Chapter Four
We separate quickly. Gasping for air, I try to compose myself by running my hands through my hair and dress. Jackson adjusts his jeans, turns to face the door and leans casually against the railing next to me. One of his hands is back in his pocket and he rakes the other through his hair. He awaits our visitor seemingly unfazed, but his lip ring is tucked between his teeth. I think I've just discovered his nervous habit.
Christian walks through the door and I can't pinpoint why, but for a moment I'm so grateful it's not Sam.
He glances between us and almost seems disappointed. "You've got some people who want to meet you, Jackson."
Jackson gives a curt nod and starts towards the house but when he's just about to open the door, he gives me a wink over Christian's shoulder. I roll my eyes at him and he responds with a mischievous grin then leaves Christian and I alone.
"So, how do you like the place?" He asks with a smile. I assume this is his ice breaker.
"It's beautiful! Is this your house?" I ask.
He smiles proudly. "Yes! Just finished unpacking last week."
I can't imagine living in an estate like this. Beth and my apartment is so small but cozy. This place is beautiful, but I imagine it would be so lonely not having Bethany's crap invading my every space.
"I love it." I say sort of truthfully.
Christian stands awkwardly for a moment as if he's battling inner turmoil. "I've really been enjoying Bethany's company and I think we'll be seeing a lot more of each other. She's told me so much about you, you truly are a sweet person."
This is getting really awkward, so I can't help but eye the door.
"Maggie, Jackson's my friend but he's no good for you." He blurts out suddenly. "Jack doesn't do relationships, so please just be careful."
My eyes lower to the floor embarrassed and I start mulling over his words. "Do you think he's a bad person?" I ask quietly.
Christian's eyes open wide, "Oh no, I didn't say that. I don't know the best way to put this, but he's got some deep-seeded issues. I don't usually warn his liaisons away but then again, you aren't the usual type he goes for."
"His usual type?" I ask unsure, "You don't think I'm his type?" I ask confused because he certainly didn't seem to mind my type a minute ago.
"Jackson only has one night stands, he doesn't let anyone close. The women he usually messes with know what their in for and they don't care. But Beth has told me quite a bit about you and you seem more innocent, for lack of a better word and I'd hate for him to break you." He pauses but continues, "It's obviously not my place, so whether you heed my warning or not is up to you." After saying his piece he turns on his heel and re-enters the party.
So basically he's a player. Uhg. I groan internally and lean against the railing. I already knew he had deep-seeded issues from the first real conversation I had with him, but that didn't stop me from making out with him on the balcony.
I just keep seeing these red flags and hearing the warning bells but I continue looking the other way and covering my ears. I'm dying to know what will happen if I give us a chance, but I'm also terrified of finding out.
In the end, I know that we only regret the chances we don't take. So regardless of what Christian or my brain say, I know what I'm going to do. My heart tells me it's already too late to hit the brakes.
I head inside to use the restroom and after a few twists and turns, a left here and a right there, I finally find the bathroom. After closing the door and quickly locking it behind me, I take a deep breath and lean my head against the door. Looking at myself in the mirror I notice my hairs a bit of a mess, my skin is still flushed and my lips are slightly swollen.
My fingers move to brush my lips and I close my eyes. Memories flash in my mind of the moment we shared on the balcony. Jack's lips grazing mine, my hands in his soft dark hair, fireworks traveling through my skin with every touch. I've never been kissed like that before.
I realize now that every kiss I've had before him was meaningless and every kiss after will be compared to him. My hands start trailing down my neck as I recollect his mouth trailing down towards my collar bone. How far would we have gone if we weren't interrupted?
I picture his arms wrapped around me pulling me closer and feeling his hardness pressing against me. My cheeks flush and I start to feel the heat build-up in me again.
A knock at the bathroom door makes me jump and wakes me up from my reverie. I straighten my dress once more and rake my fingers through my hair, straightening the curls. Another knock, louder this time.
"Just a minute!" I call out.
