Chapter 11
"So, the Walcott's were the first - at least the first that we know about. Four murders: Sean, his brother, and their parents. They were killed by a professional assassin called The Mute. Whose weapon of choice is a military tomahawk. But then The Mute was killed by Peter Hale after he tried to blow up Derek with a Claymore mine. Next was Demarco. He delivered a keg to the party at Lydia's lake house and got decapitated outside his car," Stiles clarified to the Sheriff, before Levi sighed deeply. Everything was happening so quickly, it was only days ago she had started to get back on track.
"It's a deadpool," she muttered, as Scott reached into his pocket to pull out the copy of the list that Lydia had somehow managed to decrypt by using Allison's name.
"A hitlist of supernatural creatures," Scott clarified, passing the paper over. He opened it out and continued. "This is only part of it. The rest still has to be decoded," he explained.
The Sheriff looked at it in confusion before asking what he really needed to know. "Who found this list?" He asked in shock while his eyes scanned the list of names.
Levi answered bluntly, "Lydia."
"She wrote it," Stiles clarified, watching his fathers face with an awkward look. After seeing the look John was giving him back, the boy continued. "Actually, she transcribed it without realising it."
John rolled his eyes, already done with hearing about the supernatural and it's constant murdering of Beacon Hills. "Banshee?"
Stiles nodded. "Banshee."
John looked back down at the list, his eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. "What are these numbers next to the names?" Levi smiled slightly at the older man, relaxing him slightly. "Stiles' is just getting to that," she firmly spoke, sending a message for Stiles to get a move on. The scrawny boy jumped slightly and continued with his speech.
"First, you need to know that the code was broken with a cipher key," he began, but was cut off by John.
"Wait, you mean like a keyword?"
There was a slight silence and John prepared himself for the worst at the way the three teenagers all looked at each other.
"It was actually a name," Stiles noted, while Levi and Scott spoke at the same time.
"Aliison." They both murmured softly, thinking about their fallen friend. The Sheriff paused for a moment, seeing the devastation in their eyes and he had already felt his heart break for them.
"Her name broke a third of the list," Stiles softly continued, watching as his best friends zoned out for a moment.
Scott finally snapped out of it and went back to the conversation. "And we uh, we think that there is two other cipher keys," he described to John.
Levi zoned out completley, a vivid memory hitting her quickly.
Then, as the oni pulled the sword out, a bright yellow light that accompanied the fireflies appeared in her wound, almost as if she was the Oni. Levi yelled out in pain an fell to the ground, the yellow light subsiding and the Oni evapourated, much to everyone's confusion.
As Levi lay on the cold ground, her eyes wavering in and out of focus and the pool of blood she was laying in slowly grower larger, the only thing she was aware of was Lydia's next scream.
She could just see Allison get caught by Scott from the corner of her eye, then her eyes faded out to black and she saw no more.
The girl snapped back into the conversation, her hand subconciously travelling to where the Oni had rammed its sword through her own chest. Almost the exact same spot that had fatally ended her best friend's life.
"It was someone at the party," Stiles replied, a grim look on their face.
"A student." Levi finished.
"Wolfsbane," Violet announced as she stirred the yellow acid in the flask.
Garrett cocked his head, "That's wolfsbane? I thought it was purple," he admitted watching as the girl sat the chemical flash back onto the work bench.
"Not this specices. Which is very rare and very expensive by the way," she informed him, watching as his eyebrow quirked at her words.
"What's that supposed to mean? 'Don't scew up'?"
"Don't miss. All you have to do is nick him, it'll work fast." She trailed off for a moment, before smiling warmly at her partner. "Even on an alpha."
Garrett's smiled dropped immediately. "We gonna do this again?"
"I'm just saying, I don't know why we're going after a Beta when there's two alphas also out there."
"Because an entire pack of alphas went after McCall and yet he was the one left standing!" Garrett firmly pointed out, waiting on her response.
"Well what about the Hale one? You know that when we get the last part of that list her name with be on it with a big fat seven figure sum."
"I have better plans for her later on." He smirked.
Levi slammed her locker shut, hearing her best friend's voice enter her ears.
"I can't just turn this on. I'm not like you guys. I don't have claws, or glowing eyes or super senses. I just have voices in my head!" Lydia exclaimed to Malia, watching as the were coyote paused to try and find words.
