Chapter One - The Collision
It's 10 pm on my 26th birthday and I'm only halfway through my shift at the hottest club in Arizona, The Scottsdale Palace. On any other birthday I would have taken the day off to dive headfirst into a good book, but since it's a Saturday night in December (one of the busiest times of the year) I'm pulling an all-nighter.
Most of the people here tonight are what we Arizonans like to refer to as snowbirds. They are people who flock to Phoenix and other parts of the sunbelt to escape their harsh winters and in turn, cause our population to double or triple in size. Our restaurants, shops, and streets all clog up with people who are enjoying our sunny state.
I don't blame them for trying to escape their snowy weather of course. It's not like I hate the snow, on the contrary, I love it. For about 20 minutes, that is, until my gloves get wet and my nose and fingers feel like they're about to fall off. In Phoenix, where I was born and raised, it hasn't snowed since 1998 and even then it didn't even stick to the ground.
"Maggie, Can you take table 5 in VIP for me? I just got a swarm of snowbirds at the same time." My coworker and roommate Beth says through frizzled nerves, snapping me out of my thoughts.
Her platinum blonde shoulder length hair which was curled perfectly when she arrived is now a ball of frizzed ends and her emerald eyes bewildered.
Bethany's nerves are easily overcome with anxiety and I'm empathetic to her stress but I can't relate. I've always been a calmer person who is good at improvising when it comes to stressful situations. I take moments as they come and tend to be more flexible than others. I think in a way our extreme differences are what make us work really well together as friends, roommates and of course coworkers.
We're together so often that really Bethany is more family to me than my own mother is. Not to say that my mother and I aren't close, but trying to live up to her high expectations over the years has slowly driven a wedge between us.
Her words always linger in the back of my mind, 'It's appalling, a twenty-six year old college dropout working at a nightclub. When on earth are you going to find a husband to take care of you?' But my mother is a story for a different time.
I give Beth a kind smile and with a reassuring hand on her back, I remind her to take deep breaths. Then I turn on my heel and head up the stairs to the VIP section.
I don't mind the stairs because it gives me time to think about my opening line for each table and besides, as an employee, we're not allowed to use the elevator. It's strictly for VIP's of the Palace.
As I approach the table I see a group of five. Two decent looking men casually leaning back in a booth look like they might be in their late 20's maybe early 30's. Their bodies are both herculean and almost look like they're busting out of their expensive black pinstripe suits. A few young scantily clad women are hanging all over them, clearly not paying attention to me.
Good thing I took this table, Beth hates serving people the same age as us. These guys are getting bottle service in the most expensive club in Arizona and we're essentially working here for tips.
I aspire for great things in life, hoping that there's more in my cards than life has already dealt. One day, once I'm older and I've experienced my fair share of heartbreak, maybe I'll write my own book and finally become a published author.
Regardless of the many novels I love to read and reread over again, it just isn't my time yet, but I'll get there. One day I'll be the one hanging out in a high-end club getting bottle service but unlike these girls, it won't be because I'm hanging on some guys arms.
I'm not surprised by the lack of self-control in the VIP section because so very often people up here seem to think their invisible to the rest of the club. In actuality, it's just one glass ledge that separates them from everyone else.
"Good evening Ladies and Gents-" I start, but I quickly lose my train of thought as my eyes land on a handsome brunette, who looks as though he was plucked straight from one of my romance novels.
This man looks completely out of place next to the others. He's not overly muscular, slimmer but still has some definition. While the other men are clean-cut, his hair is shaved shorter on the sides but his long dark brown hair lies in a perfect mess on the top of his head.
I watch his arms flex as he casually slicks it back with a wave of his hand and see tattoos peeking out from under his sleeves. He's wearing tight black jeans and what looks like a faded black Hanes v-neck that strains against his muscles when he moves. My eyes land on his mouth which has a subtle silver ring in the corner of his bottom lip. I watch him bite his bottom lip taking it between his teeth.
He's so effortlessly beautiful that I freeze in place while silently taking him in and forget my opening line. His piercing diamond eyes meet mine and I hurriedly glance away, embarrassed that I've been caught gawking. A cocky smile spreads across his lips, and I feel as though a spotlight is shined on me from the way his stare penetrates my peripheral.
My throat closes and a searing heat runs through my entire body. I cautiously clear my throat as I try to remember why I'm standing here. I chance a glance back to up to him and a small gasp escapes my lips as his eyes rake up my body.
Thank god I wore my Adidas today, if I were wearing heels I don't think I'd be able to keep my knees from buckling. Once his eyes take in my face, I can't quite make out his expression before he turns to the tiny blonde who's now straddling him.
I find myself irritated with this woman that I don't even know, which is so unlike me. I'm a friendly girl who gets along with absolutely everyone and I hardly ever harbor ill-intended thoughts.