After wiping the smudged eyeliner under my eyes, I decide I look somewhat decent and open the bathroom door to find Sam towering above me with his arms holding the door frame for support. I squeal and my ankles give out but Sam catches me and I steady myself.
His hands move to my face and he looks me over worriedly. "Are you okay?"
I pull my face back and wrinkle my brow, "Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"
Sam lets out a breath he was holding, "You looked really worried when he asked to be alone with you. I tried to keep an eye on you when I saw you arguing but I got distracted. By the time I looked up you were gone and so was he."
Arguing? So he didn't see the kiss. I don't know why that makes me feel relieved. I see Sam's blue eyes glance behind me as if he's checking for someone.
"Hey!" I call his attention to my eyes, "I'm fine." I gently place my hand on his cheek and smile.
He grants me one of my favorite bright smiles and offers me an arm, "Wanna blow this joint?"
"But we just got here!" I laugh. "And what about Beth?"
"Oh her and Christian are getting along really well. In fact, he offered her a ride home later." He laughs when he sees my shocked expression, "Come on, let's get out of here."
I link my arm in his and we make our way through the maze to the entryway. It doesn't take long for my eyes to locate Jackson. He's talking to a group of scarcely dressed women but he hardly looks amused. The world around me revolves in slow motion as Sam propels me forward.
'He's no good for you.'
'He's no good for you.'
'He's no good for you.'
Christian's words echo in my mind.
Jackson's eyes follow mine as Sam escorts me toward the door. I'm about to tell Sam to wait while I say goodbye, but one of the groupies laughs and grabs Jack around the waist. He immediately drops our eye contact and wraps his arm casually around her shoulder.
He's fully in his element having women throwing themselves at him and he reacts with raw instinct. I won't be one of those women chasing him. That's when I decide to leave without saying goodbye.
Sam guides me out of the massive main doors with his hand on the small of my back and the cool winter breeze welcomes me by rustling through my hair. I stay behind, completely lost in thought as I stare into the street and wait for Sam to speak with the valet.
Suddenly, I feel someone grip my arm from behind. I'm expecting Bethany or even Christian, but in no way do I even dare to hope Jack might have ditched the women he was with for me. However, I'm caught off-guard when I turn and find myself gazing into Jackson's diamond eyes.
"You were leaving without saying goodbye?" He looks hurt.
"You looked busy." I shrug. Too tired to show emotion, I nod towards the women he was standing with. They are now gaping at us through the open front door.
He nervously runs his hand through his hair and I watch the sleeve of his shirt strain from his biceps. "Can I take you somewhere tomorrow?" He asks.
"What?" I'm shocked, "Like a date?"
"I don't date." He huffs.
"Oh, so you don't date either?" I laugh. "Oh Charming, you're giving me whiplash."
He mystifies me. One second we're making out on the balcony, the next he's hanging out with groupies. One second he's asking me out, the next he drops a bomb that he doesn't date.
Jackson's hair falls back in his eyes and he runs his hand through his hair again. Jesus, if he keeps doing that I'm not going to be able to control my actions. He's got hair moves like Shawn from Boy Meets World and it's driving me crazy.
I feel a hand on the small of my back again and realize it's Sam.
"The cars here." He says.
"Okay, I'll be right there." I reply with a tired smile. Sam hovers unsure if he should leave me, but only for a second, then he walks to the car.
Jackson's jaw clenches and he exclaims, "Jesus, okay one date."
"Well don't do me any favors." I say with a smirk and one eyebrow raised.
I'm gaining confidence by the second. I suddenly love this feeling of having the upper hand.
Jack's eyebrows pull together in a mixture of irritation and embarrassment. "Come on Mags."
"Sam is waiting for me. My time is too valuable to deal with your ego's fear of rejection. So if you want me, just be a man and ask." I meant for my tone to be playful but it comes out a little harsh. I begin to apologize when he speaks.
"Will you go on a date with me?" He blurts almost angrily.