Lydia looked around before beginning to walk away. Levi reached out and grabbed her arm as she walked by the alpha.
"You might not have what we have, but you've got me." The strawberry blonde paused, meeting Levi's eyes and leaning forward for a tight hug with her best friend. Despite them having started off on a bad foot when Levi stilled believed she was Deucalion's daughter, they were inseperateable now, and Levi did not know where she would be without the banshee.
Levi sprinted into the boys locker room as he heard Liam's snarling from under the shower. She watched as her beta struggled against Stiles and Scott, out of control.
"LIAM!" She roared, her eyes flashing red. The wolf whimpered and immediately returned back to normal.
He sat down on the ground, with Levi sliding down beside him.
"That car you said you smashed," Scott began, "I thought you said that was your teachers."
"He was also my coach." Liam admitted, looking over at Levi who wasn't sending him a judging look like the two boys were. "He benched me for the entire season."
"What did you do?" Levi asked softly, resting a hand on his arm.
Liam looked down ashamed. "I got a couple of red cards," he sadly said.
"Just a couple? You gotta be honest with us," Stiles exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.
"What else happened?" Scott asked, and Liam tensed up.
"Nothing." There was a pause. "I got kicked out of school." Levi sighed as he continued. "They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation."
"What did they call it?" Scott asked.
"Intermittent Explosive Disorder."
Levi snarled at him slightly, making Scott shoot her a warning look and causing Stiles to swallow deeply.
"Did they give you anything for it?" She asked him softly and he turned to look at her.
"Risperdal, its an antipsychotic, but I don't take it." Levi was now ignoring Stiles' snarky replies. "I can't play lacrosse on it, it makes me too tired."
"Okay. I think you should bail out of the game. Tell Coach your leg is still hurting." Scott suggested, but Liam jumped to his feet - accidentally tugging Levi up with him.
"No, no! I can do this.Especially if you're both there." He motioned towards his two alphas, all of the wolves completely ignoring Stiles' presence for the minute.
"But, Liam, it's not just about the game. We think whoever killed Demarco might be on our team." Scott butted in, watching as Liam changed from panicked to confused.
"Who's Demarco? The one who brought the beer to the party." Stiles explained.
"The guy who was beheaded." Levi simplified. "Remember?"
"We think the person who ordered the keg killed Demarco." Scott added in.
Liam looked between them all in complete shock and panic. Levi turned to face him, her heart beat increasing slightly from the slight tinge of adrenaline coming from it.
"Liam? What, you know something?"
"I don't know who ordered the keg. But I know who paid for it."
"Go keep our boy safe," Levi muttered, pressing her lips softly against Scott's. Stiles' eye bulged slightly, having been the only one kept out of the loop about the alpha's current feelings towards each other.
He started to jog away before she called him back and crashed her lips back to his. "Oh, and win this game."
Scott laughed before he jogged out to the centre, keeping a close eye on Liam, Brett and Garrett.
As the game progressed and Kira was sent out, Levi couldn't help but feeling like there was more than just the two wolves on the pitch. She could almost sense another life presence, but not a human one - a supernatural one.
Suddenly, Liam was flipped over by Brett and Garrett, causing all three to slam onto the ground. Brett was laying on the ground, screaming in pain as Scott and Liam pulled his bone back into place. As Levi slowing stood up, she saw Garrett's lacrosse stick snap back into place, and saw that Liam was fine.
While she heard Scott telling Liam that Garrett missed, she wasn't sure that was necessarily the case anymore. Turning her back from the game, she began to sprint towards where Brett had been taken. As she followed him, she could sense his power, and she knew she was right.
Brett Talbot was a werewolf, and was the true victim of Garrett.
As she ran towards the room, she heard Brett on the ground.
"Why are you doing this?" Brett asked.
"You're worth a lot of money Brett!" Violet laughed, wrapping the thermowire around his neck.
Levi ran in, tackling the girl to the ground and slamming her against the metal lockers. She snarled, her features shifting as she ducked under the wire that was flung towards her. Violet nicked her side with something sharp, and Levi felt her chest suddenly feel heavy.
"McCall can't save you now."
Levi felt her eyes close as Violet grabbed her legs and moved her out of site of most of the changing room.
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