Chapter Twelve - Jackson
Jackson -
She's mad, absolutely bonkers. I've never seen a woman so determined to be headstrong or self-sufficient that she put herself through such trials. But I suppose that's why I love her.
I knew it would be a right laugh to get her in rollerblades and see her struggle to keep her composure. Part of me also slightly loves when she needs me, so the devious side of myself wanted to give her a nudge in the right direction to lean on me for support.
She carefully waddles to the rink and tries to discreetly take a deep breath but I see straight through her nerves. I try my best to boost her confidence by pretending to lose my balance a bit, but quickly regain it before falling to the floor.
This gains me a laugh and I can't help but smile back at her then quickly straighten my face to the brood she loves so much.
The look of surprise when we arrived outside of a roller skating rink was worth renting this entire place out. Although, I'm not sure I even needed to rent it out because how many people honestly still go to roller rinks? It's best not to tempt the press by giving them easy access to me anyway, this is her day and I'm not sharing her with anyone.
"I thought you were going to wow me." I tease and she rolls her eyes.
"I am." She says in the most arrogant tone she can muster.
"I see. I didn't realize clinging to the wall for dear life was part of the wowing." I tease again and she furrows her brow giving me a death stare.
If she knew how much that look turned me on, I'm sure she'd blush and turn into an embarrassed school girl. I skate towards the middle of the rink then effortlessly twist to face her.
"Come on." I say as I hold my arms out in her direction as if they're branches for her to clutch on to.
"Are you crazy?" She asks in a tone that finally admits defeat.
"Get your hot ass over here or I'll come get you." Her face examines mine and determines whether she wants to call my bluff or not.
"Don't think I won't skate around with you over my fucking shoulder." I threaten and give her my best smirk.
Her face turns red and I know I've both horrified and stirred a heat inside her with my crude words. She reluctantly let's go of the railing and eyes the floor. Her legs are spread far too wide apart and I know she's going to slip on her ass.
"As much as I'd fucking love to see you do the splits, I doubt you'll enjoy it as much as I would. Close your legs and keep your eyes on mine." I demand.
She hard swallows but then does as I ask. She tightens her legs together, straightening her position, then locks her ocean eyes with mine.
"Good girl, now keep your head up and push off with your right foot, then glide towards me." I order and she begins to move.
"Speak to me like a dog again and I'll punch you in the throat." Maggie's brows furrow, angry at the situation more than me I'm sure.
"Bloody hell, don't be like that." I tease, "Let yourself loosen up a bit, you're so damn uptight. If you fall, you fall you've got plenty of cushion on that behind."
She tries to hide a smile but I see it clear as day. "Come on Love, don't leave me standing here all day."
She wobbles a bit but catches her balance and finally makes it to my arms. When she reaches me she begins to let out a laugh that reverberates through the empty rink and warms my heart. She's so proud of her accomplishment, but she's nowhere near done.
"Care to dance?" I ask and reach down for her hand.
"What? Here in the middle of the skating rink?" She asks completely perplexed.
"Yes here in the rink, why not? Are you a terrible dancer?" I ask mockingly. "Oh wait, that's right I saw you last night and you were terrible. I mean, what is that move you do where you flail your arms about?"
She crosses her arms and glares at me but her mouth turns up in a smile. "I apologize, that must just be an American dance move then."
"Oh and you can do any better? Regardless, I can hardly skate in a straight line, let alone dance." She admits.
"Come on, let's start with a simple stroll around the rink first, then you owe me a dance." She looks slightly uneasy but she gives me a shy nod and accepts my hand.
I rollerblade backward with both of her hands in mine and she begins to feel more comfortable. Her expression relaxes and her smile comes easier and more frequently.
"Look at you, you're a bloody natural." I declare and see her enthusiasm begins to perk up.
Despite the fact that no music is playing, she confidently let's go of my hands and begins to sway her arms through the air like she's slicing her way through butter.
