The church is partly empty. It's open to the public, free for anyone willing to drop in for a simple prayer. Ainse steps in and is immediately welcomed by tranquility. He walks past the empty rows on his way to the front where he takes a seat. He's the only one in that section, so he takes all the time he needs.
A visitor comes to Ainse once he's done offering a short prayer. He doesn't turn to see who it is, because he already knows. He knows because he'd been counting on it. He'd set up the bait and she'd taken it. Just as planned.
Josi takes a seat next to Ainse and does nothing more. They sit there under the tranquility the church brings, but Ainse knows things are only calm on his end. Josi is in nowhere near the amount of peace he's currently in. Her jittering makes it obvious. She's anxious.
"'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths'. Proverbs three, verse five."
Josi frowns. "You're a profound Christian now?"
Ainse merely chuckles. "Why, I live a relatively normal life, Ms. Cade. I make sure to get a solid eight hours of sleep and by the hour of nine, I'm awake and ready to go about my day. I like my coffee with cream and a piece of toast to go with it. I keep my alcohol intake to a minimum and get enough exercise so I don't fall behind. You know, self care is very important."
Josi just stares at him, unsure of what to make of all this information.
"All of this," Ainse gestures towards the ring Idris gave him. The one that solidifies his position as underboss. "Is a part of my life just as much as your family is part of yours."
"Why does it matter so much?"
Ainse answers with his own question. "Do you know who gave me this scar?"
Josi doesn't respond.
"Bruno Verdonni."
A beat passes, until the truth has cemented itself enough in the air.
"I made a mistake once," Ainse traces the thin line over his face as he speaks. "As punishment, he used a knife to cut across my face in front of an audience. He wanted the cut clean and precise, you see. So he told me to hold still." He even laughs. "Classic Bruno."
Josi is visibly puzzled. After all, an incident such as that shouldn't warrant laughter. But she has no idea what this scar means for him. This is not just some injury. It has a deeper meaning. It's a wound he's proud of.
"Bruno Verdonni was a fine leader. He was smart and charismatic — funny, at times. He had a certain aura that captivated everyone around him. And by that, I mean respect. He didn't have to do much to gain it. He was vicious and unapologetic. Didn't take nonsense from anyone." Ainse pauses and looks at the ring once again. "Bruno Verdonni was my hero."
"But then he died . . ."
"But then he died." Ainse sighs. "And now his son has filled in for him."
Josi has some words of her own to add, but Ainse doesn't give her the chance. He keeps up with his speech.
"My father once told me women are most scariest when angered." He says. "I knew from the first day we got acquainted that Idris's attitude would surely get him into trouble. And here we are." He turns to Josi with his usual smile. The one that keeps his true thoughts hidden for him alone to see.
The one he knows gets under her skin. "What do you want?"
"There are lots of things I want. A new rug, a house on the beach, a new suit. And I'm currently craving a massage."
Josi's frown gives way to more irritation. Their senses of urgency aren't in sync. "So what, you're going to turn me in?"
Ainse looks at her as if he's just been accused of a crime. "Dear God, I'll do no such thing."
"I want Idris gone."
Josi tries to take a double take. But nothing about what Ainse just said was unclear. ". . . huh?"
"How do I say this as kindly as possible . . ." He takes some time, thinking. "He's not fit to lead the Verdonni family. I want him out of the picture. Morto."
Josi shifts in her seat, now much more uncomfortable.
"Who does Idris love more than anyone else currently?" Ainse continues. "Who's always by his side even behind closed doors?"
Josi swallows hard.
"You're going to get rid of Idris Verdonni for me."
Ainse gives her a few seconds to come to terms with this. She needs it. It seems she's frozen again. He tucks his ring back into his pocket and leaves his seat. "I give you a week. And then I explain to Idris all about you and our deceased comrade, Ramsey."
He doesn't leave just yet. He surveys the horrid look on Josi's face and simply smiles to himself. This expression truly suits her most.
"I'll see you around, Ms. Cade. And please extend my warmest regards to your boyfriend when you get back."
Ainse ties his hands behind and walks towards the exit, all smiles.
A dilemma.
Josi can't murder Idris. It will lead to consequences bigger than her existence. Taking Idris down will guarantee the death of everyone she holds dear. Her mother, father, Aspen. Mia, Clarissa. Bradley. They'll all be haunted down-each and everyone of them. They'll be subjected to inhumane torture before their time of death. The Verdonni family won't let them die so easily.
All of this will happen because of Josi. She's signing over the rights to her family if she puts a gun to Idris's head. They'll make her suffer in ways she can't imagine. They'll give her an end worse than death.
Josi rushes over to a sink and vomits. She spews up the last of her lunch, which isn't much due to her lack of appetite. But the feeling in her gut still will not leave. The wretched inkling that feels as though a rock has been lodged deep under.
