Easy. That's what this trial was supposed to be. Easy. But that idiot defense attorney with his stupid pink phone and recorded calls and wiretaps found in hotel rooms. I could rip my hair out. I had no choice but to call for an extension. And while it does give me the opportunity to find more evidence, it gives Wright the same opportunity.
I sat at my desk and allowed my mind to wander away from the trial for a moment. I instead studied the colors of my office. I found it strange how everything was so red. The office was so warm-toned. Was it because I could only make out warmer tones? Was Phoenix's office as red as mine? Or was it grey and pale? Was it a wild assortment of color because he couldn't tell each color apart and assumed everything looked good together? Did he even have an office?
I paused. Why was that idiot on my mind? Who cared what his office did or didn't look like? I didn't, that's for sure.
I couldn't help but growl. This was so frustrating. I couldn't find anything. No new leads. What was Wright doing? Dissolving my entire case into a not guilty verdict? I couldn't let that happen. I-
The phone rang and I rushed to pick it up. A young woman speaks over the phone, "Prosecutor Edgeworth?"
"Yes, that's me," the ID said BlueCorp. How strange
"Mr. Redd White wanted to inform you that he will be testifying in tomorrows trial against Phoenix Wright."
"No, you must be mistaken. The defendant is Ms. Maya Fey."
"No, sir. Mr. Wright was just arrested this evening."
"Phoenix Wright? The defense attorney?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Yes," The woman's voice became snippy and annoyed. I realized I must sound repetitive but all this was incredibly hard to prosses
"Thank you for informing me"
I quickly hung up. A sense of victory surged through me. This was too perfect. If I could get this guilty verdict and put Wright in jail, I'd never have to see him again. I wouldn't have to worry about him being my soulmate because he'd be a convicted felon; a murderer. He should have never stepped foot into the courtroom. Come tomorrow, I would have the perfect case to find Defence Attorney Wright guilty.
"This couldn't be more perfect" I smirk softly. The idiot was defending himself and it would be his downfall. "Without any further ado, I will call upon our new eyewitness to take the stand and share his account with us"
The witness was Redd White, President of Bluecorp and professional cocky asshole; he would be key in getting Wright convicted. His testimony had been carefully mapped out to have no holes. It was perfect. The testimony went without a hitch and Wright began his pointless cross-examination.
That's when it all came crumbling down before my eyes. That idiot CEO had the nerve to mention that glass antique lamp. That's when Phoenix managed to place him at the crime scene. Of course, it took some quick thinking on my part but I managed to explain it away. Redd White could have seen the lamp if he was the one guilty of wiretapping. Nothing could stop me now. With every new question, he asked, his confidence fell more and more. A guilty verdict was seconds away.
I'm not sure what happened but the girl he was with, Maya Fey, she completely changed. Her aura was completely different, and when she changed, so did the entire trial. A piece of paper was presented. At first, I thought Wright was just grasping at straws. We had already seen the dumb piece of paper with Maya's name. Then he turned the paper around and I realized, it was a receipt for the very same lamp that had been the focus of the entire trial. It had been bought the day before the trial and made it impossible for Mr. White to have seen it.
"Well, Your Honor? Do you still intend to find me guilty for the murder of Ms. Mia Fey?" He didn't even seem cocky. How could he act so entitled? Who did he think he was? Some sort of vigilante lawyer? He was a fool. Nothing more, and I hated him with all my being.
"Wait, No!" Mr. White piped up, "I will never accept that this spikey-headed lier is trying to blame me for the crime-"
"Hold it!" that blasted attorney. I'd have to call for another extension. What else could I do at this point?
"Please, Your Honor, the prosecution would like to request the trial be extended one more day. We need to perform another inquiry and present new evidence."
The woman said something to Wright and began to feverishly write something down. What did she have up her sleeve?
Just as Mr. White was about to leave that woman, she threw a piece of paper at him and she said something. I don't know what she did but it was the straw that broke the horses back.
Mr. Redd White confessed to the murder of Mia Fey and, just like that, the trial was over. I couldn't believe it. I, the Great Miles Edgeworth, had lost to a cock headed nimrod with one trial underneath him. I was so mad I could have spit. I would never live this down. What would Von Karma say? What would the press say?
"At this time, I will now pass the verdicts regarding Miss Maya Fey and Mr. Phoenix Wright"
I looked down, I already knew what the answer was. Just get it over with.
"Not Guilty"
Phoenix barely even celebrated. And when the judge congratulated him, he was so humble. Did he not understand what he just accomplished? He was the first attorney to ever beat me. Beginners luck. That's all it was. I would never let Phoenix Wright cut me down like this again. Soulmate or not. Be warned Wright, I am a force to be reckoned with.
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