Chapter 21
"Just finish the last 10." Luke suggested. I dropped my pencil against the wooden table that I sat at at least once a week for a study session with Luke. The library was starting to overflow since it was 2 weeks until our finals for the first semester.
"No." I groaned. I slumped back into my chair from frustration. We'd been here for what felt like hours and the seemingly endless pages of calculus wasn't helping.
"You only have 10 left!" His voice raised as loud as it could go in the setting of the quiet library. I crossed my arms over my chest as he rested his head in his hand.
"It's annoying me." I said, rubbing my eyes as I was in need of yet another coffee from the cafe right around the corner. He shook his head at me, pulling his textbook to him.
"Everything annoys you." He added. I watched as he searched for a random page in the book, scanning a few pages, probably to help me figure out what to do for the last problems I had.
I felt the table bump, Luke and I looking up at the same time to meet a girl who was dressed in a skirt in December. Her blonde hair flicked over her shoulder and the familiar black rimmed glasses gave off just who it was.
"Cianna?" Luke said once he saw her surprised expression. It looked like she was just as surprised to see us as we were to see her.
"Hi." She shortly chirped, giving both of us a small wave. I returned it back with a forced smile as she whisked off and went back to her table that was barely in our sight. I sat back up slowly as Luke turned to me, clearly as confused as I was.
"That was weird." He mumbled.
"I know." I replied as I swiftly looked over at him. "I didn't even know she knew what a book was." I whispered as I watched her twirl a piece of her hair around her finger.
"Don't be rude." Luke sighed.
"The glasses are convincing until you hear her speak." I added, turning in my chair to where my knees hit the side of Luke's legs.
"She comes here every Sunday, the last time we saw her she was actually with the same tutor." He explained, looking over to me as he tapped the end of his pencil on the table.
"When did we see her here?" I asked. I reached to pull the pencil from his hand, but the annoying noise had stopped before I had the chance to force it to end.
"When I told you I was leaving early." He started, now facing me. "Before the break?" My eyebrows furrowed at the news I was receiving. I don't remember seeing Cianna's face, but I do remember the blonde girl Luke couldn't keep his eyes off of.
"You were ogling Cianna that day?" I half laughed, trying to stay quiet.
"I was not ogling." He defended, shutting his textbook and putting it in his backpack. He cleared his throat as I began to follow his lead and pack up my things as well, even though we weren't finished. "I was wondering what was up with her and her, uh, 'tutor'." He put the word in air quotes, causing me to become more curious.
"What do you mean 'tutor'?" I repeated. He shrugged his shoulders as he stood up and hauled his bag over his shoulder.
"They were all over each other. It kind of makes me sick." He confessed. I scoffed under my breath since it was a typical Cianna thing to do.
"Isn't she still with Ellis?" I questioned.
"Yeah, at least I think so. He still lives with her. I saw him walking in there when I went to Ashton's a few nights ago." He gripped onto his straps as I discreetly glared over to where Cianna was sitting by herself.
"Speaking of Ashton." I mumbled to Luke as I pointed at Ashton who weaved his way out of the students in the rows of shelves. We watched as he made his way to the tables with his nose in his book, sitting down right next to Cianna. "No way." My eyes widened as well as Luke's did once we looked at each other.
"At least she stopped hunting down freshmen." Luke muttered. I stood up and swung my backpack over my shoulders.
"But you said her and Ellis hadn't broken up." I stated, becoming confused once again. I followed him as he led us to the double doors at the exit.
"Unless he's using her for a place to stay." He told me as he let me out through the door.
"Wouldn't be surprised at this point." I said over my shoulder as I passed him. "She probably just wants something from Ashton." Luke caught up to me and there was a settling of silence, giving me the chance to change the conversation. "So what am I supposed to do about this test that-"
"Where do you want to go tomorrow?" Luke interrupted.
"I thought you were surprising me." I laughed, catching his stare. His hands were shoved in his pockets as mine were hidden under my crossed arms. December in Manhattan seemed to get colder every year.
"I am." He smiled. "I just don't want to surprise you with something you don't like." We stopped before a crosswalk, now standing in a sea of people.
"You don't actually have to take me somewhere. I'm fine with staying home with you." I nudged his shoulder, impatiently waiting for the sign to tell us that we could walk.
"Come on, I want to do something fun." He whined, sticking out his bottom lip that revealed his lip ring that I always forgot he had which reminded me that I still have a diamond stud in my nose.
"Then take me somewhere fun." I laughed as we crossed the street. He stopped right in front of me, making me run into his chest. I looked around, catching the eye of a few people that had passed us as we were in their way.
