Chapter 14
It was 9 in the morning and I was helping Luke get ready to leave as I had promised him when he first told me. Our break had just started yesterday afternoon after we finished our classes, well except for Luke who didn't go to his last class since he claimed he 'needed time to pack up his things' yet here we are now.
Luke looked just as exhausted as I did. Messy hair, sleepy eyes, comfy clothes. School's been kicking our asses lately and this break is a well deserved one. Even after endless hours of studying and endless cups of coffee, nothing seemed to do the trick.
"Will you be fine driving?" I asked, stretching my arms over my head and yawning. He was standing in front of my spot on the couch adjusting a beanie over his head.
"I drove to your house when you called me in the middle of the night to say you were sick when you were home alone." He reminded me. I remember the night very clearly, more of the view of the back of my toilet clearly. But I'd called him since I was freaking out a little since it came on so fast and he showed up without even bothering to put on shoes or a shirt.
"You barely lived a mile from me." I got up from the couch and followed him as he walked to the front door. He had a small suitcase by his feet and a traveling backpack slung over his shoulders.
"I'll be fine." He chuckled, pulling my worried self to his chest. "Don't worry about me." He kissed the top of my head as he always did when he left me alone for more than a day. It was kind of a way of saying 'stay safe' or 'please don't burn the house down.' I couldn't figure it out yet.
I sighed into his shirt just before he pulled back. My light smile had matched his as he yanked out the handle on his suitcase. He adjusted the bag on his back once he opened the door, letting the cold morning air flow into our house.
"See you in 3 days?" He said. I nodded at him as I crossed my arms to warm myself up.
"Try not to miss me." I told him, letting my sarcasm seep through. He shrugged his shoulders once.
"I probably won't." He replied. I grabbed onto the door as he walked out, the only thing between us being the frame of the door.
"Bye, Luke." I gave him a comforting smile, closing the door slowly.
"Bye, Primrose." He called out right before I shut it and I looked back out once to see he was already making his way down the steps.
I closed and locked the door to get rid of the cold breeze that was outside. Even in a big sweatshirt and long pajama pants the upcoming winter season still seemed to get me. I sat back down on the couch, flipping through Netflix to see any movies that I was interested in, even though Luke and I had probably seen all of the good ones.
I gave up after a few minutes on endless scrolling and turned on a classic movie I'd seen a hundred times. I'd only been watching the movie for 10 minutes before I'd already gotten bored. I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a coffee mug from the cabinet, pouring myself the remaining we had in the coffee pot from when Luke had his earlier.
I was just pouring it when I heard a knock on the door, feeling frazzled since I wasn't expecting anyone this early and also because I didn't exactly look presentable.
"Just a second!" I shouted, putting the pot down and running to my bathroom. I tied my hair in a tighter bun and slipped on the jeans I had lying on my floor. I took one last look in my mirror and rubbed away my smudged eyeliner and ran to my front door.
I opened it swiftly with a warm smile since usually the only people that came this early were here to deliver packages. But my smile faded just as fast as I put it one once I was face to face with Ellis.
"Oh." I said under my breath. He matched Luke and I with our tired looks, yet he had looked more worried than tired.
"Hi Autumn." He greeted, giving me his normal polite smile. I glanced around the corner to see if anyone was with him and then turned to focus back to him. "May I come inside?" He nodded his head towards the inside of my house which only made me begin to close the door.
"What for?" I harshly asked, letting the doorknob hit my bruised hip which still made me flinch.
"I just want to talk." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Talk about what?" I questioned back. I narrowed my eyes at him since I knew he was up to something, I just didn't know what.
"I think you know." He awkwardly said. I tensed up at the reminder of all the trouble he's caused. No matter how much I wanted to slap him and kick him off my doorstep, I couldn't. It started to seem that he did have true intentions.
"What makes you think it's worth my time?" I slightly stuck my nose up in the air, not letting him in easy. He looked around him and puffed his cheeks fro a second before releasing his breath that was visible in the air.
"Look, it's nearly freezing outside and I just want to settle a few things." He sighed. I chewed back my bottom lip, unsure of what I should do. I didn't want to let him yet my gut told me I should. I rolled my eyes, opening the door wide.
"Fine. But you have 10 minutes." I stated, making it clear to him I didn't want to mess around.
"Thank you." He muttered as he stepped inside my home. I shut the door rather loudly behind him, watching as he took off his coat. I took a deep breath, suddenly feeling the rush of normality and memories come back to me. I blinked a few times and swallowed the small lump in my throat.
