one pale butterfly
Gunshots and yelling were distant in Thorne's ears. He didn't acknowledge it ringing through his mind, in fact, he didn't care one bit. All his attention was on Cress, who had fell unconscious not long after the first cascade of gunshots had filled the room. She laid there, limp with a pool of blood underneath her pale body.
His eyes stayed on her the whole time. He tried to ignore the searing pain of his hand. He tried to move it around, but the pain would worsen and more of his blood would pour out.
He took a deep breath and used all his strength, wobbling and having to take short breaks, because of the dizziness and pain. It wasn't just his figures that hurt, when he fell into the chairs, his neck hit one of the legs and now it stings.
Thorne slowly scrambled to his knees. He picked up Cress's head, using his bad hand's wrist so he wouldn't get blood in her hair. He placed her light head on his knees, making sure she was in a comfortable position.
He placed his hand on her cheek, rubbing his thumb in circles over her tear streaked face. He longed for her to open her pool depths. For them to sparkle when she saw him.
When he first met her, he didn't track every bit of what she looked like. The only thing he focused on was her long, thick, golden hair and how short she was compared to him. It didn't help when he suddenly went blind.
Because he couldn't see, he focused more on her sweet like honey voice. He payed attention to her personality. She's so kind and fragile, he didn't want to break her, just because he was a stupid flirt and a huge ego. But somehow. For some reason. She still fell in love with him. Not just because of his looks, but because she believed he had good in him. Even though he doubted it. And still did.
When he got his sight back, the first thing he noticed were her eyes, he was so captivated in them that he had to pull is eyes away. When he got a closer look at her, he noticed she had freckles. It was a nice bonus to her, since it added more character. Cress's hair was a choppy mess, but you have to admit that it was pretty good for a blind man. The short hair looked good on her, better then the messy long locks. It showed her features much more, which only made him stare more then he should have.
Thorne scanned his thumb over her freckles, accidentally leaving a mark of blood. He winced at the sight. Cress shouldn't have blood on her. She was to sincere to have any of this happen to her. She shouldn't have been stabbed, a stupid mistake on his part. Everything that happened to her was his fault. She should be free. Free from him. She would see the world alone, possibly make new friends. She would find somebody else to fall in love with.
Her face was so pale, more then normal. He was so used to see her cheeks flush a bright red whenever he talked to her. Heck, even just by looking at her she would blush. He thought it was just a thing she did, but he couldn't bring himself out of reality. He knew she still loved him, and he didn't want to hurt her. But it was to late, she already paid for it. Twice.
Suddenly, the distant shooting had stopped. Followed by shouts from a man. He didn't bother to look up, his eyes cemented on Cress. His hand landed on her womb. Not caring that her sticky, fresh blood stuck on his skin.
More shouts followed running footsteps. He barely notice a man crouching down in front of Thorne. The man crabbed Cress from underneath. Thorne looked up to see one of Levana's guards. He had tanned skin and wavy brown hair. Thorne read the badge on the stranger's jacket. It read Sir Kinney.
The guard looked at Cress's limp body, moving from her face to the bloody womb. Then he looked up at Thorne with pity. That look gave Thorne insurance to trust this man. Given that most of the Rampion crew were in the same room and didn't kill him yet.
So he let the guard take Cress out of Thorne's grasp, giving one more apologetic look, then turning around, heading for the door.
As he watched Cress's body leave, most likely being brought to the medic. He saw a tall, bloodied man, who he realized was Wolf, carrying an unconscious Cinder. She had blood staining her chest, and some specks of dry blood on her face. Kai was right at Wolf's side, a hand on Cinder's forehead and the other holding a bloodied knife.
Two loved ones had been hurt now. His best friend and Cress. The question is, will they both survive?
Thorne felt a pull of his arm. It seemed to try to get him to stand. He wobbled to his feet, hooking his good hand over the persons neck. The person did the same, but underneath his armpit to help him stand. Red flaming hair went into his view and a grunt followed.
"You know it's only two lost figures, you can stand without me holding all your weight." The French accent girl snorted.
He did as he was told, not saying a word as she led him out the doors.
"It takes someone to stab your two friends to get you to shut up, huh Thorne?"
He ignored her and kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to talk. So much has happened in just a few hours. Who would of guessed this would happen? Cress got stabbed by him and guessing by the knife Kai held, Cinder did too. What if they don't survive? It was his fault for getting captured by those guards. He was worthless, no one needed his help. The only thing he did good was lend Cinder the Rampion and help Cress and himself survive the Sahara. He only led heartbreak.
And now Cress is in the medic, the doctors trying to save her life. What if she didn't make it? He felt so guilty after all they've been through. He didn't even get to say I love you.
Yay, new story! And this time was TLC. Last night I couldn't sleep, so I asked myself, What was Thorne doing during Cinder and Levana's fight? And thus, all of the sudden I start to narrate a story on how he reacted to Cress being stabbed. I was so excited to start writing it that I ended up falling asleep at 1am, but it was totally worth it.
Make sure to comment on what you think about it!
Hope you enjoyed my story, see you next time :)
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