And yet, I've got a little green monster inexplicably clawing at my brain reminding me how alone I am, and have always been. Not in a sense of friendship mind you, I've got all the friends I could ever need. But that craving to be loved like all of those women in all of my books burns me. I push the monster down and focus on the reason I'm here.
"A round of your top-shelf whiskey for us all." Says the tiny blonde on his lap condescendingly, "and try not to get any drool in it."
Oh god.
I'm so embarrassed that I barely manage a nod before I dart through the hall and down the stairs. Heat sears my face and ears and sweat glistens on my forehead, it feels as though my makeup is melting off. After skipping two steps at a time, I manage to reach the first floor without tripping and lean back against the wall.
What the hell just got into me? So what if the guy was attractive? I've had plenty of attractive men customers and I've always kept my cool. I'm a few breaths away from a full-blown panic attack when two of the scantily clad girls come bouncing down the stairs. So I do what I do best. I collect my golden brunette hair into a ponytail, take a deep breath, and pull myself together long enough to haul my ass to the bar and get the job done.
"How's it goin' Mags?" Sam the bartender shouts over the music. His handsome smile falters when he sees the state I'm in. "Are you okay? Shit, do I need to kick some pervs ass?"
I snap out of it with his lewd comment and let out a laugh. This seems to relax him a bit.
This is a high-end club but even in the classiest of places, alcohol occasionally gets the better of people. He's had to throw out a drunk or break up a fight or even throw out a few men that have gotten a little too handsy with the help more than a handful of times over the years.
"Hold your horses Cowboy, I'm fine." I take a deep breath, before confessing. "I was just stumbling over my words with one of the VIP tables and I'm so embarrassed. I need 6 shots of whiskey."
I lean against the bar and lay my head in my hands. His smile brightens. "Losing your nerve Mags? That's a first for you!"
I lift my head to look him in the eyes and see his perfect smile and bright blue eyes waiting for a usual witty response.
"You know what? Make that seven shots, I need to calm my nerves." I breathe before tightening my ponytail. I don't usually drink on the job or even drink much in general, but it's my birthday and I'm suddenly really on edge. Sam lets out a musical laugh and starts pouring.
Sam is very handsome, strong and muscular with his preppy boy looks and dirty blonde hair that frames his face. But, despite the occasional rumors, we're just really good friends. All the girls here consider him our protector since he's always looking out for us.
He slides a shot of amber liquid to me and I down it without letting myself breathe in the noxious smell. Immediately I feel the burn as it slides down my throat and warmth spreads through my body. The whiskey turns down the volume of my thoughts and calms me slightly.
Just then, the two girls from table five who were hopping down the stairs after me, plop down at the bar laughing. "Two blowjobs please."
Whoever named a drink after a blow job must have purposely intended these girls as his target audience.
"The service in the VIP area is terrible." Says the tiny blonde who was just upstairs whoring herself out to the dreamy guy on the couch.
She leans on the bar and glares in my direction while twisting a dirty blonde curl around her finger. The little green jealousy monster is back in my chest and I have to force it down.
"Come on Julie, let's get on the dance floor!" Her friend grabs her wrists and tears her away before I even have the chance to respond. Sam gives me a sympathetic smile before sliding me the 6 shots of whiskey and turns to begin making their chocolate shots.
With my spirits lifted after speaking with Sam and the slightest amount of liquid courage filling my belly, I slide off the bar carefully balancing the amber-brown liquid on a tray and glide towards the VIP section.
Once I arrive at the table, I give my most confident smile and avoid the beautiful blue eyes that seem to be burning a hole in my head. "Here you go gentlemen, can I bring you anything else?"
One of the men gives me a sly smile and says, "Thanks Babe, what's your name?"
Babe? Uhg.
The other man laughs and stares, "You left so quickly we didn't get an introduction."
Oh god.
"My apologies." I offer, "Since your friend shouted her order at me I thought you had to be parched, so I didn't want to doddle." I smirk.
What has gotten into me tonight?
I hear a melodic giggle come from the diamond eyed boy and briefly glance his way to see his smile is just as beautiful as I imagined it would be. My cheeks warm and my heart flutters a bit before I straighten my back and concentrate on the men in front of me.
The two men don't seem phased by my arrogance as they continue smiling. "She's got spirit, I like her. I'm Christian, and this is Alex." Christian nods towards the man who keeps making my heart pound, "That's Jackson."
I make eye contact with Jackson but he simply nods and goes back to his serious straight face. I continue looking at Jackson when I speak, "My name is Maggie, and I'm yours-Your girl for the evening-I'm-"
Oh god.
I feel the warmth in my cheeks get hotter and spread like wildfire through my entire face. Jackson's intense diamond eyes lock with mine. I can't seem to read them but I can't possibly tear my eyes away.
"I mean," I stop to clear my throat. "If you need anything else please don't hesitate to ask. I'll be sending someone to check on you shortly." There's no way I'm coming back up here tonight after this embarrassment.
