Chapter Sixteen - Jackson
The moment I enter my Uber I regret it, considering my driver insists on small talk. I'll never understand the incessant need to fill every silence with noise. I'm perfectly comfortable with quiet peace and in most cases I prefer it, there's no need to ask me about the weather.
I'd have driven myself to the airport if it wasn't for Maggie's shit car. I don't feel comfortable leaving her with only that one form of transport but no matter how many times I offer to help her find a new one, she insists hers runs 'just fine'. I disagree entirely and the clunking sounds her car has recently begun making endorse my side of the argument. It's just had its fifteenth birthday and for Christ sakes, it's ready to die.
Despite our disagreements, I haven't gone further than a mile and I already miss Maggie. I missed her the second I walked through our door and the feeling hasn't lightened its hold on my chest.
"So you headin' home or goin' on vacation?" The driver asks and I debate on ignoring him but Maggie has been pestering me to be nicer with people so I decide to answer.
"It's for business." I plainly remark and lean my head against the glass. I sat in the backseat, hoping my driver would catch the hint that I simply regard him as my motorist, not as a mate.
My stomach gurgles and I almost regret not eating the brekkie Maggie attempted to make this morning. I say attempted because although she tried her best, the omelet she made looked more like vomit mixed with scrambled eggs. I'm not quite sure I've ever seen eggs with a greenish hue before.
Even though I told her originally I'm not one to sugar coat horse shit and call it a candy apple, I chose at least for this morning not to damage her pride. I simply told her I'd just brushed my teeth and grabbed a cuppa instead.
Normally I'd be fucking chuffed to be promoting my new book and I should be, I'm up for the most prestigious award possible for 'After All.' But it's all gone to pot, Maggie is dealing with this shit completely alone. I couldn't be arsed now, the second I walked out that door I longed to turn right the fuck back around.
This whole situation is dodgy. How could her mum possibly hide this from her for so long? Hundreds of letters were delivered to my doorstep. Fucking hundreds. This woman has been lying for decades. Did she not once stop and think about how it would feel when Maggie eventually discovered the truth?
Part of me wonders how oblivious Maggie had to be for her to miss that many letters from her dad. Did she not once check the post on her own? Did she possibly just not ask the right questions or is it just the fact that she's always so damn ready to trust people?
Her faith in humanity is unwavering, unlike myself. I've seen what people can do, what they're capable of and I don't put it past anyone to be that cruel. I myself can even be cruel, but she looks past that. I'd say she's too compassionate but if she weren't, I can't be sure she'd have taken me back after I betrayed her.
The Uber driver has thankfully taken the hint and let me suffer in silence the rest of the drive. When I get out, I slam his door a bit too hard and grab my luggage out of the boot without saying goodbye. I make a mental note to leave a big tip for him, I shouldn't be taking my anger out on him.
I just can't help myself, I hate this sickening feeling of sadness so I habitually turn to anger instead. Hostility is a much more natural emotion for me, it fills all of my emptiness and is at least slightly more tolerable.
Bloody hell she's going to kill me that one.
We've been apart in the past and it's not as if a few days can seriously hurt us. The only time we've really been separated since we've met was when I cocked up and she left me. It took me a long time to finally track her down and get her to come back home, so I can't exactly be blamed for feeling apprehensive when we're separated.
I walk with my single trunk of clothes into the terminal and walk towards the Southwest Airlines counter. Maggie was surprised that I was only bringing one suitcase and insisted that I must be forgetting something. All I need for travel are a few t-shirts a pair of jeans and some body wash. Fuck everything else, it's only three days.
Three days.
Fucking hell, three days is going to feel like a millennia without her. I used to call women a cab and shove them out the door before bed because I preferred to sleep alone. After growing up a foster child and sleeping in a room full of children crying themselves to sleep at night, the idea of sleeping with others lost its allure. However, I've become accustomed to covering Maggie's sweaty body with mine when her dreams aren't kind and sleeping without her in my bed just feels desolate.
My flight from Phoenix to Seattle is only three hours but I know to expect four from the entire ordeal. The amount of time it takes Sky Harbor to corral people through their security measures takes an eternity itself. I'm accustomed to flying for different book tours so I'm seasoned enough to know where to go and where I need to be at what times. The recommended two hours early doesn't apply to me.
My phone rings and my breathing catches in my throat. I set down my luggage and fumble for my phone, mumbling curse words all the while. I answer as quickly as I can without bothering to check the screen.
"Miss me already love?" I say cheekily, attempting to keep my cool. I'd rather not have Maggie know how desperate I am for her to ask me to turn around and come back home. I would do that for her, fuck this book tour, fuck this book, fuck anything and everything that's not Maggie.
"I always miss you, Jackie." The woman that is definitely not Maggie replies.
I pull my phone from my ear and check the name that appears on the screen.
Fucking Julie.
"What in the bloody hell do you want? I thought I already pied you off." I respond with absolutely no patience and continue moving through the airport. My excitement was for Maggie, not to be wasted on this slag.
"Well, I was in the area and thought I'd come up and see you." She says and I immediately panic.
"Do not go up to my apartment." I growl through gritted teeth.
"Why not? You're not up for a bit of fun?" She replies in a seductive tone.
"I'm with Maggie you nitwit and she's currently at my apartment, so if you don't fuck off I'll come back and chase you off myself." I don't know how many different ways I have to tell this woman I'm no longer available.
"I don't think you know her as well as you think you do." She says and I can practically hear her smirk through the phone. I hear the announcement that my flight is boarding and but I don't move a muscle.
"What are you on about Julie?" I ask my patience is wearing utterly thin.
"She's got her bags packed and she's leaving." She says.
With a harsh breath and an internal panic, I quickly hang up and immediately dial Maggie. My mind is going through every single possibility of ways I might have fucked up enough for Maggie to leave me. The airline is boarding my flight but they can bloody wait until I speak with Mags.
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