"Charming," I say in mock flattery, "I thought you'd never ask." I say trying to hide an impossible grin.
"I'll pick you up at four tomorrow." And just like that, he's jogging back to the party.
I lower myself into Sam's car and try to hide my grin. He already has the heat blasting and it feels so good compared to the crisp air outside. I kick off my heels and lean into his leather seats, happy to be back in my safe place with Sam.
The drive from Scottsdale is silent but comfortable. That is until Sam breaks the silence. "What was that about?"
"What was what about?" I ask, knowing full well he's asking about Jackson.
"What did that guy want?" He asks casually.
"Oh, Jackson? Long story. He's clearly bipolar. First, he says he doesn't date, then he asks me out."
Sams expression is unreadable when he says, "I'd make an exception for you too."
I raise one brow and glance in his direction.
He keeps his eyes on the road as he says, "You heard me. If I didn't date I'd make an exception for you too."
Unsure how to take that, I just brush it off with a nervous laugh, "Thanks!"
And just like that, we're back to normal conversation about our coworkers or drunk customers this week. Talking comes easy with Sam, there are never awkward silences or uneasy tones. If it's silent, it's a comfortable silence. Sam has always been my safe place and I'll never let anything happen to ruin that.
As we pull up to my apartment I give Sam a quick hug for the ride and head upstairs to unlock the apartment door.
The second I'm safely inside I kick off my shoes, drop my purse on the floor and slip my dress over my head. I toss the dress onto the back of the couch then plop down next to it.
What? I'm not a complete slob, I don't leave my clothes on the floor or anything.
The heater is on making our apartment nice and toasty but also causes my bare skin to stick slightly to the leather couch as I lay back and stare at the ceiling. Curiosity overcomes me and I wonder if Beth will be home tonight or if she'll be staying at Christian's.
I suppose he did hint at liking her, but I never really would have guessed it on my own. Maybe that's why she was so excited for the book release party. Lord knows she doesn't read them herself. She's constantly teasing me about my nose being stuck in a book.
Speaking of, I haven't read anything all this week. I've been so consumed by Jackson that I haven't even thought about picking one up. I wonder where he wants to take me tomorrow.
That's when I realize, Jackson doesn't know where I live or even have my phone number to ask. A slight panic runs through me and I wonder if asking me on a date was just one of his games.
I really am excited to go out with him. I suppressed my excitement when he came running after me because I loved the idea of being the one with the upper hand. He's had this power over me since the moment we met, although I'd never let him know that.
I could text Bethany and tell her to give it to him. I quickly sit up, reach for my phone and start typing Beth's name. But if I do that I'll have lost the upper hand.
I set my phone back on the coffee table and lay back down. I should make him work for it. But what if Bethany leaves and he doesn't realize to ask until she's gone? I sit up again and stare at my phone, willing it to light up with my mind.
This game we're playing has awakened something in me. I can't quite place the feeling because it's unfamiliar. I've never before fawned over a boy like this, let alone one who's seemingly unattainable.
I stand and start to pace back and forth in the living room. I haven't bothered to shower yet and it hasn't even been a few hours, yet I'm sitting around waiting for a boy to call who doesn't even have my number. Jesus, he makes me crazy.
That's enough. I'm turning my phone off until tomorrow. I'm a firm believer in fate and if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.
I hold my phone's power button until the light dims and the anxiety seems to get worse. Questions like, 'What if he calls and I'll never know?' run through my mind but I shove them down.
After a hot shower, I start to feel more myself. I'm not sure if I'm calmer because of the shower or just because I'm exhausted, but either way, I'm grateful for the slight release.
I head to bed and lay my lifeless phone on the nightstand. Thankfully it doesn't take long for sleep to come and I have my first dream about Jackson.
So sorry to interrupt your reading, I never do this. I've had quite a few people split between Sam & Jackson. I thought it would be fun to get your opinion at the start and end of the book.
Are you Team Jackson or Team Sam?
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