Chapter 16
chapter sixteen - k e n d r a
I watched as Annabeth made her way over to me. The fierce grey hurricane swirled in her eyes. Frustration was evident in her stiff walk and creased forehead, her hair bouncing along. She radiated power and confidence. It looked like every ounce of her fiber practically had determination sown into it, almost as if she found that it was the only thing that really worked. She didn't need anything else clouding her vision. I wish I was more like her.
"Kendra," she tried to get my attention.
"Sorry, I was just thinking," I responded. I honestly didn't even see her get all the way here.
"Have any way of communication? I think I found a way out but we'll need outside interference."
"Uh, yeah, sure." I fumbled over my words.
She searched my face for any signs of deception, then relaxed. "Nice."
Annabeth cupped her hands around her mouth and turned away from me. "Hey! I think we have an idea!"
We? I'm pretty sure I did nothing in that just now.
She took my wrist and led me to the couch, where the others were already congregating. Percy just looked annoyed, rubbing his wrists. It must have been sore from those chains. Seth was eyed the golden drink coasters with intense interest. Warren looked alert, at least, alert enough to ask questions. "Well, what is it?"
Woah, a bit abrasive, there. Warren was definitely a little high strung.
Annabeth didn't even seem flustered by his roughness, though. "All we need to do is get contact with the outside and then break through at both ends, you see, the source must've been temporary, giving us a lapse..." her words faded as she looked at Percy, who was about to fall asleep. Sighing, she continued. "Kendra said she had a way of making a connection outside of here, didn't you, Kendra?"
"Yep, Seth, do you still have that coin Bracken gave you?" I asked, fully diverting responsibility to his shoulders.
"Yeah, one second," he reached into his bag to grab it, although, a certain clinking of metal as he rummaged around was heard even though I knew we didn't have anything in there that should've made that sound.
I snatched the pack from his hands and looked inside. There were golden trinkets that, as I looked around, couldn't be found in the room anymore. Seth really couldn't keep his hands off a money-making opportunity. I looked up to meet his eyes. "A toaster, really?"
"Hey, it's free, and I'm not taking it from anyone." He lifted his hands up in surrender.
Percy and Warren shrugged, as Annabeth responded. "Let him keep it."
I conceded to this logic as I dug around for the coin, finally grasping it and then tossing it to Seth.
He held it for a second before it glowed gold, lighting the already gold room. I swear, if I see anything tawny colored after this, I might hurl.
Seth asked Warren for a map before the coin dimmed. "I gave them our last known location."
"Tell Bracken to look for a specific source of power near it, he should be able to see it," Annabeth suggests. "Once he gets there, we can break this room down from inside."
"How do you know?" This particular question came from Warren.
"I designed Mount Olympus. I know the power needed to support magical structures and the difference between the types. More importantly, I know how to disable them," Annabeth kept her cool. Maybe she's dealt with more abrasive people before. Percy smiled a bit.
Some time later, Seth straightened. "Bracken's found it."
"Okay, Kendra, touch the metal cage she left behind, it should be where the concentration of power is," Annabeth instructed.
I did it, but I was confused. "Why me?"
"Because Bracken's on the other end," I blushed as she continued. "The two people have to connect with the same magic. As far as I know, you both have some good fairy magic. Besides, I think we all know you'd connect better with him, anyway."
Ignoring her comment, I reached from within and found the core of light inside of me. "Just focus it on the cage?"
Annabeth nodded. "Everyone be ready."
I concentrated the light into the single object. Closing my eyes, I felt the searing brillance travel through me and tangle into the golden weaving that is the room. I felt the heat threaten to consume me, I felt it fight against the constraints of the sealed room. I held on to the roaring rage of pure power.
The metaphorical chains locking the room pulled taut, and tighter, and tighter until they finally shattered.
And I finally let go.
I never expected anyone to actually read what I write, this is crazy!
don't forget to vote <33
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