There was a thick silence hanging around the whole class. The lecture today was interesting than the other days. For once, Sakshi could really concentrate on her course rather than thinking continuously about how Shrey was keeping up at home.
Even Aarush was leaned into the words, Sakshi couldn't help but admire Kabir Nair's passion for the subject. To her shock, the siren rang all of a sudden marking the end for the lecture period.
Mr. Nair ended up chuckling, "We will continue this tomorrow. After which, we will study some psychological aspects. It's not just the job, the function or ethics of the manager to observe the symptoms in his subordinates. It's the emotion that comes when you care for the people who work for you."
"We are going to list up big organisations and their way of capturing Employee's stress and work environment. A preliminary studies is required to ahead in the course," he told. "Have a good day, everyone."
"You too, sir," said the first bencher with a giggly smile that Sakshi couldn't stop rolling her eyes on.
Getting up, the students started leaving the lecture hall. There were more lectures to attend, back to back and Sakshi only wanted to miss them. Her mind wasn't at rest thinking that the love of her life could be in jail the next day.
Something was to be done to keep her heart fearless. She needed to talk to him. But he had denied the last night himself. He would be with his lawyer all day, preparing and planning.
Sighing, she kept climbing off stairs with a sour look on her face when Aarush yawned loudly beside her. "That was one hell of a topic," he mentioned, grinning when Aditi gave him an unbelievable look.
It reminded him of the anxiety attacks, Shrey was attacking about. Moreover, the way he would have survived in the company when he had lost all that money. He couldn't help but think that if anyone had noticed the change in his behavior or of those retards who took his cash, things could have been avoided.
"Can you guys be a little faster? I don't want to sit right at first in Mr. Srivastav's class. That man stares at the first benchers and makes them explain more than teaching by himself."
Aarush grinned while wrapping his arms around her shoulder. "When will you stop being scared of the questions. He is just a professor. . ."
"And I am not a nerd?" She said, walking ahead, slumping her shoulders.
Nudging his elbow, he gave her a cheeky look. "I will sit beside you," he said simply, taking her out of the room.
Sakshi was only following them when a sudden call made her stop.
"Miss Rathore?"
A wave of sudden surprise ran through her chest. She slowly looked at the man standing near the table. His face holding a tight smile.
"Would you mind giving me a minute?"
The students left, passing her, and now, it was her and the professor. She nodded quietly, not thinking much about it.
The sweet gift had surely made an impression that she couldn't be rude anymore. At least for once.
"Yes, Mr. Nair."
He stood there watching her, observing her face. "Is everything okay?"
She gulped, feeling a sudden chill on her spine. Was her stress for Shrey's case that visible? She took a long breathe, exhaling while giving a small smile. "Yes. Everything is fine."
His eyebrows raised as he slowly took the take of his table. Crossing his arms, he pointed at his own eyebrows. "What happened?"
That's when, Sakshi remembered the bandaid on her forehead and the cause of it. "Oh," she closed her eyes, thanking God for saving her from breaking her nose and butt that day on the stairs. Though, it did hurt her shoulder which even kept aching in the early morning. "That's nothing."
"I slipped from the stairs," she smiled tightly. "Or I missed the step. Yeah."
He smiled, nodding slowly.
Sakshi could almost hear him asking about that gift he had sent. But nothing reached her ears except for a quick 'okay'.
"I must go," he said while collecting his books and the papers. "I have a meet to attend. Take care." Giving her a last glance, he started walking out of the room.
"Thank you," muttered Sakshi in a daze, confused at his sudden lack of attention. "What the. . ."
She blinked rapidly, scoffing. Shaking her head, she too got out of the room, thinking that the man was now finally minding his own business.
Lying peacefully, Pihu kept her eyes up on the ceiling. Beside her, Riaan was asleep and so her husband. But the sleep couldn't reach her senses, when all she could do was worry about Sakshi's behavior.
She had the annual function next day yet Sakshi's problem was what making her awake at nights. Even last one passed with a severe headache. Maybe, Pihu was thinking too much.
