Chapter Nine
When I wake up my hand searches behind the bed for Jackson's body and I feel nothing but blankets. I roll over to find the bed empty and start to question my sanity. Was it all a dream?
I check the clock and groan when I realize it's one in the afternoon. I never slept in this late until I met Jackson. I suppose that's not the biggest change that's happened in my life but lately, I find myself needing more sleep from the exhaustion he causes me.
I stretch in bed and slowly start to roll out of bed until I spot a lone white paper on my dresser. I walk a bit closer and realize it's a note from Jackson.
You looked so peaceful, I couldn't wake you but I had work to do on my book. Call me later and we can arrange our date Tuesday.
I smile at the thought of him signing his name Charming. Even though I had originally intended it as an insult, he really can be charming when he wants to. So we're starting fresh as two people getting to know each other, it's a start at least. It's definitely better than us both denying what we feel for each other or having him hide things from me.
I walk to the living room to start a new pot of coffee and see Beth sitting at the dining room table with a fresh cup waiting for me. The coffee is strategically placed next to a copy of one of Jackson's books. It's his newest book I haven't gotten the time to read yet, 'After All' about a couple growing old together. She looks up at me with a smirk and waits for me to sit with her.
"Is this a trap?" I ask sarcastically as I slide into the seat next to her.
"Nope, just two besties sitting down for an afternoon cuppa." She grins as she slides open the window beside her, letting the cool breeze waft in and the melody from chirping birds echo in the kitchen.
"What did you just say?" I ask puzzled.
"You know, that's what they call coffee or tea in England? A 'cuppa'." She laughs, "You really need to brush up on your trivia if you're going to be dating a hot British Best Seller."
I groan, "We're not dating."
"Does this have anything to do with you coming home at six in the morning looking like a hot mess and your date banging on our door in the middle of the night?"
"Maybe." I answer timidly.
"I won't pry, despite how desperately I want to. I know you'll come to me when you're ready." Bethany says confidently. She really does sound like my mother sometimes, or at least the mother I wish I was blessed with.
"We're starting fresh as friends." I say as I blow on my coffee to cool it, I'm not willing to give too much information yet.
I usually tell Bethany everything and I honestly feel a little guilty for not spilling but I'm just not ready to talk about it yet.
"Hmm, as friends." She mutters to herself. I know she's trying really hard not to ask questions. "Did you know he's a nominee for the National Book Awards?" She asks sliding a magazine to me.
"What?" I gasp, grabbing the Vanity Fair magazine from her.
A picture of Jackson from one of his book release parties is next to an excerpt on his book After All. He's wearing a white dress shirt, his dark hair is slicked back perfectly and he's actually smiling. The smile looks just like the photo on his about the author section, it's not the genuine smile he always gives me.
"He hasn't told me." I say sadly. This is just another one of the parts of his life he hasn't shared with me.
"Maybe he just hasn't had the opportunity. I'm sure he'll tell you." She says with a reassuring smile.
Jack should be really proud of this, it's one of the most prestigious awards you can win as a writer. Maybe he doesn't want me to be a part of that life. Hopefully Beth is right, maybe he just hasn't had the time to tell me.
"You're right." I say with a smile as I decide to let this go. We're starting fresh and the last thing we need is me doubting him from the start. "Thanks for the cuppa, I'm gonna get in the shower."
"Oh thank god," She holds her nose. "I was starting to worry you were going to leave a permanent smell in the living room." I let out a chuckle as I wave her off and head to the bathroom.
After a long shower, quickly drying my hair and applying some light makeup I decide to give Jack a call.
After only two short rings he answers. "Morning sleepyhead! How do you feel?"
"I've actually been up for a few hours. I've just showered and had my morning cuppa." I smile at my new discovery and wait for his response.
"You what?" He laughs. "Brushing up on your British slang, huh?"
