It was two weeks later that I saw it.
That I saw them.
I was walking down the hallway towards my locker after Maths period, my head pounding from the confusing exercises Mr. Johnson was teaching us but clearly failing at doing so, that I noticed that familiar mop of black hair down the corridor.
I smiled a little to myself upon seeing him, I wanted to walk directly towards him (or past him, really) and give him one of the looks we always gave each other when people were around. It was such a subtle thing to do, but I knew we both enjoyed doing it way too much and still, no one seemed to know anything. Honestly it gave me a thrill and I definitely loved the feeling it left me with. I knew it was the same for him.
First I had to actually take some books for my next class though, so I stopped at my locker. I was adding my combination and opening the door when out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Kellin wasn't alone.
Melissa Brown was the kind of girl everyone loved. She was one of those girls that always looked perfect no matter what. Her bronze curls were always neatly done, her make up was always on point, her clothes were worn like she was part of a fashion show. You get the picture. She's been in this school for as long as I can remember and of course, she was friends with everyone. So maybe that's why I didn't think of her talking to Kellin as such a weird thing.
I decided to ignore it. I took my books out of my locker and tried not think about those two too much. However, curiosity got the best of me and two seconds later I glanced at them once more and how I wish I hadn't.
Because one second they were talking like normal people do and the next she reached out and started playing with his fingers. Their hands interlocked and moved in sync with the other. And every second she held his hands felt like tiny little stabs in my chest.
I think what made it worse was the flirty little smile on Melissa's face and Kellin's noticeable asshole smirk. He was actually enjoying it. Fuck.
I frowned at the sight. I doubted he could see me, with other students walking down the hallway to get to class and the fair distance between us. I didn't know if I wanted him to see me. Part of me did, the other just wanted to run away and pretend I never saw anything.
But it still stung, to see him being that open with someone else, with everyone able to see. It was exactly what we both couldn't have. And he was having it with Melissa. And hell, we were doing exactly that with our hands just two days ago in the backseat of my car after.. ugh.
I shook my head. I wasn't pissed, I really couldn't be. Like I've said before, whatever Kellin and I had was nothing and that was crystal clear to him at least. Whatever.
I know I would've kept staring at them until the bell rang, but Jaime startled me to death when he slapped my shoulders from behind. I almost dropped my books to the floor, but got a hold of myself quickly enough.
"Shit, man." I turned to him and he was laughing his ass off.
"Dude," he wiped a fake tear from his eye as his laughter died down. "Your nerves are on point today."
I rolled my eyes and put back my Maths book inside the locker. "You're a little shit."
When Jaime stopped laughing I noticed him noticing what I had been staring at before he came. I don't know why I suddenly got nervous.
"Well, well, well," he shook his head and walked to my other side to get a better look. "I see it, but I can't believe it. Melissa Brown flirting with Kellin out of all people?"
I looked at him.
"What's wrong with Kellin?" I asked. God, way to be obvious Vic.
"Nothing I guess," he shrugged and turned to face me again. "Just never thought Kellin would be her type." He laughed.
And I faked a laugh too.
"Yeah... me either."
I closed my locker and we walked in the opposite direction.
My phone vibrated in my pocket while I ate my slice of pizza at the cafeteria. It was lunch time and I was sitting at my usual table with my group of friends. They were all discussing the music festival that was coming to our town next month, which was going to be monumental. We were all down to go, and I was actually hyped for all the good bands that were going to perform, but I wasn't really being a part of the conversation right now. My stupid brain thinking of something -someone- else.
I made the mistake of seeing Melissa's instagram stories during my previous class and that was the clearly the second mistake of the day.
Kellin was in most of them, even the ones from last night. And it really left me wondering. Was Kellin actually dating this girl or was it something less serious? And when did that happen anyway? And if they were actually doing something, regardless if they were serious or not, what would that leave me?
Then again, them being serious wouldn't make sense, really. Not when everyone saw that they even talked literally today. I'm pretty sure we started whatever it is that we had before Melissa was even in the picture. Still, he wouldn't care about that, would he? I was just the guy he fooled around with from time to time in secret. And of course he'd pull the I'm-not-gay card any time.
I internally rolled my eyes at how much I was overthinking this. It was plain simple. He got a girlfriend. I didn't matter. I could just forget about the non-existing "us" and move on with my life.
But how could he do that, without even any sort of explanation? I didn't even want to hear his explanation, but still. I was so annoyed I didn't even feel like eating my pizza anymore.
I felt my phone buzzing again and this time I finally took it out. Of course, I had three messages from Kellin asking me where I was. We had agreed yesterday to meet at the supply room today at lunch.
Truly I had forgotten about it until I felt my phone vibrate the first time, but after what I saw earlier and all the thinking I was doing, the last thing I wanted to do was seeing him. I texted him a quick excuse and put my phone away. I was not going to be Kellin's little toy today. He had Melissa for that now.
I reached for my pizza and took a bite reluctantly, just because I didn't want to be hungry later on, then chimed into the conversation with my friends about something I actually cared about.
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