But how could she not. Sakshi was her responsibility as much as she was of other family members. If she had confessed something so meaningful to her, it was important for her to guide her towards the right track. But the girl wasn't ready to listen.
Her words were still revolving in her mind along with what her mother-in-law had proposed this day. She asked about finding another boy for her to their distant relative.
If Sakshi got to know this, things would only get worse. Pihu shook her head absentmindedly, staring at the moving fan. Raghav too would get angry at his mother.
Pihu feared these circumstances that were asking to arrive. She didn't want her home to hold such environment. Searching a boy for a wonderful girl like Sakshi, should be a celebration. Not a war.
She sighed, turning and slowly getting up from the bed. Sleep was nowhere near her. She could maybe distract herself by checking some test papers that were pending. She decided to do it on Raghav's study table and was only walking towards the cupboard where bag was inside, when a voice came from behind.
"What's wrong?"
Pihu gasped, turning around to see her husband rubbing his eyes. She watched him checking the time on his phone.
"It's quarter to one," he looked back at her after putting the phone.
Pihu put finger on her lips while walking towards him. She circled the bed and bent in front of him still laying on the bed.
"I couldn't sleep," she told him. "I am just grading some tests. You sleep, okay?" She ran fingers through his hair, making him close his eyes.
"What's wrong with you? You don't work at night. Tomorrow's function. Isn't it?" He said, opening his eyes back and looking at her.
Pihu breathed slowly. "Raghav, it's no big deal. I will get sleepy once I engage myself in work." She kissed his cheek, putting the comforter up. "Sleep."
She was about to get up when he grabbed her wrist. Looking down at him, she caught him staring at her. "There's something on your mind," he exclaimed, observing her keenly.
She gave him a confusing look. "Stop thinking. I will take half an hour maybe."
She pushed his wrist back under the comforter and finally brought out the bag from the cupboard quietly. Observing the table so high, she made a face thinking how couch would be more comfortable.
She decided to half-lay on the couch and put the test papers on her lap, studying them. Not even five minutes had passed when she heard, "You are not even looking at the paper."
She closed her eyes, rubbing her head when Raghav gave her a stubborn look and got up from the bed. He walked to the couch, sat beside her knees on the couch, taking the test papers away from her and putting them on the table.
"What's wrong?"
Pihu was about to shake her head when Raghav said, "No excuses. Tell me. Did something happen at school or is it all the stress for the function?"
Pihu nodded absentmindedly, "Yeah, something like that. Nothing much."
Raghav sighed and stared at her, observing her bloodshot eyes but yet something was so keeping her awake. "This is the last time I am asking you, before I'll call Meera right this moment. You are going to tell me all of your concerns one by one, Pihu. I am not going to see you behaving this weird again."
She breathed out tiredly, giving him a loving look. Collecting her legs, she sat straight on the couch, giving him space to cuddle beside her.
"Mom talked to your Chachi from somewhere I don't remember. She asked then to look for a boy for. . . Sakshi." Pihu wiped her face, and stared at him. "She isn't going to stop. The responsibility is eating her even if she is not admitting it."
Realisation hit Raghav's face, making him clench his jaws that made Pihu gulp. "So, this is what it is about?" He muttered through gritted teeth. "I don't understand, why she is behaving like this."
Pihu shook her head and held his hand, cupping it. "First, Kabir who even is her professor. You do know how awkward it could be for a student. It could be awkward for him too. It's not even safe Raghav. Kabir isn't even supposed to know about Sakshi's life if she is not getting linked with him."
Raghav stared at her in confusion.
She sighed. "There are many concerns like what if Kabir starts falling for or the same for Sakshi. Here, mom had started to find others just to trap Sakshi again. Or even there is nothing with Kabir, Sakshi is still denying to marry anyone."
Raghav bit his lip, still not saying anything.
Pihu felt vulnerable in his gaze as she thoughtfully said, "I am just worried about our home. Okay? I care about Sakshi too but then I understand mom's worry too. I want everything to flow perfectly, not with these obstacles and change of hearts."
She waited for him to say something when he scoffed lightly. "Are you on periods?"