"You know it, I just wanted to be sure there were no language barriers Tuesday." I declare. I realize I've been walking in circles in my room the entire time I've been on the phone, but I don't stop myself. I'm anxious just hearing his voice through the line. Boy, I've got it bad.
"Oh, so I'll pick you up at your Mickey Mouse and we'll take my jam jam. You'll be a lovely salt and I might impress you by wearing a whistle and flute." He says with a grin I can clearly hear through the phone.
"Wait what?" I stop pacing, I'm completely lost now.
"You might want to brush up on your slang a bit more mate." I hear him fully laughing now. "So you agree to our date then?"
"Depends on where we're going." I joke. Although, I'm fully aware no matter where he takes me, I'm his for the ride.
"It's a surprise." Jack answers heartily.
"Ugh," I groan, "It's always a surprise with you."
"Would you have me any other way?" He teases and I sit on my bed to force myself to stop pacing.
"Ask me again after the date." I whine back teasingly.
"I already asked Beth for your schedule so I know you're off. Be ready Thursday at 10 am."
"A date at ten in the morning?" I don't think I've ever been on a date that early.
"Yes, no more sleeping like the dead Mags. Thursday we walk with the living." He's certainly confident this morning, much more so than when he was having a panic attack in my living room anyway.
We 'banter' back and forth a little more then disconnect and I finish my day with a quiet book and in general have a relaxing evening.
THE DAYS SEEM TO FLY BY smoothly and I speak with Jackson a few times daily until Thursday arrives.
It's just before 10 am and I'm just rebrushing my teeth after a second cup of coffee when I hear a horn honk twice from the parking lot. I roll my eyes and wonder why can't he come to the door like a normal date. I spit the last of the toothpaste out, careful not to get any on my dress.
I'm wearing a yellow long sleeve lacey dress that ends just above my knees. It's very flattering the way it's tighter around my chest but lays loosely when it hits my hips. I'm praying we won't be going up another mountain because tennis shoes just don't go with this dress. I slip on a white pair of flats, grab my clutch purse and head out the door.
Jackson is wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans this time and he's leaning against his Dodge Charger with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I head down the stairs while noticing his eyes rake down my dress and I raise my brow in response.
"You look beautiful." The corner of his lip is turned up in a smug-looking smile.
"You look handsome yourself Charming." I say before biting my bottom lip.
He opens the car door for me like a gentleman and when I get in he walks around the car to the driver's side. I reach across to unlock his door before putting my seatbelt on.
When he starts backing out he says, "You passed the door test again."
"What are you talking about?" I ask puzzled.
"You can tell if a girl cares about you if she reaches over and unlocks the door for you." He says as he tries to hide the smile forming on his lips.
I laugh at him and roll my eyes, I seem to be doing that a lot lately.
"It's a subtle gesture, but I think it works." Jack remarks while giving me a side wink.
I'm curious where he's taking me and even though I know I'll get no real answers I ask, "Where are we going?"
"Not far." He says through a sly grin. Of course, I wouldn't get a sufficient answer.
This is the most I've seen him smile since I met him. I would love if he was like this all the time. If I could pick one of his personalities to spend forever with, it would be this one. The brooding personality is definitely sexy but it comes with his grumpy attitude, so I'd be okay without it.
"Oh come on you can't tell me?" I pout.
"Nope! That would ruin the surprise." His definitive answer ends my prying. I lean my head against the seat in protest and let the sunlight warm my face.
Although my eyes are closed, I can feel him grinning at me. I look over at him to smile back and his hand reaches across and rests on my knee. I feel a warmth spread from his touch up to my thigh but I calm my breathing and remind myself this isn't the time to get worked up.
This all feels so right, this is how it should have been from the beginning. It should be easy when two people fall for each other, shouldn't it? I don't understand why things have to get so complicated.
We arrive not long after leaving and pull into an empty parking lot.
"It's this way." Jack says, despite the fact that I'm too busy fumbling with my seatbelt to see the direction he's pointing.