"What in the bloody fuck are you doing?" When the initial shock passes, I can't help but explode in laughter. This is exactly the movement I was describing her doing last night.
"I thought you wanted to dance?" She teases as she sarcastically continues flailing her arms then adds a shimmy.
The simple move makes her tits jiggle out of control and I imagine I'd hate if she did that move in front of anyone else. For the scenario we're in now however, alone in a vast deserted warehouse together, I'm fucking absolutely loving this.
After going in circles a few times and allowing her to get her bearings, I direct her to the middle of the rink and pull out my phone. It's been linked to the skating rinks stereo system through bluetooth, despite their lack of interior renovations they have at least managed to upgrade their sound system.
I decide on Say My Name by Odesza, considering the simple fact that it mentions dancing. I watch Maggie's ocean eyes study me carefully in a mixture of amusement and worry. I slide my phone back into my pocket and her face lights up when the music begins to play throughout the whole building.
I hold one of her hands in mine then wrap the other around her waist. I see goosebumps rise on her arms and I raise a brow in amusement.
The slightest touch makes her body light up in reaction to mine. It blows my fucking mind that no matter the time that passes the chemistry between us is otherworldly.
Our dance begins slow as I essentially lead her through the rink normally. Her body is stiff which makes it difficult for her to glide across the rink.
I begin singing the words mockingly to her to coax her into loosening up, "I wanna dance, I wanna dance with you!"
I'm a bloody awful singer but she seems to love it because her shoulders soften and she lets out a good belly laugh.
God, I love that fucking sound.
When she relaxes a bit, I begin twirling our bodies into soft circles. She follows my lead effortlessly as if she's been raised on rollerblades. The world spins wildly around us but the only soul that matters stays in focus.
"Where did you learn to skate so beautifully?" She asks with a bright smile.
"Nicked a pair when I was younger." I admit casually and shrug my shoulders.
Maggie rolls her eyes and I feel the need to remind her, "I was a child who had been abandoned by the world, someone who used scrapping as an outlet. I told you I was a fuckup, but I tried other methods of working out my anger before I eventually found writing."
"You decided to take up figure skating then?" She ask sarcastically but a smile stays planted on her lips.
"I thought hockey might be a good release, those guys beat the shit out of each other and it's considered part of the game. Turns out I wasn't much of a team player." I admit unashamed and she giggles.
"Really?" She says in mock surprise. "You? Not a team player? I don't believe it."
"Do you judge me for my past discrepancies?" I ask suddenly aware our playful banter has taken a more serious turn.
I'm not sure why I ask, because I'm sure the answer is yes. Who could look at the life I've lived and not pass judgment?
"No." She answers and I give her a skeptical look. "I mean it. Jack, you may have had a rough life growing up and hell, you're definitely a bad boy but you're a good man." She says with conviction.
I make us come to an abrupt stop before I speak and make sure her deep blue ocean eyes are focused on mine.
"Maggie, I've done some pretty terrible shit, and not just the stereotypical bad boy shit you might have seen in movies, disregard the speed limit, drink too much, smoke pot. I've done shit bad enough, that if you knew, I don't think you could look at me so adoringly anymore." I confess.
I hold my breath as I wait for her response. There are so many things she still doesn't know about me, about my past. I was a terrible sinner before I met her and I still haven't conquered my demons.
"I don't care." She says, and I wonder if she really truly knew me if she would still feel that way.
"I've never wanted to be a good person. I wanted to live recklessly on the edge of danger, to take everything too far, but only for the excitement of almost getting caught. I never wanted to be good and I've certainly never been a gentleman, but for you, I'm trying."
Maggie smiles and lays her hand on my cheek then rubs circles with her thumb. We start dancing again slowly drifting around in our rollerblades never losing eye contact.
