Chapter 9
ok, so I've had this mapped out in my head for so long but I'm only just writing it now and oh my god I cannot believe some of the things I have wrote in this chapter, it was flowing out of me and I'm so buzzing for you all to read this!!!
Anyway, as we say in my country at every concert, HWFG.
Scott walked back into his room, having gone to turn off the lights downstairs. Him and his mom were struggling to pay the bills as it was, and him burning the electricity wasn't something he was in a position to be doing. As he shut his bedroom door behind him, he let his eyes carefully drift to his co-alpha, Levi, who was curled up in his comforter her eyes opened just slightly from hearing the door click shut.
"Scott?" Levi rasped, sleep still present in her voice. The true alpha crossed the room to perch on the side of his bed as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. She ran a hand through her brown hair, a slight smile appearing across her lips.
"Yeah?" He asked, trying to not thinking about how the way she was looking at him was doing things to his chest that he hadn't even felt during his time with Allison, it was like she had complete and utter control over him. He would do anything for her, be anything for her.
"Thank you," she murmured, pushing the comforter off her and getting up to stretch her legs. Scott smiled but didn't say anything, just watching as she glided across his room to pause at his desk and look at the few photo frames he had scattered on them. She let out a light chuckle as she picked up the first photo of him and Stiles, the two boys had clearly been unaware the photo was being taken, and were both ramming hot dogs straight into their mouths. Scott smiled as he watched her move between photos, his eyes lighting up as she took interest in them.
She carefully sat the photo down, her eyes briefly skimming over a few more photos of Stiles and Scott before she reached one that made her pause. It had been taken just after Levi had joined Scott's pack, only days after the death of the Darach. Levi, Lydia and Allison were standing with linked arms, and lying on the grass in front of them was Scott and Stiles, making the most ridiculous poses to have ever existed.
"Danny, please!" Lydia pouted, the boy huffing before grinning and taking the phone off her.
"Fine, but you're buying me that jacket we saw in Ralph Lauren," he noted, watching as Lydia rolled her eyes but agreed anyway.
Allison and Levi laughed at the two, before moving to stand either side of Lydia. They smiled at the camera, posing for the photo of the three girls, before there was two shouts and Scott and Stiles had thrown themselves into the photo at the girls' feet.
The three girls burst out laughing as they looked down at the two boys, Stiles now demanding that Danny should paint him 'like one of your french girls, Danny'. Danny rolled his eyes, taking one last photo that would be memorialised on Scott's desk before handing the phone back to the five best friends.
Levi smiled at the photo before sitting it back down at looking at the last one. She lifted it up, closer than she had the others and rested her finger on the edge of the frame as she looked at the photo in disbelief. It was recent, but she was surprised Scott had gone to the effort to get it printed out and framed. It was a few days before Kate had kidnapped Levi and her brother, and although she had never actually seen the photo, she had fallen in love with it as she held it in Scott's room.
Scott heard her heartbeat increase slightly, so he gently stood up and walked over to stand just slightly to her left shoulder. Levi was captivated by the image, and she turned around to face the alpha.
"You framed this?" She asked, watching as Scott grinned down at her. The older boy let his lips curl upwards as he soaked in her features. Her eyes searched his face as he beamed at her and she rolled her eyes.
"Of course I did," Scott muttered after a minute, his smile softening slightly. "You're my favourite alpha!" He chuckled, and Levi snorted while proceeding to roll her eyes again.
"I'm your only alpha," she scoffed, before her words had sunk into Scott fully. Levi Hale had said she was his.
There was something about the way she said she was his, and it fascinated him. She was not his. She was a force to be reckoned with, she belonged to no-one. She was a free spirit, she was a fresh pool of glinting water in a dehydrated dusty Savannah, she was the moon in a black midnight sky. It was like he was drowning, and she was the fresh air keeping him afloat.
She was bold, she was brave, she was daring. She was kind, she was passionate, she was shy. She was a friend, a sister, a fighter, a survivor. She was the leader of the wolves, and she howled the loudest at the moon. She was like the feeling of knowing everything was going to be okay in the end. She was a warrior, and she was a goddess.
And just like that, Scott understood everything. He understood his mothers words, he understood Stiles' comments about wanting more for himself, he understood Lydia's teasing glances, he understood Malia and Kira's smirks.
For he had compared Levi to being a metaphorical anchor that was holding him in place, but she wasn't just his metaphorical anchor. She was literally his anchor - the thing that kept him sane and tethered to the ground below them.
Scott stared at her again for a moment, the way the soft light casting across her skin from his lamp illuminated her was nothing short of angelic. Her soft brown hair was falling in loose curls down her back as her eyes brightly searched his desk for other scraps of his life.
He moved closer to her, until his chest was pressed against her back, his breath faintly reaching her neck. Levi paused, her eyes closing slightly as she felt him touch her. She tightened her grasp on the photo frame in her hands as she opened her eyes again, both the alphas hearing the jump in her heart beat and the increase in Scott's too.
"Levi," he breathed, before the girl broke. She dropped the frame back on to Scott's desk, spinning around so they were now chest to chest.
It was deadly silent, the only thing that could be heard was the soft patter of the rain on Scott's window panel and their deep breaths. Scott's eyes flickered to Levi's lips as he tilted his head down. The girl wasted no time in meeting his lips, connecting them roughly but full of complete passion.
Scott pressed against her lips, pushing her backwards as he lifted her so she was sitting on his desk. Her legs found their way to wrap themselves around his waist, their lips still attached to each other like it was a vital life support. One hand rested at the base of Scott's neck, while her other was weaving itself into his hair as she moaned into the kiss. His hands slid down from her back to her waist, pulling her in even tighter to him. She wrapped her body around his, and the alpha's found that they fitted perfectly.
They paused for a moment, regaining their breaths. Levi looked up at Scott, surprised to see that his eyes were shining red. She could feel the burn in hers, and by the look on his face, she knew hers must have been doing the same thing.
"I am so, so, so in love with you Scott McCall," she murmured softly, watching as a grin broke out across his face.
"That's good then, because I feel the same about you, Levi Hale," he replied, just as soft and passionate as she had.
A grin broke out across Levi's face as she pressed her lips back to his, her legs still tightly wrapped around his waist. He lifted her up, a fiery passion being ignited between the two, as he moved backwards and sitting her down on his bed. She lay back, his lips still pressed against hers as she moaned again.
And for the first time in a while, both teens felt complete again.
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