"Like what? What is fun to you?" He looked down at me, a mischievous hint in his smile.
"Not getting ran over, that's for sure." I pushed his chest, making him walk backwards which wasn't the ideal way to get through the crowded streets. "I thought you knew me better than I knew myself." I glanced up at him once I made my way up the curb.
"Shut up, Primrose." Luke returned by my side, bumping into me every other second. We fell silent for a minute from our thoughts wandering about where we'll go tomorrow, it seemed a little silly to me since he could take me to the middle of a field and make me count grass blades as a date and I'd still be alright with it.
The more I thought about it, the more weird it sounded to me. I was going on a date with Luke which is something I never expected to do in my life, let alone kiss him one too many times. But when the idea came across I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't exactly help it no matter how cheesy it sounded.
An idea popped into my mind, it wasn't a great one, but it could do. I lightly gasped as I turned to him yet he had beat me to it. I raised a finger at him as I began to talk. "Why don't we go to-"
"I know where I'm taking you." He cut me off in a nonchalant tone, giving me a small smirk. My arm dropped to my side and I looked back ahead of me to the sea of people making their way through the town. The sun was just dropping as well as the temperature.
"Every time I try to give you an idea you come up with one on your own." I shook my head lightly. Luke began walking faster and was easily getting a head of me. "Wait!" I shouted, trying to get him to slow down. He looked over his shoulder and nodded his head, signaling me to catch up.
I ducked and dove my wave through people as my only sight of Luke was his hair and the navy Christmas patterned beanie he had on top of his head. Just as I thought I was safe since the crosswalk ahead of us wasn't clear, he abruptly turned the corner and by this time I was for sure he was crazy.
Luckily, the corner he turned had a small amount of people on it so running up to him was easy. He was already leaning against one of the brick buildings that was separated from the one next to it by a small alley.
"Are you crazy?" I yelled at him as I walked to him, feeling out of breath from the running I just did. I stopped right in front of him and kept my eyebrows furrowed at his light eyes, even in the evening. He looked to his left then to his right, giving me a half smile. Just as I parted my lips to add on to my words, he grabbed my forearms and spun to where I was now pinned to the bricks.
I stared up at him from my previous sight of his hands around my arms. He let out a small laugh, making the corner of my lips tug into the slightest smile. He quickly leaned into me before I could escape from him and I quickly dodged him before he could reach my lips.
"Luke." I simply stated. He was still close to me, his mouth dangerously close to my jaw.
"What?" He snickered. The warm air that blew from his lips was a contrast from the cold I just felt seconds before.
"We're in public." I laughed. He stepped back from me, still locking his eyes with mine, then pulled me into the alley with ease.
"And now we're not." He slid his hands from my arms and to my wrists, placing them around his neck. His smile grew wider and mine did too, seeing as there was no way out of this.
"We're going to get mugged." I whispered, followed by a faint laugh as his arms squeezed around my waist.
"No we're not." He laughed along with me. He pulled me tighter to his chest, finally closing the last space between us.
I sat up in my bed, feeling a pounding in my head. Probably from how late I had gone to bed. I've had returning migraines from my messed up sleep schedule which I owed to Luke. I fumbled for my phone on my night stand, unlocking it to reveal that it was 4 in the afternoon. I groaned to myself, knowing that coming home and watching movies until 6am after an intense make-out session with Luke in a dark alley was nowhere near a good idea.
I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom, searching for the bottle of medication prescribed to me for my headaches. I opened the cabinet under the sink, shuffling through baskets and running out of luck.
"Luke!" I shouted as I still searched for the bottle. I gave up and shut the door, walking into the hallway. "Luke?" I repeated, looking around for him. I trailed in a full circle around the house, him nowhere to be seen.
I sighed once, going back towards my room. I stopped once I passed Luke's room, seeing as I didn't even bother to check in the most obvious place. I pushed the door open, seeing no sign of Luke, but a note on his bed caught my eye. I stepped further into his room, sitting on his bed and picking up the note. Next to it was my pill bottle and the pen he used to write the note with.
"I'm guessing you won't be up until late in the day, so here's your migraine medication. Next to it is your favorite jacket of mine and a new pair of boots for you. Meet me on 6th between W. 50th and W. 51st. at 6 o'clock."
I peered over to the other side of his bed, seeing not only his but my favorite jacket of his then a brand new pair of boots as he said. The resembled my old beat up ones that I had yet to replace, and luckily enough Luke did it for me.
I held the note in my hand as I got up and collected the pieces of clothing together. I walked back into my room and set the things down on my chair in front of my desk. I looked up into my mirror and slowly shook my head with a growing smile, overwhelmed by the graciousness of Luke.
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