Chapter 20
"Lydia and Stiles helped set it up, while Kira lit all the bulbs for me," he explained, "and Derek owns the whole building so..." he trailed off as Levi took a second to process the last part of his declaration. "Did I do okay?"
As they stood holding hands in the middle of the shining lights, Levi turned her head upwards to Scott with a grin on her face.
"It's amazing. I love you."
Scott beamed down at her as he leaned in, replying "I love you too," before sealing her lips with his own.
Scott smiled back at Levi as he pulled away from the kiss.
"Did you bring a movie?" He asked, referring to the brief and strange request he had sent her through text weeks before when he had asked her on a date that was rescheduled due to the dead-pool putting everything on hold.
Levi rolled her eyes and lifted the blank black DVD case that Stiles had lended her previously, knowing that this was the prime time for him to finally get his friend to watch the film.
"I borrowed it from Stiles. He says you've never seen it and that he's going to kill you if you don't," she joked, waving the black box in the air as he resting his hands on her waist and let out a deep chuckle.
"Star Wars," Scott sighed, a goofy grin on his face as they both laughed.
"You got it, babe," Levi grinned, causing Scott to groan.
"Please never call me that again!" He exclaimed, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand and tilting his head slightly while playfully narrowing his eyes at her.
"Sorry babe," she teased, before leading him to the couch and grinning. It took her a moment before she sighed and turned back to face him with her hands on her hips. "Where's the TV?"
Scott looked around the empty apartment before slapping his head as he groaned. After a bit of searching, they managed to get Levi's laptop out from retirement and sat it on the table in front of them, inserting the disc and allowing it to play.
Tucked under Scott's arm, Levi was surprised that it took until a third of the way into the film before Scott started asking confused questions.
"So, this is the fourth one?" He asked, referring to the fact that the DVD had said STAR WARS IV on it as opposed to being the roman numeral for one. Levi sighed as she began to contradict him.
"No, it's the first one, even though it says fourth."
"Then what's the first one?"
"The fourth one." Levi looked at how Scott was furrowing his eyes at the laptop and rolled her eyes, knowing he would now be too confused to actually pay attention to the rest of the movie. Closing the laptop she turned to face him properly. "You know what? Forget the movie."
Levi leaned over slightly, allowing for Scott to lean in and connect their lips. It started slow, his hand lightly resting against the small of her back to move her in closer, with Levi flinging a leg over his body to now be straddling him against the back of the couch's armrest.
She grinned as she pressed against him, allowing a moan to escape his mouth as he slid his hand along her leg, making her move her neck. Taking advantage, he pressed his lips from her mouth onto the flesh on the neck and he nipped away at it. Levi moved a hand to his hair, grabbing it gently as he sucked.
Moving her head, she bit down on his neck, feeling something stir from inside her. Feeling Scott stop moving on her neck, they both pulled away from each other. Surprise was shown on both of their faces as they realised that both of their eyes were now glowing - Scott's was his usual red, but Levi's was fading in-between the bright red and the green they had once shone during the Dark moon.
"Your eyes," Scott breathed out, ignoring the visible bite mark he had just left on her neck that now matched the one on his. Levi shook her head, going back to their normal colour as she looked at Scott in confusion.
"Something is happening to me," she muttered, but before they both could reply, a cold sensation spread across the room. The two shared a freaked out glance before turning to look at the window of the apartment, knowing something was coming.
The glass smashed, causing Scott to pull Levi into his arms to shelter her from the fragments that filtered quickly and harshly onto the ground around them. As they both looked back up in panic, they knew that although the dead-pool was over, they had forgotten the person who had already caused them so much trouble.
"Kate," Levi breathed, scared of the were-jaguar after what she had done to the alpha the last time they had met. Behind her was one of her boned henchmen, standing menacing in the corner.
"Hi Levi, miss me?" She snarled, as she lunged towards the now standing couple. Shoving Scott backwards, he flew into the gated lift behind them.
Levi snarled, throwing herself at Kate and swiping with her claws, catching the woman down the face. Kate screamed in anger, raising her foot and kicking Levi in the neck. Groaning, the girl stumbled backwards, holding on to were the bite mark from Scott was.
Kate saw this and laughed, now knowing exactly what the two meant to each other even if they didn't really understand. Scott lunged again, but Kate moved causing him to crash into Levi and both of them to hit the ground and roll. Scott leant against a pillar while Levi shuffled backwards on the ground away from an approaching Kate until she was pressed against him, blood gushing from both alphas.
"What do you want from us?" Scott asked, snarled as he looked up at the woman.
"I want a little bit of insight, Scott," she said, briefly glancing to Levi before turning her attention to him.