A slight hurt felt at her chest, she collected her lips in a shrinking pout, looking away from him. Blinking slowly, she pushed the strands behind her ear and made a move to pick the tests from the table when Raghav chuckled softly.
He grabbed her hands, blocking them from reaching the table. Putting them around his neck, he hovered over her, making her lean back on the couch.
"I am sorry," he whispered, staring at her face fallen. "I just wanted to make you laugh. But that was bad."
"Poor," she commented, still not looking at him.
"Yeah, poor." He nodded with a cheeky smile. "Now tell me, shall I talk it out with mom tomorrow?"
Pihu couldn't raise her gaze from her lap. She shook her head. "I don't want you fighting her."
"I won't. Will just talk."
Pihu shook her head, still thinking about a way to mention Shrey anyhow. But the courage wasn't forming inside.
"Tomorrow's. . . Meera to-told me about. . ." She gulped, finally looking up at him. "The court will give it's decision for Shrey tomorrow."
The smile was wiped off his lips and Pihu was highly nervous of his reaction. "I know," he spoke very calculatingly. "Is that keeping you awake too?"
Pihu gasped, "What? No." The deadly expressions he was giving, had given her shudders. "I mean, yes. I mean, I feel bad for him but of course, that's not keeping me awake."
"Whatever will be the decision, will be his fate," told Raghav, giving her a serious look. "There is nothing we can do about it, Pihu. Not even sympathize."
His words pinched Pihu's heart. "What?" She stared at him in disbelief. "You can't be serious. He protected us. Don't you remember? He was beaten by men double his size. For the sake of me. For Sakshi. And you can't even sympathize."
Raghav groaned mildly. "What do you want me to do? Do a prayer for him?" He retorted back.
"Leave it, Raghav." She palmed his chest. "It's none of your business anyway. Even if he's the guy, your sister fell in love with."
She bit her tongue immediately.
Goosebumps risen on her skin and eyes fell on her husband's face. He wasn't looking pleased with her words.
"What did you say?" He said with a dark smile, curving his lips. "It's none of my business. It really isn't. Unless, he enters my circle and even dares to look at my sister."
Pihu nodded with a gulp, watching him calming down when he observed her face turning more dull.
"Is there something else, Pihu? I have my whole day busy tomorrow and the night, your function." He asked tiredly.
Pihu nodded, thinking she would gave to find out a way by herself only. Raghav won't take things lightly and it could all be turned into a disaster.
"I want a kiss."
Raghav could swear, he felt his manhood move. Smirking at her, he closed the gap between them, making space on the couch from between her legs, he leaned on her.
"I want more."
Pihu nodded with a roll of eyes. "Yeah, baby cries at two in the morning."
He chuckled, glancing at their son sleeping peacefully. Looking back at her, he gave her a cheeky look that had said it all.
Pihu knew that intense look in those dark eyes. "Raghav, our baby is sleeping right here. You can't expect me to. . ."
"The bathroom," he whispered grabbing her attention.
Her lips parted as she slowly thought about it.
He gulped slowly, leaning down to steal a slow, passionate kiss from her. Pihu's eyes closed as she moaned at the delicacy. Her heart fluttered hard, and ache started to grow between her legs.
Wrapping them around his waist, she kissed him back, cupping his cheek. He pulled back, and smirked when she whispered shyly.
He slowly carried her with her legs around his torso. With a quick glance at her son, Pihu closed the bathroom door behind them.
"I'll release all your tensions, baby." He murmured while pushing his hands under her silk top, "You'll be dreaming about me, in my arms, for the rest of the night, peacefully."
She smiled shyly, holding the hem of his vest, confessing, "I do it every night."
Raghav could only chuckle when he felt himself getting hard by seeing innocent love in those chocolaty brown eyes.
He knew there was something more that was keeping her worried but for now, he needed to make her sleep. She had a big day ahead and he needed to be there to support her.
Rest would be taken care of, once the they'd be done with the function.
This is a filler only. The next might show the Court's decision. Let's see what happens.
Till then we all can wonder what's up with our hot geek, Mr. Nair?
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