Josi vomits until nothing remains. She rinses her mouth and cleans herself up before finally finding the strength to stand up straight. A terrible mistake. The person in the mirror is foreign to Josi. She has no certainty or power. She has little strength left and has now resorted to self-pity.
The person in front of Josi is hollow. She's frail and feeble and has no light in her eyes. The dark circles underneath have long since drowned them out. Her hair has grown thin and rough, lips dry and parched. Josi can't recognize herself.
Four days remain until Ainse's deadline.
No course of action has been taken. Josi falls asleep under Idris's arms as if nothing happened. She kisses and hugs him close as if things aren't falling apart, as if his life hasn't been placed in her hands.
Idris enters the bedroom a couple minutes later. She doesn't turn to him. It would take too much energy.
"Are you ready?" Idris starts. "Ainse and his friend will be here soon for dinner."
Josi simply nods. Not much strength left to formulate a sentence.
Her lack of enthusiasm is clear to Idris. He grabs her arm and pulls her towards him. "Hey. Are you okay?"
Josi plants a kiss on his cheek to make her lie more believable. "I'm fine. Really." And she gives him a smile. One crafted out of the thread she's desperately hanging on to.
Idris doesn't quite look convinced, but he lets it end there. That is, until he pauses and looks at Josi with mild shock. "Oh, shit. Are you pregnant?"
Josi just sighs. She grabs his hand and leads him towards the dining hall where dinner will be in a couple more minutes. They are first to arrive. Ainse joins them later with a friend of his he's chosen as his right hand man. He introduces the new colleague to the couple as Royce.
"Royce and I worked closely in Italy." Ainse tells the couple. "He was a great help to me. And I'm sure he'll make an excellent addition to the Verdonni family."
Josi picks at her food and watches Ainse rant on about his plan for the Verdonni family's future. He speaks with so much radiance and delight and passion. He has the leisure to be carefree. Josi does not.
"So how long have you two known each other?" Idris asks.
"A couple years now," Royce replies. "He made me follow him to Italy when he got posted there." The man is much older than Idris is, with a stubble full of grey and black hair, along with light brown eyes that match his skin. He seems to think highly of Idris. But Josi has to wonder if it is all an act crafted by Ainse Vanetti.
"I have to say, it is an honor meeting you." Royce tells Idris who merely shrugs. He extends his own greeting to Josi. "It's a pleasure meeting you too, Ms. Cade."
Josi gives him a smile. "Josita is fine."
"Josita it is." Royce chuckles. "If you don't mind me asking, how did the two of you meet?"
Josi prepares an answer, but Ainse beats her to it. "They met at a bar. It was love at first sight for Idris." He turns to her with a smile. "Ms. Cade told me so."
Both Idris and Josi share a look, one that conceals the truth of their past. Except Idris doesn't know Ainse is in on that secret.
Josi stands from her seat. "Excuse me. I'll be right back." She makes a beeline for the nearest restroom and hovers over the sink once again. The retch this time isn't as much as the first one, but it keeps her there for a while. She's not sure if she'll have any more food in her system for the next round of vomit.
After Josi has cleaned herself up, she exits the restroom and comes face to face with the person who has turned her life into what it currently is.
Ainse is there not with his usual smile or tied hands, but with an empty gaze that carries a hint of disappointment. "Four days remain, Ms. Cade."
Josi gathers her dress into her fists. "I can't just kill him, Ainse. I do that and they go for my family and everyone I know."
Ainse sighs as if her dilemma isn't as serious as she makes it seem. "Then how's this: as soon as Idris dies and I take over, I'll pardon you."
Josi thinks it over. But these are just empty words. "That's a lie. The family will grow suspicious. And you're not the type to leave a liability floating around. You'll get rid of me yourself."
Ainse says nothing. He moves his hands to the back and folds them, the same way he always does. Then he begins to chuckle. Josi can tell it's genuine. He somehow turned the moment into a comic relief.
"You managed to take down an Underboss right under the family's nose, so you must have someone wrapped up in this little scheme of yours." He thinks to himself. "Could it be Idris's pet guard? No, he's far too loyal. Then a Capo? Or perhaps someone from the Toulour family?"
Josi doesn't reply.
"You don't have to tell me." Ainse continues. "Because none of that will matter as soon as Idris dies."
Josi knows he's right. With Ainse as the new head, he'll be the voice of reason. He'll bring in his own team of men to replace the current ones. He'll make and break the rules whichever way he pleases. Because there will be no one to stop him.
Ainse pulls from his pocket a pouch and hands it to Josi. "A present for you." Then he pats her shoulder and makes off down the hallway with casual strides. "Sacrifices must always be made, Ms. Cade."
Josi opens the pouch once Ainse is out of sight. It's a cylindrical tube, black and cold to the touch. She pulls it out for further inspection and finally comes to the realization. It's a silencer.
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