Chapter 19
That power belongs to me. I am the rightful Hale!" Peter snapped, watching as his blonde companion rolled her eyes.
"And you'll get it back, but first we need to keep her safe from those stupid assassins. If she dies, we both lose out on our goal here," Kate Argent replied, flicking her blonde hair back over her shoulder.
The key to power for both of them came in the shape of two people: Scott McCall and Levi Hale.
"Levi, wake up," a soft voice murmured against the sick alpha's ear, the soft scent of wood and pine and home filling her senses. The room was dark against her senses being weakened from the mysterious draining sensation she had been facing since the dowsing of gasoline days prior, but that didn't mean that she couldn't instantly feel Scott's presence engulfing her.
She sat up slightly, her body pressing against his warm arms. "Scott?"
"It's over Levi, the dead pool, it's gone," he murmured happily, burrowing her head into his neck as he clung on tightly to her. Levi's breath hitched for a moment as she fully tried to process what it was that Scott was actually telling her.
"For real?" She coughed, noticing Scott's slight cringe at her condition.
"For real."
Levi murmured before leaning back and drifting back into a sleep. Scott knew the alpha was seriously ill, the girl was never one for naps let alone staying in her bed for too long. So many years of being on the run with Deucalion had taught her that sleep could be kept to a minimum as it was a dormant state of vulnerability. Sure, she was now adapting to a life without Deucalion but it was such a long period of time in her life that bad habits still plagued her daily routines.
"I'm going to help you Levi, even if it takes all the time in the world," Scott swept a hand lightly across her forehead, quickly removing it due to her boiling temperature. But first, there was something he knew he was needing to do.
Walking into the house, Scott tried to keep the noise down to avoid from waking up his overworking and struggling mother, but much to his avail it was her who greeted him at the door.
"Hey, sorry I'm back so late. I was closing up the Animal Clinic. I got more hours to earn a little extra... money," he trailed off, noticing the duffle bag filled to the brim with Derek's money sitting on the table in front of him. Melissa gave him a shocked and disapproving look as she pointedly looked towards the bag on display.
"How much more did you need?" She exclaimed, confused at what was happening in front of her.
"This is payment from the dead pool. I found it in Garrett's locker," Scott began to explain before she cut him off.
"This belongs to Derek? So you're just keeping it safe for him in a gym bag underneath your bed? How long have you had it? Is this not also Levi's?" Her voice rose slightly, confused as to why Scott was laundering money under his bed for such a long period of time.
"Too long." He agreed, looking longingly at the bag with a hint of shame.
"You know you have to give it back?"
"I was going to. Do I want to know why you haven't? Because of you," he explained, his head dipping a little as his mum looked at him in utter shock and confusion.
"Me? You mean because we've been struggling a little"
"Mom, we're struggling a lot."
"Scott, you can save people's lives," Melissa started, sighing softly as she looked at the alpha who only wanted to save everyone from pain and wrongdoing. "But you cannot save them from life; life is full of struggle."
The thought hit hard with Scott, life was certainly full of struggle. If the past few years had taught him anything it would have been that. The struggles of his pack relying on him, the struggles of keeping the two safe, the struggles of having the burden of being a 'true alpha' placed upon him out of anywhere, the struggle of losing his first love, the struggle of potentially losing his second love - maybe life wasn't just fair. Maybe life was just plain cruel.
To say Levi was shocked when she opened her eyes to almost feel reborn was an understatement. There was some sort of thrill and adrenaline coursing through her body as she pushed herself up from the bed. The shock however, was more so coming from the fact everything around her was coated in a shade of green.
The last time her eyesight was coated a shade of green was back before Allison was killed. Before everything that had happened with the nogistune, back when Jennifer was the biggest threat her and her pack had faced - before she truly had ever felt the pain of death for one of her own.
Suddenly she was transported back, back to when the roof above them was crumbling in. The frantic cries of her friends and their parents as she pressed her hands to the falling ground.
Isaac had tried to be the main source of help, but when his eyes were stuck as their usual brown and no extra strength was coming to him, he knew the lunar eclipse had been ruining their chances of survival.
