[TRIGGER WARNING: Homophobia and the use of the f-slur. CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!]
I woke up alone the day of the trial. The other day had been the first night we had spent in bed together, I felt the urge to do it every day. But Phoenix and I both agreed that we'd be better prepared for the trial at hand if we spent the night apart.
The bed was cold and the feeling of crippling loneliness overwhelmed me. There were no Phoenix to tease me about week knees and Steel Samurai undergarments. I wish he was here. Unfortunately, he wasn't. There was nothing I could do about it except get ready for work and prepare to see him in court.
As they often do, the court proceedings began with a rundown of the case from Detective Gumshoe. I cast a nervous glance at Phoenix but he seemed deep in his head, and I couldn't catch his attention. I just continued with Gumshoe's testimony.
"Detective Gumshoe, plenty describe to us the details of this murder."
"Of course, sir! 5 o'clock on the evening of September 9th, the victim, Matty Benn, and the defendant, Aiden Craim, were taking a walk together on a walking path near their house. The area was heavily wooded and the trail was dark. At 5:30 a woman who was camping in the woods at the time called the police after following the sounds of screams and seeing an attack. We arrived as quickly as possible and arrested the defendant at the entrance to the woods."
I nodded. Everything was running smoothly.
"Detective, can you please tell the court why you arrested the defendant?"
"Well, that's easy! Upon discovery, the defendant was covered in blood. We also got a clear description of the defendant from the woman who called."
I furrowed my brow, something about that I locked eyes with Wright and straightened my cravat. It was our signal that something was off, to keep that detail in mind. He nodded in return; I could almost see the gears spinning in his head.
"Thank you, Detective. Now, if the court has no objections, I will call forward that very 911 caller. She witnessed the very moment of the murder with her own eyes."
The Judge nodded, "I see no problem with that. Defense?"
Wright shook his head, "The defense has no objections, your honor."
"Very well. The Prosecution may call forth its next witness."
"The Prosecution would now like to call Miss Sybill Haruki to the stand."
Once Miss Haruki was placed on the stand, her testimony could begin.
"Witness, please state your name and profession for the court."
"My name is Sybill Haruki and I work as a teacher at a local elementary."
"Please testify to the court what you witnessed the night of the murder."
The young woman nodded and began her testimony, "On the night of the murder, I was taking a camping trip in the local woods near my house. It had been a particularly long week at my job and I figured being out in nature would help me relax. I had just finished starting a fire when I heard yelling upon the path. It sounded like arguing. I went to investigate and found a small, petite boy beating a slightly larger boy with a tree branch! I screamed and the small boy dropped his weapon and fled. I stayed by the path and called 911 immediately."
"If that is all," the Judge stated with a bang of his gavel," the defense may begin its cross-examination."
"Of course, Your Honor. Miss Haruki, on the night of the murder, how far away were you from the forest trail?"
"That night, I'd say I was about 30 meters away from the trail."
"30 meters? That's pretty far. You could hear the defendant and the victim argue from all the way out there?"
"Yes. Granted I couldn't really make out what they were saying."
"And the people you witnessed at the crime scene where absolutely the defendant and the victim?"
"It was extremely dark so it's hard to say for sure but it sure looked like them."
Wright slammed a hand to his stand. "Miss Haruki. This is a court of law. Do not say anything if you are not certain of the facts! Detective Gumshoe clearly stated that the main reason for the defendant's arrest was your clear description of him over the phone. So tell me, did you or did you not see my client?"
The witness flinches, an angry look ghosting across her face before it's replaced once again by a shy exterior.
"Of course I saw that boy. I was able to describe him to the police wasn't I?"
I shook my head. "She does have a point, Wright. She was able to describe the defendant right after the murder took place. That seems to cover up any contradictions."
Wright shot me a withering glare; I simply ignored him. Did he really think I would bend the law just because he was an incredibly good kisser? Knowing the idiot I had for a boyfriend, that's exactly what he thought.
My face still heated at the thought of calling him boyfriend it seemed so intimate and strange. I had never called anyone my boyfriend before. But that was completely beside the point. We were in the middle of a murder trial after all.
Wright started down a new tangent, "Miss Haruki, where you camping alone the night of the murder?"
"Indeed. I wouldn't have anyone to camp with in the first place!"
Wright smirked. She had said something and fallen right into his trap.
"Is that so? Witness, if you could direct your attention up to these photos..."
He made a wide gesture to the screen which now displayed two photos of a campsite. One was taken from a short distance showing a campfire, some chairs, and a tent. The second was taken from inside the tent and showed two sleeping bags. Wait...
"As you can see, this campsite is set for two. Why would you have a campsite set for two if you were camping alone?"
The girl let out a laugh. This one seemed to snap quicker then some of the other fake witnesses I've had the misfortune of dragging to the stand.
"Listen, you thick-headed lawyer. So what if my campsite was set up for two? That doesn't prove anything! I could have set up a spot for someone else coming later!"
"Ignoring the fact that you clearly stated that you have nobody to go camping with, there is an open duffel bag that has men's clothes in it. It's been used recently! Are you really going to have us believe that those are your belongings?"
Miss Haruki let out an angry yell, "Listen here you spiky-haired dumb ass!! It doesn't matter if someone was at my campsite!! I saw that little fag kill his faggot boyfriend and he should hang for it! Let him burn in the fires of hell as he deserves!!!"
Phoenix physically recoiled in shock, his eyes wide. I didn't expect such a sudden and extreme outburst. So soon at that too. Then again Phoenix unraveled her testimony a lot faster than usual. Probably because I was helping him.
"Order!! Order!! I will have order in this court!" The Judge attempted
to be heard over the crowd, frantically banging his gavel, "Miss Haruki, that sort of outburst will not be tolerated in court!"
The witness took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry, Your honor! I just get so angry thinking about how fags are overtaking our society. At least one of them is burning in hell." She smiled sweetly as if she had not just spewed the most disgusting garbage known to man.
"Witness," I interject, "Answer this for the court. Was there or was there not another person at your campsite?"
"There was nobody there! And even if there was I wouldn't tell a scumbag lawyer like you!"
"Witness! You will answer the question!"
"It was just my boyfriend...." Miss Haruki huffed.
"You--" I sighed, banging my fist on the table, "Your honor, in light of this I find it impossible to declare a verdict with the possibility that our witness has been lying. I request another day of investigation."
"Does the defense have any problems with this?"
Wright shook his head. "I have no objections, your honor."
"Very well. Then I task both sides with finding out if there truly was another witness and if so who this person is. This court is adjourned."
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