Lovers Meet
That evening Juliet had retreated to her room for the night, trying to find a disguise to wear when she snuck out.
''Juliet what are you doing?'' Nanette asked.
''I'm going out to the abandon garden to look around.'' She said.
''Oh you'll need a disguise, I know just the thing.'' She said hopping to the closet and held up a black sock. ''This will work, no one will pay any attention to you in that, besides can't have the blues finding out your the red princess.''
''Wow where did you get that?'' Juliet asked as she put it on and made holes for her arms and face.
''Oh I found this at a sale in town figured might get some use out of it, now go have fun and be safe I'll cover for you.''
''Thank you Nanette your the best.'' Juliet said as she made a make shift rope and climbed out and snuck over to the wall door and made her way to the abandon Lawrence Garden, she believed it was called. Little did she know she would get more then she expected.
In the blue kingdom all the blues were celebrating the winning victory only Prince Gnomeo wasn't celebrating, he was outside in the stables with Shroom, he decided to go out to the abandon garden to look around. He covered himself in mud and dirt and put duck tape on his torso and arms. No one would know who he was. He made his way to the garden, little did he know things were about to change.
Juliet made it to the other side of the garden, the grass was tall and weeds were everywhere she saw a cupids arrow orchid on top of the greenhouse so she climbed to get it. Gnomeo also made it to the garden and was looking around he saw the orchid on the roof and decided to get it.
When both the red princess and blue prince got to the flower there hands closed together on the stem of the flower. When they saw each other they stared and time stood still, Gnomeo never saw a beautiful gnome such as this one. Juliet thought he was the handsomest gnomeo she'd ever seen. Before Juliet could say anything she felt the glass give way and she almost fell until she caught herself and looked up to see a the gnome smile and hold out his hand as he pulled her up he felt that spark that he felt earlier that day he slipped and pulled her with him they fell off the roof lucky Gnomeo grabbed the vine that he climbed up with and they landed on the ground gently, they held each other in a romantic way. Juliet pulled away from him.
''Um thanks for saving me I, I didn't think anyone lived here.'' She said smiling nervously.
Gnomeo couldn't help but look her up and down and something seemed familiar about this gnome he smiled shyly ''I don't this isn't my garden.''
''Oh good to know, I see you have the orchid I had can I have it back please?'' She asked holding out her hand.
''Oh this pretty thing? sorry but I think I'm gonna hold onto this I grabbed it first, but if you want it come and get it.'' He said about to run away.
''Alright.'' She took it startling him ''Thanks.'' she took off running and Gnomeo started chasing her they ran all over the place and swinging vine to vine laughing Gnomeo got the flower and ran to a branch in the middle of the pond he turned around and didn't see the ninja anywhere, then he felt a tug behind him and there was his ninja trying to pull the flower away but caught his hands instead, she felt the spark she felt earlier he pulled her close and they leaned in a kissed for a few seconds before the branch broke and they fell in the water. There disguises came off and when they saw the others color Juliet swam up ''A blue not a blue'' she said and got back to land. She waited to see him he would come up and he did.
She took off running and saw the blue chasing her, before she got too far he tackled her to the ground. ''Get off of me.'' She said.
''Wait a minute, who are you?'' He asked.
''I'm a red knight Juliet now get off me.'' She said covering her true identity.
''Were you the knight that beat the all my blue knights?'' He said getting off her but holding her hands.
''Yes, I was, now who are you blue?'' She asked trying to brake free from his grasp.
''I'm the blue knight you shook hands with Gnomeo, I knew you were a girl I was right.'' He said pulling her close.
Juliet stopped struggling and said ''It was you.''
''Yes I take it your the red princess? please I won't hurt you, just stay here with me for a bit.'' He pleaded.
''No I can't.'' With that she pulled out of his grasp took off and made it back to the wall and into her room where she sat and sighed. She fell in love with a blue and she knew it she stood outside her balcony and watched the wall. Little did she know the blue prince had followed her and climbed up the wall and found her balcony. He heard her talking to herself.
''Oh Gnomeo why must you be a blue and not a red, I wish we could be together I just met you I know it's wrong but I'm in love with you but being different colors shouldn't keep us apart should it?''
Gnomeo couldn't hold back any longer and started climbing the make shift rope '' No it shouldn't I couldn't of said it better myself.''
''What are you doing here! Juliet cried afraid someone might see them
''I came to see you and I have to know are you the red princess?'' He said as he finally reached her and the balcony.
''Yes I am I believe you must be the horrid blue prince Tyblt kept talking about.'' She said.
''I'm not horrid if I was I wouldn't of bothered coming to see you.'' He said.
''What do you want?'' she asked falling more in love with this blue prince.
''I want a dance and another kiss.'' He said smiling at her.
Juliet blushed and held his hands they danced it was heaven for both of them and finally Gnomeo dipped her and they kissed it got more heated finally they pulled apart.
''Can I see you tomorrow?'' Gnomeo asked.
''Yes, but not here.'' She said.
''Let's meet in the Lawrence Place tomorrow.''
''Noon?'' Juliet said.
''Not soon enough.'' He said holding her hands.
''I can 11:45.'' She said blushing.
''Done, I can't wait to see you tomorrow.'' He said as they kissed one last time and with that Gnomeo went back to the blue kingdom happier then ever, they both couldn't wait for tomorrow.
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