Chapter 18
Levi sunk to the floor, Scott running over and sliding down next to her. He grabbed her, and held her close because this was just more evidence to him that he didn't know how short their lives could be. But deep inside him, he was more worried about Levi's inner wolf, and the bloodthirsty effect it was having on her and her mental health.
Levi looked back up at him, her eyelids shutting slightly as she held on to his hand.
"I" she muttered, being passing out in his arms.
"She's still not woken up," Derek explained to Scott, passing the younger werewolf a fresh cup of hot chocolate as they both settled into the leather couch in his apartment.
After the traumatic experience of almost being burned alive and Levi almost losing control, she had passed out in Scott's arms and was still yet to wake up. Deaton had visited and told the boys that it was simply due to over-exertion but Scott was worried there was something else behind it - maybe to do with her sudden change in control.
Braeden held up a spare cup, motioning that she was going to take one upstairs to Levi as the boys sat in partial silence for a moment.
Levi was thrashing in the sheets when Braeden entered the room, setting the mercenary into a high alert. She placed the cup down swiftly, moving to hold Levi still on the matress.
"LEVI!" She yelled, trying to wake the alpha up from whatever nightmare she was living in. The alpha's eyes shot open, the red shining straight into Braeden's eyes and causing her to give an unvoluntary shiver as she remembered the last time she had been that close to those red eyes.
"Derek." She whispered and Deucalion smirked before lifting his hand, ready to kill her. He stopped suddenly and the woman looked confused. He turned to his left where Levi was crouching beside him.
"All yours my daughter." Levi nodded and extended her claws, slashing them across the woman's throat and killing her instantly, her blood splattering against the lockers. Levi stood up, not even glancing back at the woman and helped her father back out of the school and leaving her feeling stronger.
"LEVI!" Scott roared, pushing past the frozen Braeden to pull the girl back from accidentally attacking her brother's unofficial girlfriend. Levi's eyes instantly turned back to their normal colour as she made eye contact with Scott, pushing herself into his chest as she allowed her body to continue to shake as she let out silent sobs. Scott hushed her, running a hand through her hair and pulling her close into his body, looking up at the other two adults as the three exchanged panicked glances.
Something was getting increasingly wrong with Levi, and if they didn't solve it soon all hell was going to break loose.
"How about I take you home?" Scott asked his beta, having just informed the boy that Kira had managed to find Brett and get him to safety before any fatal harm had came to the boy.
"I'm not like you." Liam said suddenly, looking up at Scott from where he was fidgeting with his hands and the front of his jacket's zipper. The boy kept picturing the look in Levi's eyes as she turned against the assassins in order to protect them and it had kept him up all night thinking about the sheer strength of character that his pack had.
"Not yet." Scott tried to brush the comment off, thinking the boy were merely talking about his lack of control on his inner wolf.
"I don't mean I'm not strong or I'm never gonna learn how to be in control. I mean everything else. You and your friends try to protect everyone." Liam started, wringing his hands as he stared into Scott's eyes.
"I mean, how are you all still alive?"
He paused, his eyes harbouring a more serious glint as he recalled his friends who hadn't made it to where they were at. First Erica, then Boyd, then Allison and Aiden too. It wasn't supposed to have ended up so sour so quickly. Erica died alone, cold and uncomforted on the stone floor of that bank cell. Boyd had died protecting his alpha - his mentor - and the man who had kept him safe. Allison died saving her friends: saving him, saving Levi, saving Lydia, saving them all. She was his first love and while he had moved on, a piece of him would have always belonged to the girl. Aiden hadn't hit Scott as hard as the others. The true alpha had never really seen eye to eye with the alpha, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt him when he was gone. Aiden was to Levi was Allison was to him. And maybe that's why there was something so easily formed between them: that despite their differences, they were similar in ways no one else really understood.
"Not all of us are," finally escaped from the alpha's tired voice. There was a silence, and Liam instantly realised that he had made a mistake. Levi had told him about Scott's first love, Allison, and she had also told him about her first love, Aiden. There was something so raw and heartbreaking about their stories that Liam almost wanted to beat himself up for having allowed a question as stupid as that to have slipped through his lips in a moment of such self pity.
Scott simply stared back at the beta, allowing them both a moment or two to process the exchange that had just occurred between them.
"Let me at least take you home," Scott murmured.
"They'll be okay," Scott said to Derek, watching and observing the other supernatural they had gathered.
"They've got claws and fangs. But they're not fighters," Derek partially disagreed, his head not completely into the scenario as he thought about his younger sister lying in his apartment still fading in and out of consciousness.
"That's why I called you." Scott explained, a look of slight panic in his features as he faced the lesser supernatural being.
"Well, try to remember I don't have claws and fangs anymore either." Derek started, before pausing and looking at Scott again. "And at this point I'm worried that it would be best if my sister didn't either."
"That's why he called me." Braeden interrupted, clicking her gun into place as she approached the two boys. "Levi will be fine, she's stronger than she looks."
There was a slight awkward silence in the air as Scott's eyes trailed down Braedens face to rest upon the slash marks buried deep into her neck that Levi had caused back when they had all first met and she was morally corrupted by power and Deucalion's illusions. They had came a long way since then, and although Levi and Braeden had only had that one awkward encounter that morning regarding Levi's past, it was obviously for everyone to see how the alpha progressed.
"I forgive her, you know," Braeden broke the subject of conversation as she saw his eyes resting upon the visible war wounds. "We've all given into our dark temptations before. It's an easy mistake."
Scott nodded before Derek spoke, sending chills down the alpha's spine.
"I'm worried that history might be starting to repeat itself."
"Hey kiddo," Levi's eyes fluttered open as she felt the bed beneath her adjust to the extra weight that was now balancing beside her.
She could make out a male figure as her eyes tried to readjust to the change of lighting.
"Uncle Peter?" She softly checked, her voice sounding raspy and raw from almost being burned alive and not having had a drink in almost a full day.
Her uncle placed a cool hand on her warm head as she moved closer to his body warmth.
"Yeah Levi, it's me," he murmured, watching with a slight hidden distaste as he watched the remaining Hale alpha struggle on the bed he was perched on.
"Where's the rest?" She squeaked out, her eyes still not focusing on him properly.
"They're out but they'll be back soon. I just wanted to check in on how you're doing." He lied, running a hand softly through her hair.
"I'm tired." She decided after a moment, closing her eyes and drifting back into a deeper sleep.
Peter rolled his eyes as he stood up, pulling the blanket slightly more over her and leaving the apartment. There was someone he needed to see.
"That power belongs to me. I am the rightful Hale!" Peter snapped, watching as his blonde companion rolled her eyes.
"And you'll get it back, but first we need to keep her safe from those stupid assassins. If she dies, we both lose out on our goal here," Kate Argent replied, flicking her blonde hair back over her shoulder.
The key to power for both of them came in the shape of two people: Scott McCall and Levi Hale.
HEY GUYS! Short chapter I know, sorry :/ I had this partially written in my drafts so just made a few touches and decided to publish it. I promise the next chapter will be much longer, especially as our favourite crazy Argent will fully return in the next few chapters! Remember to vote and comment as always, and if anyone is interested I've just started a Daisy Johnston (or Skye...) from AOS story too :)
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