Having suspicions
"Okay Golf ball, make some sort of non-dangerous laser-like think that makes it impossible for whoever it hits to feel hatred for just a few seconds no matter how hard they try to." The idea was perfect. The stuff got closer to those that hated the people that didn't deserve it, and anything that can be attracted can be repelled, so by making hate impossible, a clone of No visor should turn back into their normal self! Golf ball was confused but did it anyways after Blocky hung up. Why was this so important? When she finally made something that she thought would work, she took Fanny into her secret underground factory. (For obvious reasons)(She had to fix the lava damage first) "Just to let you know, I hate the fact you named this place after yourself." "Well, you may not be able to hate anything for a few seconds, if it works of course." Golf ball told Fanny to stand in a certain location and aimed it towards her. "Okay, no think of the person you hate more than anyone else." "That's a hard choice, I think it's the same for everyone. *Sigh* I hate hard choices." "Just think of Pencil then." "Yeah, Pencil sucks." Then she blasted her with it. "What the- I don't know what just happened. It's like I couldn't hate anything all of a sudden, but now I'm back to normal?" "I guess it worked then! You can leave now." "Good. I hate how it smells in here."
Now Golf ball could focus on other, equally weird things. For one, something's wrong with the thing on Book's arm. Book still remembers when she got it, it was long before bfdi started. She didn't do anything for it, two guys just gave it to her one day. It had a computer inside it, where depending on which button was pressed, a hologram would show up with some digital book on it. There were some useful ones, then there were ones like an hphprcc (Hand powered Hand powered recovery center creator) guidebook. One of the most interesting ones is one that talks about everyone currently in bfdi. It was like a dictionary, but instead of words, it described people. It had them all in alphabetical order too. Here's the really cool part though: something is constantly changing the 'definitions' or descriptions I guess I should call them. Though they only change when the thing is activated, only one at a time, and it takes a few seconds. Though the fact that they can be changed made Book realize when she was going insane that one time.
The problem is that now those four cursed letters aren't alone, but for some reason, they were bolded, while the rest of the letters are still normal. The thing was sort of contradicting itself because Book's own 'description' was actually pretty nice. So why were the letters that said she wasn't bolded? The really weird thing was other effects. The 'M' and the 'E' were normal, but the 'A' had its hole filled in, with some white triangles that looked like teeth. No visor's teeth. The 'N' had 'o visor' written on its side, spelling out 'No visor' The weirdest thing wasn't Book's description though, but Coiny's, which just said 'No visor' 7 times. Golf ball heard from Pin that Coiny was having nightmares about No visor, but Golf ball kept thinking of it as a coincidence. Book didn't know what this 'No visor' thing was, so Golf ball explained everything. Then Donut overheard it and told Golf ball that maybe the thing about the material getting closer to those who hate others for no good reason has something to do with why Blocky asked her to make what she did.
Golf ball still denied it but decided it would be good to prepare just in case, soon enough, the word was spread, and everyone could only think of one sentence: "This isn't a coincidence." To stop people from panicking, Two gave Coiny, who was supposedly the one being hunted, an earpiece that should only be used if something to do with No visor was present. Two had a few main questions: 1. No visor was supposedly made in another world, so how did he get into this one? 2. If No visor is going for Coiny, could it be that he's actually really strong, just a bit unlucky? 3. Has No visor taken control over the thing that changes the 'descriptions'? Two decided to ask Book to let him see the 'dictionary' to answer the last one. Then, Book's own description got replaced with, "What? I may be powerful, but that's too hard of a task. I just took over the thing that 'does' the changing." Then again to, "Shoot I said that out loud" Then changed it back to what it was a minute before, but people noticed in the second one, even though an 'A' was there, due to the lack of the other three letters, it was just an 'a'. Two started to ask Book about her past, and all though she doesn't like the thought of telling anyone, she told Two everything. Two chuckled to himself. "This is a weird timeline". Knowing Blocky, some people assumed that was just a prank, and Coiny's nightmares were just a coincidence. Others, however, still had their suspicions.
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