I get out before he can open my door because I'm anxious to figure out where we are. A tall white wall blocks my view and I can't figure it out.
Jackson takes my hand and leads me to a small ticket booth. He pays for entrance for us both and buys a small brown paper bag. I'm more than just confused, I'm perplexed. What are we doing with a small paper bag?
With his free hand, he takes one of mine and leads me through a large gate. I stop in my tracks and gasp. I can hardly describe the sight in front of me.
We've walked into the most beautiful garden I've ever seen. Despite its tall walls to hide the rest of the city it is surrounded by skyscrapers. We're stepping on a thin concrete winding path that is surrounded by bright green grass.
In the center, there is a large pond the size of a small lake with flowering lily pads and a beautiful wooden bridge that you can cross to the other side.
Plants and colorful flowers are carefully arranged around the garden and it's clear everything is meticulously cared for to maintain its beauty.
"It's called the Japanese Friendship Garden." Jackson informs me while he watches my face light up in wonder.
"It's beautiful." I breathe, I can hardly believe my eyes.
"You said you needed inspiration to write. I thought this might help." Jack says, never letting go of my hand.
"How can they hide this in the middle of Downtown Phoenix?" I wonder out loud.
Downtown Phoenix is crowded with tall buildings, thousands of people and a zillion cars lined down one-way streets. Businesses are stacked on top of each other reaching towards the clouds as if they're afraid to just expand outward. It's essentially a small New York City, the idea of this peaceful garden hidden deep in the middle of this clutter is amazing.
"There are tons of beautiful places in the city of Phoenix, you just need to know where to look. Come on, I want to show you something." Jackson says, pulling me along beside him.
It amazes me that I've lived here all my life yet Jackson, a new arrival, is revealing a whole new world.
We follow the winding path until it's splits into a few different directions. We take the route to the right and come to a stone path that leads to a small waterfall.
"Have you been to many places?" I ask and think back to his tattoo.
"Tons here and the UK, I have to travel a lot when I release my books. Lots of book signings, meetings with tech companies, bookstore events and afternoon mixers usually fill my days and take me places I wouldn't have otherwise traveled." He states.
"You must have seen so many wonderful places." I assume, a little jealous that my idea of travel is just to the next city.
"I think Phoenix has been my favorite so far." He says as he offers me a smile.
He leads me to a tiny dock near the waterfall and opens the small brown bag he received from the woman at the front desk. I watch him as he reaches in and sprinkles something in the water.
Suddenly bursts of color fill the water and I jump back with a shriek, earning a laugh from Jackson.
I lean closer and realize tons of yellow and orange koi fish litter the area. They're massive, larger than the biggest trout, or salmon I've ever seen. They jump out of the water and swim over one another trying desperately to get to whatever Jackson just tossed in.
"Don't be shy, come here and grab some pellets." He says as he hands me the fish food.
I grab a handful and toss it in while letting out a nervous giggle. I grip Jackson's arm for security and watch as the madness pursues. I realize while I'm watching the water in amazement, Jackson is focused on my face.
"What?" I ask, unable to hide my smile. What about my face could possibly be more interesting than the brilliant site before us?
"You're so beautiful." He replies in a deep voice and my cheeks flush a color brighter than the fish in the pond.
"This is beautiful, I think I like this better than the mountain." I admit.
He smirks and I know he's back to reality when he cockily remarks, "I don't know. We're not able to do naughty bits here, so it's a close tie."
I don't want to encourage this behavior, so I attempt to stifle a laugh as we walk to a bench that looks out at the waterfall and take a seat. I lean my head against his shoulder and we silently enjoy sounds of the cascading water.
We're in such a secluded area that it feels like we're the only ones here in this peaceful paradise. My thoughtless mind is enjoying the serenity of this moment until Jackson begins to speak.
"I grew up in a small suburb of London." He starts quietly. I pinch my lips closed and take a deep breath while I prepare for him to open up to me.
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