"Jackson, you've been warning me away since we met, yet still begging for me to stay. We've seen the worst and we battled through it, you lied to me from the start but we've moved past that. I'm not afraid of you anymore so quit warning me away, those tactics won't work on me."
"I'm afraid of you." I admit through a whisper.
"Why?" She asks and her brow wrinkles in disbelief.
"Because one day you're going to find out the ugly truth about me. That I'm not a good person, and you're going to leave me even more broken than I was to start." I say in complete honesty. I'm more honest with her than I have ever been with myself.
"Quit loving me like I'm a crime scene that just hasn't happened yet. You're always tense, always waiting for the next person to wrong you or for the next disaster to strike. Stop fretting and just start loving freely." She says as if it's just that easy to wave off every person that's ever disappointed you, every time you've been wronged in life.
"You're not afraid of me. You're afraid of the fact that for once in your life, you've actually found someone you can't just walk away from. So just don't." She says plainly with a shrug.
Just don't.
The words echo in my head.
I know she deserves better, but she's right I can't possibly let her go now. I'll let the selfish devil in me win this battle if only for the fact that I get more time with her.
Maggie gently pushes away from my chest and startles me by twirling herself under my arm. She's completely relaxed now, the opposite of her earlier scattered nerves.
I pull her flush to my chest and feel her heart pounding against me, echoing my own. Our eyes connect and say everything else we're too impossibly shy or proud to admit at this moment.
I yearn to lift her in my arms and take her right here, right now. I want to let my insatiable hunger consume the both of us in the middle of this skating rink.
"Do you have any idea how badly I ache for you?" I whisper, my mouth centimeters from hers.
Her chest heaves and she swallows her nerves then opens her mouth to speak but I envelop her lips in mine before she says a word. I swallow one of her gasps and her mouth opens up enough for my tongue to slip in her mouth and savor her.
The taste of mint and cherry chapstick fills my mouth, my favorite fucking flavor. I grip the back of her neck with one hand and pull her tight against me with the other. I've been craving her since she climbed into my lap and tried to seduce me last night, but I did the right thing. I acted like a proper fucking gentleman and suffered.
Now that we're all alone in this giant fucking building there's not a soul to interrupt us and there's no reason to stop.
I grasp her ass with both hands and hoist her into the air. She hastily responds by wrapping her legs around my midriff. I fucking love that that's always her instinctive reaction, to fucking entangle herself with me.
Her rollerblade digs in my back but the blood pumping feverishly through my body distracts me from the pain. Lust flows through my veins and floods my senses entirely, I can only describe this feeling as a fierce primal need.
With both of my hands firmly gripping her tight ass, I begin to skate off the rink. Maggie angles her head to glance towards the floor and abruptly realizes she's floating.
At first, I see a worried look cross her face but then it lights up with a devious smile as she bites her lip. I can't fucking take it when she chews her lip, I urgently feel a desire for her lips to be on mine.
I start to suckle on her neck as she speaks, "Why don't we do it here?" She whispers.
"Of course I'm going to fuck you here. Do you think I'm going to wait and take you back home?" I say sternly and a blush paints her cheeks from my carnality.
"No that's not what I meant." She whispers again.
"Maggie there's not a fucking soul in here, just say what you want to say."
"I was thinking- Oh for god's sake nevermind." She says frustrated. I'll never understand why she spends so much time fretting about her words. Just fucking use them. Who gives a shit if someone's insulted or the wrong thing comes out?
"Oh no, you don't. What were you going to propose? Tell me or I'll leave right now without fucking you at all." I threaten.
"I was thinking we should have sex in rollerblades." She says shyly. She's mortified by her dirty words and I can't help but let out a chuckle. Her brows pull together in irritation and I know I'm in for it if I don't recover smoothly.
"Alright baby, you think you can keep your balance then?" I tease and start lowering her to her feet.
Maggie slowly starts skating away from me backward with a sly grin. While her skating backwards took me by surprise, the boldness of her next move shocked the shit out of me.
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