Chapter 6
Sorry for the wait! I thought my summer would be spent writing but I've met some amazing people and they've been taking up my time! Last night's episode DESTROYED ME ok like who tf does Theo think he is?? Also PLL finale tonight and I swear to god if Wren is A I'm moving to Antartica. Also I've probably used this gif before but I cannot find it in myself to care.
Here's chapter 6.
"Something's changed between you and Scott, huh?" Melissa joked, being able to see they had started to see each other in a new light. She understood the looks they had been giving each other even if they didn't themselves.
"I don't know what it is," the alpha admitted, watching with Melissa as other nurses helped Liam into the small room he would be staying in until an x-ray room became free. "Ever since Kate took me, somethings different," she continued, furrowing her eyebrows.
"I know what it is," Melissa admitted with a knowing grin and a sparkle in her eyes, while Levi turned to look at her with an eyebrow raised. "You like each other!"
Levi was confussed but she nodded, "Of course I like him, he's a great alpha," she started before Melissa cut her off.
"No, you like like him! He likes you back, it's very obvious," Scott's mother stated, smiling as Levi stuttered.
Levi sat beside Liam as the boy stared angrily at his messed up leg. She stared at the hospital bed he was sitting on, before moving a hand out to try to console him. The boy looked up at her, the angry look fading slightly before he sighed and looked back to his leg.
Before Levi could say anything, there was a knock at the door. The two teenagers both looked up to see a doctor smiling at them.
"Hi, I'm Liam's stepdad, and you are?" He asked Levi, moving over to the bed and looking at Liam's leg.
"Levi, I go to Beacon Hills High with Liam," she answered, watching as his stepdad lifted Liam's leg gently and the freshman grunted in pain.
He angrily sighed again before pouting slightly. "It's broken isn't it?" Levi felt sympathetic to the boy, she had only met him a few hours ago and she could already tell that he was really into his lacrosse, and if his leg was broken everyone knew there was a chance it would never be fully able to play lacrosse again without damaging it even more.
"It'll certainly need an x-ray," Dr Dunbar said, trying to soften the blow to his stepson.
Liam gritted his teeth together as he pulled his leg away from the older man. "It's broken and it's all my fault!"
Levi stood up, realising this was a family conversation and she wasn't family. She quickly excused herself without Liam really showing any sign he noticed her leaving. His stepfather patted her shoulder as she passed, and just from the look he gave her, she knew that he knew she didn't have much family left.
Levi instantly collided into Scott, who had been standing outside Liam's room listening in on the conversation between the two males. The boy stumbled backwards slightly while Levi stumbled forward, smacking against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her to balance her before Levi looked up at him.
The distance between them had suddenly drastically lessened and Levi found herself not being able to look away from her co-alpha. He grinned awkwardly at her before they both realised what was happening, causing them to almost jump away from each other awkwardly.
"Snooping?" Levi asked casually, and Scott blushed while rubbing the back of his neck and squinting his eyes slightly in embarrassment. She scoffed out a laugh before smacking his head playfully, while trying to not think about how close they had been seconds ago.
Scott grinned back, jokingly acting like it had hurt and pretended to clutch on to his head in agony. Levi laughed, tilting her head back as she showed off her teeth and Scott almost froze, memorised by how good she looked and pleased that he had been the one who had made her laugh.
He went to continue speaking when his phone started vibrating and he pulled it from his pocket. Looking at the caller ID he held the phone in between him and Levi as they used their wolf hearing to hear it without speaker so that the staff of the hospital wouldn't hear it, Scott knew it probably was going to be supernatural related.
"Hey Lydia," the boy started before a frantic Lydia cut him off from the other side of the line.
"Where are you? I couldn't call because I couldn't get away from the deputy," Lydia rushed, causing Levi and Scott to share panicked looks.
"Okay Lydia slow down," Scott tried to coax the banshee.
"You need to get to the hospital! You need to get there right now!" Lydia yelled down the phone, and Levi felt her blood turn cold. "The son, the only one who survived, he's there!"
Scott spun around to look at Levi. "So am I, I'm at the hospital too," he was cut off by Lydia again.
"Then find him! Find Sean Walcott!" Scott ended the call and turned back to Levi to see she had already rushed off on her search. He rammed his phone into his pocket and took off in the opposite direction.
Levi had caught on to a scent, and so she rushed after it and followed it up the stairs of the hospital and straight out on to the roof. The scent ended suddenly, and she found herself alone on the roof with no teenage boy or supernaturals in sight.
She yelled out in anger, kicking her foot into the side of a stone pillar beside the electrical box. As she calmed herself down, the fire escape door on the other side was flung open and Liam sprinted out yelling for help, a terrified look on his face.
Levi rushed towards him, expecting the boy to stop but he just grabbed her arm and pulled her with him. She didn't need to ask who they were running from, the growl behind her alerted her to the fact she had found the only survivor.
The wending flung her across the roof, while he launched himself at Liam. The two boys shoved at each other until Levi heard a familiar voice yell out.
"We can help you!" Scott yelled over to the blood covered boy.
"Wendigo's don't need help! We need food!" The boy turned back to Liam just as Levi and Scott threw themselves towards the supernatural.
Levi and Scott shoved the boy out of the way as they reached for Liam who was now holding on to the edge of the building with his fingers. As the two alphas went to help him up, Sean grabbed on to them again. Watching Liam lose grip, Levi and Scott did the only thing they could.
Levi's mouth grabbed on to Liam's left hand while Scott's mouth grabbed on to Liam's right arm. The boy screamed out in pain and the two alphas pulled him up before noticing Sean was not attacking them anymore.
Levi spun around the second Liam was safety up, staring in shock as a man with no mouth removed a tomahawk from the wendigo's back. He placed one finger over his mouth in a shhh manner before turning and walking away from the three teenagers.
Levi and Scott shifted back, and turned to look at Liam as he let out a yell of pain. He was clutching his arms to his body and glaring at the two teenagers.
As they both stared at the puncture marks on the boy, they suddenly realised what they had done. Scott paused in shock and stared at the boy in horror, before looking over at Levi who had tears in her eyes.
It reminded her of the person she was when Deucalion had brain washed her and that was enough to freak her out. Levi started muttering and although Scott moved closer to try to comfort her, Levi let out a panicked yell before taking off.
Scott yelled for her but she didn't look back, running over the roof and down the fire escape. He watched as she got into her car and drove away in a flurry of madness and speeding.
He turned to look at Liam, trying to figure out what he was going to do with the boy,
His Beta.
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