Chapter 12
Violet nicked her side with something sharp, and Levi felt her chest suddenly feel heavy.
"McCall can't save you now."
Levi felt her eyes close as Violet grabbed her legs and moved her out of site of most of the changing room.
"Where's Kira?" Scott asked Liam, watching as his beta peered around the corner to talk to his alpha.
"She took off. Stiles told her about Lydia cracking the second part of the Dead Pool." Scott furrowed his eyebrows at Liam's words, looking back up at the boy.
A sudden realisation crossed Scott's features as he sighed, "her mom's on it."
Liam almost shoved that to the side. "Everyone's on it."
Scott shook his head, feeling a slight bit of relief flowing through his body. "You're not."
"Not yet. There's still another third, right?" He paused for a moment before he looked back at Scott. "And Levi will be on that part too."
They both stopped their thoughts as they overheard what Agent McCall was saying to the handcuffed Violet. "Thermo-cut wire's... a very unusual weapon, Violet. Now, we've got a file at the bureau on something similar. Used in over a dozen murders."
Violet scoffed, acting like she knew nothing about what he was claiming she had done. "I don't know what you're talking about. I just go to school here." She denied, a scowl permanent on her lips.
"Maybe we should call your parents then," Agent McCall pointed out before he studied her closely and narrowed his eyes, knowing that he had her caught out now. "Oh, no... that's right. You don't have any parents. That's why they call you The Orphans."
A look of disappointment spread rapidly over the girl's features as she understood that she was well and truly caught out now. As Agent McCall let a small smile at his victory fall onto his face, Violet was led out of the school with the police officers surrounding her.
Agent McCall turned to face the Sheriff. "We need to find her boyfriend, Garrett."
Scott turned back to face Liam, a sudden thought coming to his head. "Where did Levi go?"
"What the hell is happening to this kid?!" Stiles exclaimed as he and Derek fought against a thrashing Brett on Deaton's operating table. There was yellow junk foaming at his mouth, and the pale human was trying his hardest to avoid being hit by it while trying to pin the werewolf to the table.
"He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane. I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible." Deaton said, rushing around the table as he prepared himself to save Brett.
As Stiles tried to hold the boy down, he cast a quick glare over at Derek. "Hey, Derek, how about a little werewolf strength?"
Derek snarled at that, not wanting to show his newfound weakness in front of the teenager. "Yeah, I'm not the only one here with werewolf strength." He ground it out, sending Stiles another impending glare.
"If you can't hold him still, the incision might kill him!" Deaton spoke over the two males, watching them bicker was certainly not as important as saving the lacrosse player from an excruciating death by wolfsbane.
As Brett's seizures became more frantic, Stiles looked across at Derek once more. "Derek, he's slipping. I don't think I can hold him!" He shouted as Brett shoved the three away from him and jumped up off the table with a roar.
As Brett turned around in a hurry to leave Deaton's place, obviously in an unfit mind due to the poisoning, he was stopped by none other than Peter's fist colliding straight into his face. The young boy hit the ground straight away, falling still and unconscious.
"I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself." Peter chirped, his eyes glowing blue. He scoffed at Derek's bitter look towards him.
"Yeah, maybe more than a little." Derek muttered, staring confused at his uncle before looking down at his arm where the scratch marks left by Brett were still yet to heal - a rare concept for him having grown up with werewolf healing his entire life.
"Hey, Doc, I don't think he's breathing." Derek's moment of self judgement was interrupted by Stiles' voice breaking the silence as the boy and the doctor crouched down next to the teen wolf. Deaton saw the opportunity and lifted his scalpel, making an incision along Brett's chest. A puff of yellow gas was released as the scalpel glided through the boy's skin.
"Is he okay?" Stiles paused before asking, utterly confused at what he had just witnessed.
"I think he'll be fine, but probably out for a while." Deaton confessed.
"Guys, can you hear that? I think he's saying something." Stiles murmured.
"The sun... The moon... The truth... The sun... The moon... The truth..." Escaped from Brett's mouth as the four men watched his mouth barely open. The wolfsbane had really taken it out of him.
Deaton recognised the quote immediately. "Three things cannot long be hidden. The sun, the moon, and the truth. It's Buddhist." He looked between the four adults as Peter muttered a conclusion.
There was a slight pause before Derek looked at Stiles. "Have you seen my sister?"
She couldn't see. Her eyes were open but even with the help of her alpha senses she couldn't make out anything. She was deep down, slimy bricks in a cylinder shape around her. She could feel cold water up to her armpits washing against a wound on her shoulder.
Levi Hale was trapped. In a well of all places - well she presumed that anyway. Her eyesight was blurry, and she could sense that the wound on her shoulder was seeping not only blood but also the familiar smell of wolfsbane.
She could taste the blood in her mouth too, but it was dry - probably from when Violet had managed to attack her. She reached down and pressed a hand against her side where Violet's initial stab had been and noticed that while whatever was going on with her shoulder was getting progressively worse, at least her side had healed before it had occurred.
She opened her mouth, tilting her head back to allow for noise to travel better up the tunnel.
"SCOTT!" She paused, knowing that her efforts would be useless. She couldn't even think of anywhere near Beacon Hills with a well in it - let alone except him to hear her from it. As she looked back down at the water, the light filtering in was blocked, causing her to look up and squint at the figure standing at the top of the brick cylinder that she was currently imprisoned in.
"Oh Levi. Little Levi Hale," Garrett chucked, watching as she struggled against the slimy rocks and water deep below the ground. She snarled but was only met with a chuckle from Garrett.
"I will kill you." She ground out, watching as he shook a finger at her.
"Now now," he patronised, "you'll be dead from that wolfsbane before you even manage to get out of the well."
He slunk away, leaving an exhausted Levi to collapse against the wall behind her as the water surged around her collarbones.
Scott answered his phone, bringing it straight up to his ear. He was expecting Liam, but it certainly wasn't the beta on the phone.
"Liam?" Scott asked confused.
"Sounds like you already know the answer to that Scott," Garrett spoke down the line, a sort of smug tone ringing through the phone as he addressed the true alpha.
"Where is he?" Scott snarled down the phone, feeling his heart rate pick up ever so slightly in panic for his beta.
"Come on," Garrett huffed down the phone, while Scott turned around and surveyed the corridor for any sight of the boy. "Like I'm actually gonna tell you that."
"I'll give you the money." Scott bribed.
"Yeah, you will." Garrett confirmed for the alpha. "But that's not going to get you Liam back. You're going to have to put in a little more effort than that, especially if you want your precious little Levi Hale back too."
Scott's blood turned cold at that, he and Liam had presumed Levi had gone to be with Derek after seeing the dead pool list - it had not occurred to him that something could have actually happened to his girlfriend in such a short period of time.
"Don't you dare touch them." Scott snarled, listening to Garrett laugh slightly on the phone.
"Oh Scott, Liam will be fine if you just do as I say."
"What about Levi?" Scott growled, his eyes beginning to flash red from anger.
"Little Levi Hale, so angry for such a small person. Shame about her really, but the money will be good. She'll probably be nothing more than flesh by the time you get to her." Garett laughed manically down the phone, knowing that Levi was Scott's ultimate breaking point.
"What do you want?" Scott spat down the line.
"I want the money - and Violet. Or you never see Liam or Levi again."
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