"Do you want anything to drink?" I stammered, trying to get rid of the awkward feeling that I was feeling. He shook his head lightly, walking into the living room.
"I'm alright." He flashed me his usual smile and I followed his lead. He was sitting in the spot I just was so I decided to take a seat in the chair next to him. There was a slight silence which he ended by clearing his throat.
"So, um, I just wanted to come and apologize basically, maybe explain myself." He told me. I bit my tongue, holding back all the cruel things I wanted to say to him, but instead I stayed silent and let him continue on. "So first of all, I'm sorry. I really do feel bad about what I did." I rolled my eyes once again, crossing one of my legs over the other.
"And you should." I wan't exactly sure how it slipped out, but it was definitely by an accident, but I'm glad he got to hear it. He shifted on the couch, facing more towards me.
"I don't exactly know how it all happened if I'm going to be honest. I felt jealous, I guess." He admitted. I raised an eyebrow at him, unsure of what he could be jealous of. "Of you and Luke, I mean. All along it's been a little tough to see me be put second to him."
"I never put you second." I butted in.
"That's just what I felt." He added, resting his elbows on his knees. "Anyways, I had met Cianna and thought that maybe having her as a good friend wouldn't remind me of it so much and things just happened." He scratched his nose once then let his arm fall again.
"'Things just happened.'" I quoted, using my fingers for emphasis. "You cheating on me doesn't just happen." My tone was more stern than angry, but at the same time my feelings were being thrown all around inside me.
"It was a mistake." He quickly answered back.
"But you're dating her now. You know, my neighbor. That lives right above me. That knew I was dating you." I stood up from my spot and turned my back to him, remembering I had a hot cup of coffee sitting on the counter that I desperately needed.
"She didn't know." He shook his head, standing up right after me. I gripped the counter and faced back to him, seeing that he was only a few feet in front of me now.
"She did. She's seen you a hundred times." I pointed out, letting the words seem more rude then I intended them to be. He ran a hand through his hair, pulling the fallen blonde curls from out of his eyes.
"Whether she knew or not, we just became something. It was hard, okay? I'm sure you would understand." He explained as I walked back into the living room. I stopped in my tracks, slowly turning to Ellis.
"I don't understand actually." I cocked my head to the side, putting the mug down on the small wooden table next to my chair.
"Falling for your best friend? I think you would know." He crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow at me.
"Luke and I aren't like that." I quickly replied. "Luke has nothing to do with this." I clarified. He let his arms fall and began walking to me.
"You sucked on his neck nearly naked. While we were dating, might I add." His words surprised me since I had forgotten that when Luke caught Ellis and Cianna he told him about the hickies I had left on his neck. I stepped closer to him as I was starting to get my feeling of anger get the best of me.
"You slept with Cianna on the same night. While we were dating, might I add." I mocked his words again. It bothered me more than I expected that he had taken maybe 2 weeks for him to sleep with Cianna and with us it was 2 years and it never happened once.
"I slept with her once." He said in hopes of defending himself, but it didn't exactly do much for him. I didn't care about how many times they have or haven't and I surely didn't want to know.
"And I was drunk. It was beyond out of my control." I said, trying to back myself up.
"So you seem to get it?" He asked, pursing his lips together. I shook my head and narrowed my eyes at him as I actually had no clue what he was trying to get me to understand. I stared at him for a few seconds, then backed from him with wide eyes as I soon began to understand.
I began to understand that him falling for Cianna actually was something that was beyond his control. He couldn't help it, as no one who likes a persona truly help their feelings. And he was now implying that I had fallen for Luke.
I balled my hands in fists until my knuckles turned white, my anger washing over me. I was never good at keeping myself calm when I was angry, which I think why Luke and I rarely ever fought. It was because he was able to stay calm and not make the situation worse.
I walked towards Ellis, ready to yell at him, when another knock came at my front door. We both turned to our heads to the repetitive knocking and I stepped towards the door.
"You are so lucky." I hissed at him. The knocking became louder and more repetitive, making me more agitated. I unlocked the door, pulling it open fast. "What?" I rudely asked before even seeing who it was.
"Jeez, first I'm locked out of my own house then get snarled at by you." My eyes met with Luke's and a wave of relief washed over me, then the realization that Ellis was standing in our home caused me to feel beyond freaked out.
Luke looked over my shoulder, his smiling fading which made me guess that he'd seen Ellis just standing there. He looked backed down at me, his usual pale blue eyes shaded to a more gray color. He grabbed my forearm, pulling me towards his body. My head fell right by his shoulder as I just knew Ellis had also seen Luke.
