Chapter Fourteen - Maggie
Maggie -
Our clothes are strewn around the skating rink and Jack and I have collapsed onto the wood floor completely entangled in one another. After our moment of indiscretion, I'm feeling more than a bit self-conscious lying in the middle of a skating rink wearing nothing but a pair of rollerblades.
I've never done anything this wild. I wanted him so badly that it didn't even cross my mind to worry about being caught. The moment he touches me and the heat surges through my body, the only thought my mind has room for is getting as close as humanly possible to him.
I can't stand the idea of him leaving for a few days. But I understand he has to do this for his book tour. Every bit of publicity is important if he's to win the National Book Awards. I suppose if he has to leave, this was an incredible goodbye.
After we've both caught our breaths, Jack buttons up his pants and rollerblades his way around collecting our clothes. I watch him glide around the rink in awe with my bottom lip tucked between my teeth, until he arrives in front of me. He stands before me like a damn modern greek god in nothing but his dark jeans and artwork littering his body.
Jackson reaches to hand me my clothes but I'm not ready to stop admiring him yet. Chocolate brown hair falls into his eyes and he runs his hand through it pinning it back, which causes a breath to hitch in my throat.
"Earth to Maggie." He says in his cocky British accent. It's not enough to be a modern greek god his voice is angelic too, could I be any more smitten?
"Alright Love? Did I fuck you too hard?" He says and snaps me out of my reverie with his lewd comment.
"No, I'm fine. Thanks for ruining my moment." I groan and roll my eyes.
He gives me a cheeky grin and tosses my dress and bra over my head.
"We've got the rink for a while longer if you want me to get it out of your system." He says and I catch the end of his wink after removing the clothes covering my face.
I feel around me for something to throw at him until I realize I have nothing to throw. I attempt to come up with a witty retort instead but fall short, which is unusual for me.
"I can't think of anything witty." I shrug.
"No, " He says in mock surprise. "The great Mags has run dry of witty banter?"
"You were just so incredible, you've completely worn me out." I admit with a sigh.
His angelic laugh rings through the rink and if I'm not mistaken I see a slight blush color his cheeks.
"Are you blushing?" I ask through a smug grin. If I'm not mistaken I have the upper hand now from that simple gesture.
He ignores me and starts to skate away so I quickly throw my dress on without bothering with my bra.
"Hey get back here!" I shout as I carefully stand myself up. "You can't just walk away when I'm so close to finding your kryptonite!"
"First of all, I didn't walk away, I rollerbladed away, or glided away, that sounds better." He shouts from the other end of the rink.
"Second of all, I have no kryptonite. That was your very first mistake Mags." He shouts, even though I'm speeding close behind him now.
"You know what I think, Charming?" I say right behind him now and he lets out a mock surprise jump.
"I think you're just not used to compliments." I say with a shrug and start to skate past him.
"Oh yes-" He begins to say but I shush him.
"Oh, I don't mean the ones you get from pitiful women hanging all over you. I'm talking about real meaningful expressions of love and admiration." I say teasingly but I really do mean it.
I suddenly feel his arms wrap around me and for a moment, I'm startled. I'm confident now in my rollerblading skills, but coordinating my balance along with his might be challenging.
That's until I hear him whisper, "I love you."
His lips touch just above my ear and even though they're whispered, the words are easily heard through the strands of hair and above the sounds of our wheels hitting the floor. I suddenly feel as if I could tackle anything with him by my side.
"I would say, we share each other's kryptonite." Jack says as a blush colors my cheeks and heat spreads through my entire face.
Suddenly both our heads jerk up to a sound at the main entrance and we spot a family walking in.
"Hey, are you guys open?" The father of the group says.
Heat spreads through my face flushing me of color, knowing now that the doors were unlocked the entire time we've been here. Anyone could have walked in at any time.
Jack looks at me with questioning eyes then answers. "I think we've had our fun here, you guys enjoy it. It's yours for another couple hours."
As we make our way to exit the rink Jack leans down to pick up something off the floor and I quickly recognize the lacey black fabric as my bra. I'm absolutely mortified as I cross my arms in front of me and avoid the family getting their roller skates ready on one of the nearby benches. Jack simply tucks my bra in his pocket as best he can, but it's impossible to hide such a huge bulge.
