let go and moved his hands to my waist and pulled me tightly to him without warning. A silence fell over us, then our quiet laughs had returned as I draped my arms around his neck.
"Did you have fun tonight?" He asked, moving into me closer by the second. All I could focus on was his mouth and how they curled with every word.
"Mhmn." I mumbled, half of it being on his lips once we finally closed the space between us. I felt myself smile into him which he quickly returned. He tugged my hips to his as I could feel the color in my face returning and becoming more hot than normal.
He gripped my hips once, making me yelp from being to ticklish. I felt him smirk against my lips before letting his tongue slip through my parted lips. I tugged at his hair, encouraging him on. His hands went from over my coat to under it in attempt to get closer to me.
I suddenly fell backwards, almost falling straight to the ground, but luckily caught myself and I only stumbled. I stayed attached to Luke as he slammed the door behind me. His hands started pulling at my jacket and I slid it off just as fast as he did with his own. He gripped my hips again, making me flinch.
Before I had time to respond, I was lifted up and pulled to him. Instinctively, I hooked my legs around his waist, letting out a similar squeal to the one when he first pinched my sides. His arms hooked right under me and my hands moves to either side of his face.
He hurried towards the couch, sitting down with me next to him. He started pushing on me, attempting to get me on my back, but I pushed harder and it became the other way around. I fell onto his chest, removing my lips from his own and moving down his neck.
"Shit, Autumn." He breathed out, followed by a short laugh. "Who knew you were the controlling type?" His hands roamed up my hips and under my sweater, his grip growing tighter every time I moved to a different spot on his neck.
"It's not about me being controlling, it's about you being submissive." I returned the same smirk he had given me against him, leaving a definite mark on him that would be noticeable tomorrow.
"Sit up." He muttered. I followed his orders, contradicting what I just told him. He grabbed the hem of my sweater, pulling it over my head, leaving my to feel exposed. The feeling quickly subsided when he sat up and reattached his lips to mine.
I sat up straighter as he pulled back for a second, tearing off his own t-shirt. It probably would have been a bigger of a step if we hadn't already seen each other without shirts, but it being in a situation like this it was always enough to get your heart pounding.
I let out a light gasp, one that was barely noticeable, once I felt Luke's thumbs slide into the sides of my jeans. He ran his fingers from my hipbones and back to my lower back, returning his hands to settle on my waist as he pulled away from me slightly.
"Autumn." He slowly said, widening the gap between us. My view went from his chest to his eyes, waiting for him to continue. "I'm not going to take advantage of you." His eyes widened slightly as he faintly shook his head to get his message across.
He seemed to be reading my mind once again and I sheepishly looked down, my heart still racing. Even though I knew Luke wouldn't even think about taking advantage of me, I knew it was my own fear with any guy I met. The second he had touched my jeans was the second I doubted all of this. And it was the most unforgiving doubt I've had.
"I know." I assured, moving my hands to his shoulders, giving them a small grip. A smile pulled at the corner of his mouth, then he leaned in once again, placing a long yet simple kiss to my lips.
"Here." He suddenly said, grabbing his t-shirt off the floor and handing it to me. I took it without a second thought, tugging it over my head and letting it loosely fall over me.
He got up, mumbling something about being right back. I sighed slowly as I looked around for my sweater that was no wear to be found. I gave up after a minute of looking a resorted to flipping through Netflix even though I could feel the sleep starting to settle into me and it was coming on heavy.
I felt something soft hit my arm without notice and I instantly looked down to my side, seeing a pair of my pajama pants next to me. Luke walked in front of me right after, sitting down on the coffee table in front of me and brushing his knees against mine.
"You're in the way." I told him, looking over his shoulder and to the TV screen. I knew it always bothered him when I payed more attention to a screen rather than him.
"You could've said thank you." He jokingly scoffed, referring to the sweatpants beside me that I still hadn't put on. I blinked a few times at Luke then got up and walked behind the chair we hide, blocking my naked legs and slipping on a pair of much more comfortable pants.
"Thanks." I patted his shoulder and sat back down in my spot as Luke followed. He curled his legs to his still bare chest, making me curious as to why he didn't just put on clothes for warmth.
"I don't want to watch a movie." He groaned, sounding more like a 5 year old than anything. I turned to him, putting the controller on the table.
"Then what do you want to do?" I questioned.
"I don't know." He replied, shrugging his shoulders. I rolled my eyes, ready to get back up and grab something to snack on, but was pulled down by Luke's arms that clung around my waist. A small laugh left my lips once I was squished between Luke and the back of our couch.
"You never know what you want." I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder as our legs became tangled. His hand ran softly over the top of my hair, pushing the falling pieces from drooping onto my face.
"I know exactly what I want."
i was watching aladdin while writing this oh
soz about the wait, my life is actually having things happen in them omfg it's a miracle
BUT ATTENTION: for the next few weeks i'm like jam packed with school so most likely i'll be updating on the weekends, this goes for my other fanfics too!!
thank you if you're reading/voting/commenting i appreciate it and i love u ok
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