"I leave for 10 minutes and this kid is standing in our house." He was obviously angry and mine had subsided as I was now worried on explaining the situation to Luke. I pulled away from him, trying to get him to focus his attention on me.
"Why is he here?" He asked, cutting me off. I put my hands up to his stomach, not wanting him to push pass me as he was beginning to.
"He just wanted-" I started.
"Please tell me you didn't get back together with him." He groaned, looking down at me with a bothered look on his face. I quickly shook my head at his idea.
"No, I-"
"Okay, good, did he-" I stopped him before he could finish, fed up with his question and assumptions.
"Will you shut up and let me explain?" I shouted louder than I had wanted.
"Yeah, man. Let her explain." Ellis said from behind me, laying a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off, even disgusted at his touch. I stepped to the side, seeing Luke glaring at him while he gave him his infamous polite smile.
"Actually," I began, looking between them both. "Ellis was just leaving." I beamed a fake smile, opening the door to signal him to leave.
"But we didn't even finish talking." He quietly said as he gave me a confused look.
"Get out." I demanded. I opened the door wider lifting up a hand to it. He huffed like a child then stormed out, not even bothering to put on his jacket despite the temperature. I returned his same stupid smile he gave both of us, then slammed the door right after. I turned around, meeting an extremely displeased Luke.
"What the hell was that?" He questioned with a hint of annoyance in his voice. I huffed from frustration and being slightly overwhelmed.
"He just came to talk to me. He didn't try anything or say anything damaging." I told him. He had no reaction which was unexpected, all he did was stare at me a few seconds before turning around and walking into the hallway that led to our bedrooms.
"Where are you going?" I called out as I chased him down into my room. I walked in behind him to see his was digging through my closet. He pulled out a suitcase and tossed it onto my bed.
"It's where you're going. You're coming with me." He walked to me again, brushing past me as he left me room. He hadn't given me a choice and I knew there was no point in trying to argue my way out of this, but I tried anyways.
"I can't just pack up and leave!" I yelled to him as he had already disappeared into him room.
"You'll learn!" He shouted back. I stood in my doorway unsure if I should actually get my things together or if he was just overreacting. He suddenly popped his head out from his door, giving me a smile. "We'll leave in 20 minutes." He stated.
"Luke, I don't think I need to go with you." I told him, shifting my weight into one leg as I popped my hip.
"I don't like knowing you're here alone when Ellis is trying to shove himself back into your life." He stepped out of his room and towards me again. "I don't know what he's going to pull." He sighed, ruffling his hair before putting his beanie back on.
"He's not going to pull anything." I assured him.
"Please, Autumn." He pleaded, it more in his eyes than in his voice. I nodded my head, giving into him as I started to see his side of this. Plus I'm sure my family would like the surprise.
"Okay. I'll go. I just need a little more time to get ready." I scrunched my nose at him and he walked backwards to his room again, giving me a half smile.
"Thank you." He chuckled, lightening his mood as well as mine.
I stepped back into mine, throwing random clothing and a few necessities into the suitcase I already had most of it back home. I knew I had a rack of clothing and the same bottles of soap and shampoo back home. Really anything I needed was there and packing was rather easy.
I finished and jogged into my bathroom, washing my face before putting on my makeup and readjusting my bun that was piled rather roughly on my head. I changed out of my sweatshirt and into a clean t-shirt and slipped on the same tattered boots I always wore.
I rushed out into the living room, dragging my suitcase in my hand and met Luke in the living room who was lying in the chair with his back against one arm of it and his legs dangling off the other. He looked up from his phone which was actually why he came home, he left it laying on the kitchen counter like he's done multiple times.
"27 minutes." He said, getting up and grabbing my suitcase from my hand. "Better than I thought." He laughed. I reached back out for my luggage, but Luke shooed my hand away. "I got it." He smoothly stated as he walked to the door yet once again with me trailing behind.
"2 hours in a car with you." I sighed, closing and locking our front door. I heard Luke already going down the steps and to the car, obviously more excited then me.
"I live with you and you think traveling home is going to be bad?" He shouted back since he was a few flights down from me. I didn't have anything to drag down the stairs, unlike him, and eventually caught up to him just as we reached the end.
"I never said it was going to be bad." I cheekily said, following the way to his car. He opened the truck, glancing at me once with a smirk on his face.
"So you don't mind driving?" He asked. He tossed the keys to me before I gave him an answer. I swung the ring around my finger before throwing them back to him.
"Nope." I answered, popping the 'P'. I walked to the side of his car, catching his eye as I waited for him to unlock the doors. He shook his head at before smiling widely at me.
"You're a real trip."
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