Once we're out in the car he hands me my bra and despite the fact that I'm mortified, we both burst out in uncontrollable laughter. I'll have to scold him later about the fact that we could have been caught doing something much more inappropriate when that family walked in. For now, I'll just be happy to have this moment with him.
WHEN WE ARRIVE back at his penthouse, we're greeted with a large box sitting outside of his door. I don't pay it any mind until Jack heaves it into the kitchen and says, "Huh, it's for you Mags."
My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion and I walk to where he's standing to look over the package in disbelief. He's clearly mistaken, who would send a package for me to Jackson's apartment?
I stare at the box mulling it over, then suddenly remember the only person who I recently gave Jack's address to, my mother.
"Jack," I whisper instantly breathless.
Jack watches me with a clear look of concern and his brows pull together as if he's struggling to figure out what's going on.
"Jack, that's from my mother." I say completely a gasp.
"What would your mother be sending here Mags?"
"Letters from my father." I whisper and my gaze falls back on the heavy package sitting on the kitchen counter.
"Would you like me to open it for you?" He asks cautiously and I nod.
Jack pulls out a dull butter knife and slides it across the tape, then pulls the cardboard apart until what seems like hundreds of letters are exposed.
My fingers gently glide across them in disbelief. They're all here, she really sent them. My finger catches on one towards the middle that's slightly out of place from the others. I gently slide it out careful not to disturb the others.
The envelope has yellowed and the ink has faded but my name is clearly legible, Margaret Carpenter. My hands begin to shake as I open the letter and see my father's words for the first time in decades.
Dear Margaret,
It's been a few years now and I still haven't heard from you. Your mother says you are having a hard time coping and you don't wish to speak with me, and that's okay my love. I hope life is being good to you and I hope that you don't blame yourself for me leaving.
I hope you still pick flowers, always leaving a trail of mud for your mother to clean up. I hope you still read your books, dream of the biggest adventures and I hope you still look at the world in wonder as if it's full of fantasy and adventure. I hope you're making fun memories with new friends, I hope you're still dancing goofily like no one's watching and singing without a care in the world at the top of your lungs.
One day, I hope when you come across obstacles that feel like tall mountains, you make them crumble to your knees as if they were only small hills in your way. I know how hard it is to stay innocent in this cruel world but I hope you still look at the world with wonder and opportunity in your eyes. Most of all, I hope you're living your life to the fullest.
I'll never want anything but the best for you and even though your mother and I have agreed that me not being in your life is best, please remember I love you and I'll be thinking of you always my sweet girl.
Love, Dad
My eyes are brimming with tears and the moment I look to Jackson they flood over, stream down my cheeks then land on my father's letter.
"Are you okay baby?" He asks.
My salty tears smudge my father's words on the pages and make them blur into one another. I set the letter down and sit on Jack's kitchen stool as he rubs circles into my back.
"I don't know." I answer honestly.
I'm not sure how I should feel. My father has been alive all this time, sending me letters, telling me he loves me, wishing the best for me. My mother clearly kept him from me, but if he really truly cared, wouldn't he have come to see me? Wouldn't he have disregarded my mother at least after I turned eighteen and just appeared on my doorstep?
He evidently wasn't aware that I thought he was dead, but wasn't he at least slightly curious how I'd turned out? He hoped I was still looking at the world with wonder but what if I wasn't? What if I was depressed and never left my room, never experienced life because he screwed me up so bad by leaving?
My father obviously cared for me, but I suppose maybe he didn't care enough. Either that or my mother lied to him even better than she lied to me. What am I supposed to feel? Happiness that he's alive or sadness that he was within reach this entire time, but chose not to find me?
With all of these questions spiraling in my mind, I'm not sure how to feel. Jack is leaning from side to side, definitely uneasy but doing his best to soothe me.
"I'm not going on my book tour. I'm staying here with you." He says as if he's already made up his mind.
"Absolutely not. You're leaving tomorrow morning bright and early and I'll still be here when you get back." I say sternly.
His eyes gauge my face and his hand threads through his hair like he does when he'd stressed.
"Nothing is going to happen to me, Jack. I might be a little sad or upset to an extent while I'm figuring out these waves of emotions, but ultimately I'll be okay and I'll be right here when you get back." I comfort him with my hand on his shoulder then lean in to give him a smooch on his cheek.
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