Chapter Twenty Three
Lupin had the unsettling feeling that he was being watched.
Normally the shadows in the monastery felt benign but today in the dark recesses a chill reached out to him.
In his peripheral ghostly shapes lurked, but when Lupin focused his vision they disappeared. Gooseflesh was raised on his skin and he shivered uncontrollably.
He was making his way from his bedchamber to the Abbott's austere office. The previous night the Abbott instructed him to be present at dawn.
A cold icy wind blew down the darkened hallway blowing out the meager flame of the candle he was holding.
His heart was racing! Lupin quicken his pace to a trot, up ahead a dim light emanated for the Abbott's office.
A black shadow passed in front of the light within. Someone was snooping in the Abbott's office!
Adrenaline coursed through Lupin's blood, he ran after the shadow.
He could hear the fabric rustling in the wind up ahead, it turned around one corner, then another. Whomever or whatever it was knew Lupin was following.
Lupin was determined to identify this shadow, with no longer any concern for his well being.
As he rounded the next corner a pungent metallic smell assaulted his senses, the smell of blood!
Two rough hands grabbed him savagely ripping his robe; then hurled Lupin head first into the stone wall.
Dazed, unable to stand, Lupin was powerless to give chase any further as the slapping sound of sandals decreased into the darkness.
Lupin retraced his steps back to his original destination, hurriedly he enter the Abbott's office terrified of what horrors he might find within.
It was empty, Lupin crossed the room the Abbott's antechamber and poked his head in without knocking.
The Abbott was as still as death in his bed, Lupin rushed inside and shook the lifeless body.
"Aggghhhhhh!!!" Lupin screamed.
"Lupin what the devil are you doing? You scared be half to death!!" a startled Abbott cried out.
"I thought someone murdered you father, I smelt blood! Someone was in your office I gave chase then I was attacked!" Lupin was hysterical
"Calm down Lupin, I am very much alive" The Abbott rose from his bed, straightening his disheveled robes.
"Oh, why did you ask me to come here this early anyway?" Lupin inquired.
"We are receiving a guest from the Sinaia Monastery, a Brother Razvan. He will be joining us for the next few months. I need you to set up a chamber for him."
As they both entered the office...
"Agghhhhhh!!!" They both cried out in unison as something emerged from the shadows."
"Hello Abbott, and you must be Lupin, I am Brother Razvan", he spoke with a cadence slow and ethereal. His complexation was gaunt, eyes devoid of all emotion, and the metallic odour gave Lupin the willies.
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