Chapter 7
Levi drove, she drove and she didn't stop until the sun started to rise in the early hours of the morning. She couldn't stop repeating the scene in her head, the way her teeth sank into Liam's hand, the way he stared at her with panicked eyes, the way Scott stared at the wounds in realisation, the way she could feel the full moon almost here.
It had been a long time since Levi had truly felt the effects of the full moon like she was feeling them at that moment, and the moon wasn't due up for another fifteen or so hours probably. It wasn't safe, she wasn't safe, Scott wasn't safe, her new beta wasn't safe.
She slammed her hands down on the steering wheel once she had pulled over on the side of the road, her eyes flashing red and her claws cutting into her palms. She needed her anchor, but she wasn't finding comfort in the pain anymore, she wasn't finding comfort in the anger, she wasn't finding comfort at all. Levi clenched her teeth as she tried to use the pain to stay in control, it worked but she knew it wasn't going to be enough to last her the night.
She ran her hand over the braided leather bracelet on her wrist, and closed her eyes as a tear slipped out.
"Come on Levi, it's just a dare. Kali won't mind if you back out!" Ethan joked, his eyes flickering over to his brother who was standing and faking a sad look.
"I will though!" Aiden yelled, his eyes glimmering in the reflection of the sea next to them. Levi looked between the twins before sighing, holding on to her nose and throwing herself off the cliff, screaming as she fell through the air. Her body hit the water, and she opened her eyes, seeing fish swimming around her.
She swam to the surface, looking up at her favourite boys and grinning as they dived off the cliff to land in the sea beside her.
"That wasn't so bad huh?" Aiden teased, laughing as she narrowed her eyes at him. He reached out for her wrist and tied his old leather band on to it. His face became serious as he looked at her while Ethan started swimming back to the shore.
"I can't help but feel the next few months will change everything, so whatever happens, promise me you'll remember I'm always with you?"
Levi stared at the bracelet, letting the tear drop on to it. "Always". She whispered, wiping her eyes and turning the car engine back on. Her pack needed her, and she needed them.
Levi stopped by the McCall household to change clothes and grab her bag before she headed to school where the rest of the pack where. She luckily hadn't had any classes in the morning period that she had missed, but she knew there would be drama if Liam was there. She was hoping Scott wouldn't be mad at her for taking off, and that he had managed to handle Liam easily.
She changed into Derek's old leather jacket, a white baseball tee and her ripped skinny jeans before grabbing her combat boots and heading out the door, lacing them up in the car. She got to school five minutes later, and noticed it was at break.
Grabbing her aviators, Levi placed them on her eyes, hoping to conceal any possible flashes of red from how unstable she was feeling, swung her bag over her shoulders and walked into the school with her head held high and walking as if she had nothing to lose.
Walking down the corridor to her locker, she felt all eyes on her and she remembered how easily it had been to forget her group of friends were the "it" group of the school - with Lydia (the queen bee), Scott (the captain of the lacrosse team), Stiles (the class clown), Malia (the new mysterious one), and Kira (the other new one). It was then Levi had a short moment of remembrance as she thought of Isaac, Boyd, Ethan, Aiden, and Allison, the ones she never really got enough time with. She knew Scott, Stiles and Lydia still missed Erica and Jackson too, people she never knew.
It truly was a town of loss, and her group was always at the centre of it.
She opened her locker and placed in her folders, grabbing out the single one she needed and she was about to close it, deep in thought, before it was closed for her. She looked up shocked and her eyes quivered when she saw Scott standing next to her.
He studied her for a moment before letting out a reassuring small smile. "It's okay, I understand," he promised and pulled her in for a hug. She held on to him, breathing in his scent before muttering into his shoulder.
"It reminded me too much of the old me," she explained and he nodded, but didn't say anything.
As she pulled away from his hug, he kept a soft hand on her arm, knowing it was better to comfort her than spring any blame on her. He studied her for a moment, focusing on her slightly irregular heartbeat and feeling the unease surrounding her.
His eyes trailed upwards again to her sunglasses, and almost as if everything had fallen into place, he tightened his grip on her arm and pulled her into the empty storage room next to her locker. Levi turned away from him as she flicked the light on, and the second she turned back around she jumped.
Scott was standing less than a foot away, their bodies almost touching in the dimly lit room. He reached out and lightly pulled the aviators off her face, watching as she clenched her eyes shut before he could see them. Placing a hand on her cheek, he hushed the shivering girl.
"Levi, stop," he pleaded, and she stopped clenching her eyes shut, confirming Scott's worry.
Her eyes were glowing red, casting a slight red glow across Scott's face.
"I can't find my anchor, it's not working Scott!" She heaved, her breaths becoming quicker and sharper. Scott grabbed the back of her neck, bringing her forward and pulled her close into his body.
She rested her head on his shoulder as he rubbed her back soothingly. He pulled away after she seemed to calm slightly, and he grabbed his backpack and unzipped it.
She watched curiously with her burning red eyes as he rummaged about, clearly looking for something. He must have found what he was looking for as he huffed in triumph and zipped the bag back up.
He moved forward, grabbing her wrist and tying the small weaved string bracelet around it tightly. She looked down at it and he smirked.
"Focus on that. A string holding you down." He spoke, proud of himself. Levi looked at it carefully before she concentrated on it and she could feel herself becoming more in control. She laughed as she felt her eyes fade and Scott joined in. They hugged again before they heard the bell break the duo's laughter.
They left the storage room, glad that no-one seemed to notice. Stiles and Lydia noticed though, spotting the alphas leaving almost immediatley, with the grins plastered across their faces. The two problem solvers looked at each other and smirked, thinking Levi and Scott had finally acted on their slight growing feelings.
As Levi said goodbye to Scott as she walked into her homeroom, she sat down at the back with a smile on her face. And in one single moment, she understood why the bracelet had calmed her.
The bracelet wasn't her new anchor.
Scott was.
Very sorry for the 5 month wait, I don't even have an excuse.
Thanks for sticking by me, and I'll update sooner.
K x
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