It had been over a month since that first date with Phoenix Wright. This morning I woke up in my bed with strong arms wrapped tightly around me. Phoenix's bare chest served as my pillow and his hands traced the curve of my spine.
I opened my eyes to see Nick smiling down at me. I got this pang in my chest, a sudden urge to wake up like this every morning.
"Good morning, beautiful." Phoenix murmured, planting a soft kiss on my forehead.
I sat up, earning a soft whine from Nick. "Good morning."
His soft pleading noise made me long to stay in bed and repeat last night's events, but I had work today. I attempted to rise from bed only to have my knees instantly give up on me and I was on the floor. My face heated as Phoenix let out a roar of laughter. I struggled to right myself and clung to the bed sheets to prevent another tumble.
"What did you do to me, Wright?"
This sent him into a fit of laughter, "I guess I screwed you to hard for your first time," He said with a teasing, seductive tone to his voice.
I tossed a pillow at his head, my face burning redder than before. "Don't be so indecent!" I tried once more to stand and once more, I fell, "Wright, I have to work today!"
He giggled and stood up, his bottom half just as exposed as his top half.
"I suppose I'll just have to help you."
He pulled on his boxers and began to search through my dresser.
"What are you doing, Nick?"
"I'm going to help you," he pulled out a pair of boxers after a moment of searching, "Oooh these are cute"
He was holding a pair of underwear with the words "Steel Samurai" printed across the ass. I glared at him as he tossed the boxers my way, the rest of my work outfit quickly following. I wished I had thrown out the branded underpants when I had the chance to.
"You are enjoying this far too much."
"Guilty as charged. Now can you get dressed or do you need me to help you with that?"
"I'm not 3, Wright, I can get dressed myself."
He simply chuckled and retrieved his own clothing from the floor. I swear that man only owned one suit.
Once I had pulled everything on from my sitting position on the bed, I tried once more to get out of bed. The result was the same as the last two times, yet this time I had a Phoenix Wright to catch my fall.
"You're a stubborn one aren't you?"
He planted a kiss on my neck, causing a trill to run down my spine, and scooped me up like a groom would scoop up his bride. He carried me to the kitchen setting me on top of the counter. He then set off to making tea.
"So I got a case yesterday." I started, I felt now was a good time to bring this up.
"Is that so?"
"Yes. The defendant swears to high heaven that he didn't do it. Maybe he could be someone you defend?"
Phoenix handed me a cup of tea, "I'll have to question them myself. Does this defendant have a name?"
"No," I said coyly, taking a long sip of tea and earning myself a chuckle from Phoenix. His laugh was just so perfect.
"So he doesn't have a name? Good luck getting him to state his name and profession."
I rolled my eyes and smacked him lightly on the shoulder with my free hand.
"His name is Aiden. Aiden Craim. He was talking a walk in a forest with his boyfriend Matty Benn. Screams were heard and the police were called. Aiden came out of the forest alone."
"Any witnesses?"
"Just one. A young woman by the name of Sybill Harumi."
Phoenix cursed softly. He never did have a good track record with honest witnesses.
"Thank you, Miles. I think I might finally have another defense case."
"It's my pleasure. Now how the hell am I supposed to get to work?"
"Leave that to me. Now, where are your keys?"
"You are not driving my car, Wright."
"How else are you going to get to work."
I let out a sigh of defeat and pointed to the hall table where I kept my keys. Wright set our cups in the sink and scooped me up once again grabbing my keys on the way out.
"Wright put me down, the neighbors might see."
"Miles, your neighbors don't care and you can't walk."
I huffed and let him carry me to the car and help me into the passenger side seat. We drove in silence until we arrived at the prosecutor's office. Phoenix's fingers drummed anxiously across the steering wheel.
"Won't know...get suspicious?"
"Don't be ridiculous. You're my work partner. I simply called you because of an injury that prohibited me from getting to work myself. As long as you don't carry me around like we've just been married, we shouldn't have a problem."
Wright nodded and helped me stumble to the elevator. I felt extremely pathetic and hated that I needed to rely on him just to get to work. I clung to him in the elevator, my face instantly heating as another prosecutor entered with us.
The prosecutor cleared his throat, glaring at me, "Edgeworth, it's always so interesting to see the company you keep."
I glared right back, "I don't see what's so interesting."
"I just find it fascinating that your so close to your work rival, Phoenix Wright."
I was about to give a bitter retort when Wright stepped in.
"I'm simply doing a work associate a favor. Mr. Edgeworth hurt his leg and he asked me if I could assist him in getting to work as he has quite a hard time walking himself."
The other prosecutor scoffed and turned away. The rest of the elevator ride was met with silence. When we finally arrived at my floor, Wright guided me to my office and helped me sit down.
"Thank you so much, Nick."
I cupped his face and kissed him, my heart fluttering out of my chest despite a month full of these tender moments.
"Does this mean I get to take your car?"
I laughed softly, "Be careful with it okay?"
He reassured me that my car was in good hands and left me to my work.
I sighed softly and smiled to myself as he left. I was truly the luckiest man in the world.
This chapter is mostly fluff and a slight teaser to what's coming in the next chapter. I hope you liked all the gay.
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