"Wait you're not coming back?" Jackson asks in a beautiful British accent as his brows scrunch together in question.
I briefly wonder where he's from, but I'm afraid if I don't keep this strictly professional I won't be able to control what comes out of my mouth.
"Well, this really wasn't supposed to be my table. I'm just helping out a friend." I answer honestly.
I notice Christian and Alex discussing something quietly as they watch me converse with Jackson and I start to feel a little uneasy. I try to give a convincing smile and back out through the door to the stairs without ever breaking eye contact. That's it, I'm switching tables, Beth has got to take this one back.
I run down the stairs determined and notice Beth at the bar waiting for Sam to fill her drinks. The two blonde women are nowhere to be found, thank god.
"Hey, birthday girl!" Beth smiles as she watches me charge towards her.
"You've got to take table five back now." I blurt out. "I don't know what's happening tonight. I'm never like this, I can't control myself around this guy- He's like- He's absolutely perfect and I'm such a mess and-"
Beth's still smiling but she's not looking at me. Her emerald eyes are focused on something above my head it seems. I swiftly turn to see what's caught her attention and walk right into Jackson's hard chest. My tray falls out of my hands and I grip his biceps to steady myself.
"Cheese and rice!" I scream. Mortified. Mortified would be the best way to describe how I feel right now.
He lets out a heavenly laugh despite his rough appearance. "Are you alright love?"
Could Prince Charming here, be any more perfect?
I straighten myself quickly and nod.
"It's your birthday is it?" He asks with one brow raised.
"Um, yes." I manage to squeak out.
"Why are you here working on your birthday?" He asks looking genuinely concerned. Why is he suddenly interested when earlier it looked like he couldn't care less? And where's his bimbo, Julie?
"I knew we would be busy and they'd need me." I answer as my brain slowly comes back to life.
"So you're one of those girls." He smirks placing his hands in his pockets and taking his lip ring between his teeth. My eyes follow his lips and I wet mine in response, suddenly parched.
"Those girls?" I manage.
He pauses and gives me a deviously handsome grin that I can't decide if I want to kiss or slap, "One of those girls that does everything you can to please everyone around you even if you're left wanting after. Am I correct Mags?"
Mags? He just called me Mags. I feel the heat rising in my cheeks as he stares intensely waiting for my response.
"I'm not left wanting, I feel fulfilled just by making others happy." I state confidently.
"Hmm." He says, mulling over my words as he tucks a loose curl behind my ear.
His soothing touch lights a fire in me. The flame ignites in my cheek then slowly radiates through the rest of my body. Our eyes are caught in a trance and I'm fully aware I couldn't shy away if I tried.
I'm suddenly so thirsty that I can't help but wet my lips to quench the burn and his diamond eyes instantly switch focus to my mouth. I anxiously bite my lower lip in response.
"There you are, Jackie!" Laughs Julie, breaking our trance. As she gets closer she glares at me and puts an arm around his waist.
The fire in me is a completely different burn now and I welcome the little green monster from earlier, even though I have no right to be jealous. Jackson isn't mine, I don't have any claim on him. In fact, I met him less than an hour ago and learned his name about ten minutes ago, not that I'm keeping record. I'm just being absolutely ridiculous tonight.
"Were you ordering us more drinks, Jackie?" She pouts and I suppress a giggle from the ridiculous nickname. Jackson raises a brow in my direction and smirks slightly, almost as if he finds it just as ridiculous.
I realize that instead of being upset with this girl, I should be more upset with Jackson. Why is he showing me attention when he's got his own girl to worry about?
I keep myself from rolling my eyes at Julie and instead, I professionally slam the door to my emotions. I put on the biggest fakest smile I can muster, hoping my eyes will communicate the same emotion rather than just making me look like a crazy woman.
"Prince Charming here was just informing me he'd like another round for your group. I'll be sure to have someone bring those right up for you." Jackson's eyes raise in shock but his jaw clenches as he desperately struggles to hide a smile.
At this moment I decide I'll put no more effort into this terrible group of people. I turn around and head back to slip behind the bar, ready for this night to be over.
Apparently, we attracted a little audience because I catch Sam, Beth and a few waitresses staring with their mouths hanging open. I don't bother to look over my shoulder to see if Jackson is still watching because I've decided I'd rather not attract the attention of taken men.
Instead, I head right over to someone waiting for help at the bar. Sam and Beth seem to snap out of their trance and are quick to help clear the rush.
When the bar slows down I let Beth know that I'm leaving and she agrees to take over my tables but not before she makes me promise I'll explain what happened with 'Charming'.
Despite my better judgement, I glance up at the VIP area to find the blonde girl from earlier straddling Jackson. Feeling nothing other than annoyance, I roll my eyes and head to the backroom to collect my purse. I decide to head out the back door to avoid running into charming again.
The cool winter air promises to calm the flames that ravaged my body inside and I instantly start to feel better.
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