Chapter 13
My eyes widened and I skimmed over the note again, trying to piece all the information together. Apparently there was a child in the woods near my high school, kidnapped by an evil man (as she said). I sighed and thought to myself, 'Can't a girl get a break?' I then went to show Jasmine the note and told her, "I'll go by myself for now, but I'll call for backup if needed. I'll try to be safe, okay?"
"Luna, whatever your middle name is, Mallen, you are not going there, end of question." She told me glaring sternly at me, like a mother scolding a young kid to not going to a sweets store or such.
"But-" I started, but was cut off my Jasmine.
"No, end of question." She told me sternly and walked out of the room.
"You're not my mother, you can't tell me what to do." I muttered under my breath directed at Jasmine. I kicked at the ground frustrated, also trying to come up with a plan how to sneak out. "You know what, this morning I'll just climb out my window as she sleeps. That way she can't stop me from leaving." I muttered out loud to myself. I walked into my room again and plopped down on my cushy bed.
I went on my phone and scrolled through the emails, I had not checked in a while. I saw the email notifying everyone about the dance and checked it for more details. It just informed when the date was, whether it was formal or informal, etc. All of a sudden I felt a piercing pain in my stomach. I doubled over, groaning in pain, clutching my stomach. The pain went away as soon as it came and now I was catching my breath from dealing with the pain.
My mouth felt as dry as a desert, and I got up to go to the kitchen. When I got there, I grabbed a bottle of water and took a large sip. I continued to gulp down my water, before stopping knowing that I should before I got sick. My thirst was still there, even with how much water I drank. I rested my head in my hands, trying to figure out what was happening. "Having troubles." I heard Jasmine say. I nodded my head, still clutching it.
"It's probably you changing more, aka the vampire blood becoming more dominant. If you're thirsty, your body is probably wanting blood. There's a couple of bags of blood in the fridge, the school recommended to keep a few just in case of emergency." She explained to me, while moving towards the fridge. I heard it open and a bag full of liquid being moved. 'Blood." Part of me instantly thought. "Here." She told me while holding a bag of blood to me. I took it hesitantly, not sure what to do. "Here, I'll just do this." She told me and ripped open the bag. She grabbed a cup from one of the cupboards, then poured the blood into the cup.
I moved my head out of my arms, grabbed the cup, then sipped the contents of the cup. It tasted sweet, salty, and metallic, but it tasted wonderful. I took another sip, and continued to do that until the blood was gone. I licked my lips when I was done, and put the cup on the counter. My thirst was lessened and I felt a little better. "Thank you." I thanked her.
"You're very welcome." She told me, smiling a little. I then walked out of there and into the living room, turning on a random show while attempting to watch it.
It was morning, and Jasmine was asleep, snoring softly in her room. I slipped my backpack, with my supplies to survive in it, on my shoulders and crept towards the window. I opened it and slipped outside (with some difficulty). I then ran towards the woods that surrounded the school. I searched for the place where the girl could be, when I was suddenly pinned up again one of the trees.
"Thank you for the rescue." I heard a girl hiss to me in my ear. I winced, scared for my life. She moved away and I took in her appearance, she had golden blonde hair, eyes so dark they looked almost black, rose colored lips, she looked disheveled, and she looked a little insane. "I'm so glad you came." The girl hissed and glanced towards her right. She had one of her hands clasped around my wrists and had one of her legs so that it trapped me against the tree.
I suddenly felt a knife press up against my stomach. I tried to back up towards the tree, away from the knife. She pressed the knife closer into my stomach. I felt the blade dig into my skin and I bit my lip, trying not to let out a screech of pain. "P-please let me go." I stuttered while begging her.
"No, you're in my possession now." She told me and moved the knife, so that the point was digging into my stomach. She trusted it forward, making the blade digging into me, past my skin, and into my stomach area. She pulled it out, making my blood pour out of the wound. I let out a bloodcurdling scream, tears being brought to my eyes, and spilling out. She stabbed my stomach again, causing me to scream again, and sob more. She stabbed two more times, the blood loss causing me to feel dizzy. The edges of my vision were going dark. Another stab, I screamed, my throat is hurting from how much and loud I was screaming. I passed out and slumped against the tree.
Luna's body was burned and ashes were scattered. No one ever found her and everyone eventually lost hope. The girl who had murdered her eventually got caught five years later, and she confessed her murders (including Luna's). Luna's family held a funeral for her, with William and the rest of her friends attending along with her family.
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