"I can't do it, it's the lunar ellipse." They all looked at him before Levi remembered what Jennifer had told her.
"I can." She shifted again, her eyes red and she pushed with all her might, the roof shifting upwards. They all shared hopeful looks and Allison was the first to properly watch Levi's eyes. They were red but they were changing. She squinted to see it clearer and Levi's eyes had turned a bright emerald green, causing her to gasp slightly.
A shake of her head had Levi back in present tense standing in Derek's loft. Her eyesight was still tinted green, and in a quick haste she headed to the only mirror in his house to investigate. The irises that greeted her were a bright emerald colour, mirroring that of none she had seen before. There was no proper werewolf law, and even if there was, green eyes had never been factored into it. Deacon had spent so long calling her the "pentagonum" wolf back during the Darach times, but nothing had ever come from it other than those fifteen minutes of extra strength.
So for it to have sprouted up now, she was even more confused than she was before.
Her thoughts were interrupted as the door swung open and Scott and a face she hadn't seen in a while entered the room. The musky smell of gunpowder and blood hung from the man, but she still would always find it almost comforting.
"Chris," she beamed, moving forward to pull the man into a hug. She knew how hard losing Allison had been on him, she was his last proper remaining family (that they had known of at the time anyway). Now, more than ever, he needed support - especially after his lunatic sister was out on the run somewhere with a vendetta for the beacon hills pack.
The man chuckled as he hugged her, having grown to care for her as if she was his own daughter. She didn't have a father, and he didn't have a daughter anymore - they both needed someone to keep an eye out.
"I'm going away for a few days, going to see if I can try and catch my sister," he explained, patting her lightly on the shoulder. "Scott had said you weren't doing to well so decided to wish you goodbye in person but seems I had nothing to worry about."
Levi shrugged, not bothering to explain the weird situation with her eyes. "Time healed me," she joked and he rolled her eyes, before wishing the two well and leaving the loft.
Scott hugged her tightly, not saying anything but Levi knew what he would have said if he had spoke. She could sense how worried for her he had been, and she was glad he wasn't voicing it for once. It felt more connected and personal as unspoken words of love.
He smirked as they pulled away, causing her to playfully pout and tilt her head. "WHAT?" She jokingly shouted, causing him to jump slightly as he wasn't expecting the loudness.
Scott blushed slightly as he smiled and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. Levi couldn't help but compare the young alpha to a puppy, his goofy grin and youthful nature being something that always brought out the best in her too.
"So because I was hoping you'd get better, I set up a small surprise for you," he murmured softly, pecking her on the head before pulling a thick piece of fabric from his pocket and motioning her to turn around.
Levi rolled her eyes, but did as he asked, knowing that she could trust the boy with all of her life. He quietly lead her through the apartment building, not leaving it, until they came to another room. Scott gently slid the blindfold off of her eyes and she smiled as she saw an empty loft with tons of lit bulbs shining from the roof.
"How did you...?" She trailed off, her eyes filling with slight tears at how amazing the gesture was for her.
"Lydia and Stiles helped set it up, while Kira lit all the bulbs for me," he explained, "and Derek owns the whole building so..." he trailed off as Levi took a second to process the last part of his declaration. "Did I do okay?"
As they stood holding hands in the middle of the shining lights, Levi turned her head upwards to Scott with a grin on her face.
"It's amazing. I love you."
Scott beamed down at her as he leaned in, replying "I love you too," before sealing her lips with his own.
Sorry I've been a while updating, just been so busy! Went over to the big ol US of A for a holiday so haven't had my laptop and the usual streaming site I had used to help write this was shut down :( Luckily however, seasons 1-5 are now on UK Netflix so problem solved :)
Massive thank you to all the support I've been getting - and it amazes me that this story is almost at 50K, and the first in the series is over 150K! Please vote for the chapters if you haven't as I've entered this story into the wattys and think it would be nice to get somewhere maybe?
Merry Friday, xoxo K.
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