"To what?"
"My family. The Argent family has been around for over 400 years. A powerful, wealthy, aristocratic family of werewolf hunters. But yet somehow, in less than a year, this great family is decimated by a teenage boy. So my question is simple. What the hell is so special about Scott McCall?" She asked, and although Levi hadn't been around for the full time, she knew about Allison's mother's death too. Kate's pain was more understandable to the girl now, but it still didn't mean Kate had any reason to go on a killing spree.
"You want me? Take me. Just me." Scott spoke, but Kate shook her head.
"Little Levi Hale and I have deep rooted unfinished business. If my family has to be decimated, so does the family that is the cause behind it all, starting with you. No, we're all going. We're all going to church!"
Scott and Levi shared a panicked look as Kate roared at them, for they knew exactly where she was planning on taking them, and for once in their lives, they didn't think their friends would be able to help them at all.
"What the hell happened?" Stiles asked, running into the loft space where Scott and Levi had been earlier. Kira and his dad followed, the three of them looking confused at the broken loft.
"It was supposed to be a date." Derek muttered, knowing that everyone knew about the two alphas by now.
"They were both here?"
"And they're both gone," Braeden answered, knowing that even though Levi had been the cause of the deep wounds on her neck that the girl was changed for the better now.
They were interrupted as Stiles' phone rang, Lydia's name appearing on the screen.
"Hey," Stiles answered before being cut off immediately by the strawberry blonde.
"Scott's been taken," she started before he proceeded to take after her and interrupt.
"Scott and Levi. We just don't know where," He explained as he looked at Derek. Although the man always kept such a strong front, Stiles could see the slight puff of his eyes from where he had obviously had a quick cry at his sister once again being taken from his life.
"Mexico. And if you want to save their lives, that's where you're going too." Deaton answered from Lydia's phone.
"Tell me, Scott. They ever teach you the myth of Artemis and Actaeon in school? No? I didn't think so. Well, Artemis was a goddess. And Actaeon was a hunter that happened to see Artemis bathing naked one day," Kate was explaining the greek myth to Scott when Levi felt herself drift back into consciousness. The young alpha tried to push herself up from the ground but found herself drained of all her energy to move. Kate cast a quick glance at her before continuing on with her story.
"This did not make the goddess too happy. In fact, she was so angry, Artemis turned Actaeon into a deer and this sent his own hounds into a frenzy. He was actually torn apart by his own hunting dogs," She finished, moving to where Scott's tied feet were and picking up a skull helmet identical to those that her henchmen had became.
"What are you doing?" Scott asked, sparing his girlfriend a troubled glance before pulling at the restraints when Kate started to walk closer to him with the helmet. She laughed as she lifted it to line up with his face.
"I'm not gonna turn you into a deer. But you are about to become something unrecognizable to your friends. They won't know what they're fighting; or killing," She laughed, pressing the helmet on to his face and ignoring his screams.
"No, Kate, no. No, Kate. Don't. No, no. No!" He kept screaming as she pushed it on harder, and as she moved away his screams started to become less prominent and more like whimpers.
Levi craned her neck forward but yet she still found herself unable to move from that position. The hunter leant down beside the girl who flinched as the woman pushed a strand of hair away from her face. She rested her hand on the girl's cheek as she smiled viciously at the teenager.
"For you, little Levi, I have something much different planned," Kate mused, slapping her cheek lightly and in a teasing way as she knew there was nothing the girl could do about it. "You've been evolving Levi, starting from the moment I turned you back into you're 12 year old self - all for this one reason," she continued, grinning as the alpha's eyes widened in panic as she understood why she had been so ill and why her green eyes had been returning. "I'd always wondered what it would feel like to have someone as powerful as you working for me."
As Kate opened the girl's mouth and began to pour a dark, thick grey liquid in, Levi tried to let out yells that became gurgles. Her eyesight became clouded over, and her thoughts became muddled. What was left of her clouded eyesight had turned green, a familiar sign that her eyes were now glowing that colour.
All she now knew, was that Kate was saving her.
Hey guys! I'm trying to update a bit more regularly since we are almost at the end of this book as it only has about 2 chapters left, also I hope you like the new cover! I went through all my stories and gave them all brand new covers that hopefully look better and all sort of match a general theme :) Please leave me some feedback on them, and check out the rest of my stories maybe? I will say that the only other recent stories are ephemeral and water, so the rest will certainly not be my best work. Personally, I feel like my twilight trilogy is ridiculously badly written and has plot holes everywhere from 13 year old me, but I keep it up for those who have previously expressed their love for it.
Season 6B is so close guys! Remember to follow, vote and comment, lots of love, K.
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