Now under water, Josi runs her fingers over the wound on her right jaw. It had taken some time convincing Idris it was self-inflicted, especially with how stubborn he is. When in doubt, pin the blame on alcohol. It had gotten the job done for the meantime. As for the body, there's been no news as of yet, though it's been four days since the incident.
Josi thinks it may still be in the room, but in the event that the body does get discovered, she has begun taking precautions. But there's still not much worry. Mobsters don't warrant as much care from the police as the average citizen. They'll probably rule it as another act of gang violence. Needless to say, Josi has already moved on and has put things behind her.
The next affair on Josi's agenda is getting the information that's set to destroy the Toulours. That's exactly what she and the other two plan on doing that very day. There's a gathering at a casino resort with a couple crime leaders participating, Enzo and Idris included. They plan on ceasing this opportunity, because who knows when next an opportunity this good will present itself.
Josi emerges from underneath the water, but what she doesn't expect to see is an unhappy Croff staring down at her. The two are plunged into a staring contest, the air doused with tension.
Josi leans her back against the pool's edge. "Back for round two, are we?"
Croff frowns. "I was told to escort you to the resort."
"What happened to Idris?"
"He went on ahead." He tells her. "We'll be leaving soon."
Silence again. Josi brings her head back and gazes at the glass ceiling. "I don't know, my feet kind of hurt. I think I need someone to carry me."
Croff's frown deepens. "Josita."
"It was a joke." Josi sighs. She leaves the pool and fixes the straps from her bikini—a simple two piece set with extra strands around her abdomen. She walks past Croff for the exit. "You're drooling."
Croff, a bit stunned, merely exhales and heads after her.
The two arrive hours later at the destination —a resort that first offers to its visitors a hotel over thirty floors tall and keeps the rest of the attraction hidden behind the building. Croff leads Josi inside and through the widespread crowd. More chatter than there is music, but it's only to be expected in a house full of dreams hoping to be fulfilled. Even if running their money dry is the only way to make those chances of winning a reality.
Finally, Idris comes into view. He's in a conversation with some colleague of his, but when he takes notice of Josi, he pulls his attention away and focuses on her. As expected. She'd opted for a red satin dress that evening, one with enough room for her cleavage.
Idris seems to be eating it up. He sends a hand around her waist and brings his lips down to her ear. "Would it be inappropriate if I tore that dress right off your body?"
Josi smiles. "You say the most romantic things."
Idris returns the smile, then brings her into a kiss which she gleefully completes. But in the middle of that very kiss, Josi opens her eyes and looks at Croff who stands idly behind Idris. He's caught off guard, and immediately his posture goes limp. She never once looks away from him all through the kiss. And when it ends, she gives him a smile before fixing her attention back on Idris.
Croff just stands there in silence, trying to rebuild his guard that was so easily shattered. But it seems he can't, because he greets Idris goodbye and excuses himself. Josi smiles once again. It really is entertaining toying with him.
Minutes go by of Josi watching Idris interact with his colleagues. Until finally, the time on her phone hits 8:20 P.M. The meet-up time is in approximately ten minutes. She excuses herself and heads for an exit in the back, one that leads to the rest of the resort. There's a round table surrounded by bar stools close enough to a pool. And to counter the blazing heat of the summer sun, there's a patio umbrella that serves as a shield. Although now, the sun has long since retired.
The first person to have arrived is Dami. She has with her the same brand of lollipop, but with a different face this time around. Lengthy cinnamon hair and hazel eyes, with a black dress much less simple. It leaves part of the tattoo on her back exposed.
"You must really have a thing for sweets." Says Josi.
"Mostly lollipops." Dami tells her.
Rosari doesn't arrive until a couple more minutes later. Her choice of attire is a white strapless dress which garment has been adorned with crystals. And of course, a diamond necklace, because everything about her must be extravagant.
She takes a seat next to Dami and falls into perpetual silence. Clearly, this is not the version of the assassin she's used to. "Don't tell me you're Dami."
Dami grins. "In the flesh."
Rosari thinks some more, perhaps trying to work up some theory on how and why the assassin never seems to stick to a single appearance. Until finally, it clicks. "You're the Caméléonne, aren't you?"
"Yeah, but don't call me that."
Rosari falls back into more silence, and Josi can tell it hasn't yet fully settled for her. Give it time and she'll grow accustomed.
"Why do you hate that name, anyway?" Josi asks.
"Because it's ugly." Says Dami. "A chameleon? They didn't even try. Do you know how mortified I was when I woke up one morning and was referred to as a reptile? I wanted to quit." She shakes her head in disappointment. "They should have at least named me Lawless."
"Isn't there already an assassin named Lawless?" Rosari chimes in.
To which Dami shrugs. "I think he should share his name and stop being greedy."
Josi almost laughs, but with the wound on her jaw still a bit fresh, it limits her ability to do so. Rosari notices this struggle and eventually, the wound. "What happened to your face?"
Dami now also turns to see the scar. It's barely recognizable under the lighting, but upon closer inspection, becomes visible enough. It has grown red and a bit puffy, and with how deep the wound was, Josi is sure it will leave a mark.
"I got kidnapped."
"By the Toulours?" Dami asks.
"By someone else. It's a long story."
A long story that could be shortened in as little as ten words. But she divulges none of the details. They don't need to know what happens behind the scenes. That she's killed not one, but two people. That the second merely came for revenge after the fate she brought to the first. Josi keeps it all to herself.
"How was it?" Dami continues.
Josi goes quiet, thinks about it, then says, "It was okay."
Rosari, seemingly the only one with common sense, pulls out her phone and brings it up to her face.
Needless to say, Josi is baffled. "What are you doing?"
"Taking a picture of what I look like at a mental asylum."
Both Dami and Josi laugh. And when it all simmers down, the plan kicks into motion.
"So how do we get that info?" Josi begins.
"The fifteenth floor is reserved for mobsters, so it's off limits to the public." Rosari says. "Room 1501—that's the room that belongs to that bastard, and also where he keeps important documents. Well, more specifically, it's a computer, and I know he has the information stored on it."
"And the password?" Dami asks.
"I have that covered. Problem is the floor should be laced with guards. Not sure how many."
Dami shakes her head. "That won't be a problem. You'll get me up there while Josita stays here and keeps an eye on Enzo and everyone else. If worse comes to worse and Enzo tries to come up while I'm in there," she points to Rosari. "Then you'll go distract him."
Rosari visibly grows sick. "Over my hot, dead body."
"It has to be you." Dami tells her. "Tell him things he likes to hear. Like the fact that Idris is head over heels for you or something. That should get him to stop."
Rosari sighs and begins massaging her temples, already exhausted. "Let's just hope the situation doesn't call for that."
This seems to leave the assassin satisfied. She hands the two an earpiece for communication. "We'll talk this way. Josita, make sure to update us in case any new conflicts arise. Keep an eye out for Enzo's men as well."
"Aye, aye, captain." Josi sets the ear piece into place and buries it with her hair. Nothing too suspicious.
"Great." Dami grins. She gives Rosari a pat on her shoulder. "You're coming with me."
The two head towards an exit while in some conversation that is no longer audible to Josi. She heads back into the casino to get a head start on her part of the plan. That's where everything takes place. Criminals hide in plain sight there, participating in numerous games of poker in the hopes it will earn them some extra cash. Josi avoids such games because they always end up hostile. It's never in good spirits. Nothing mafia related is.
Enzo and Idris have grown closer over the course of their partnership, all owed to the piece of information Dami and Rosari are currently on the move to retrieve. Which means they must be in some corner of their own. And with the two together, Josi's job may prove far more easy. She can keep her eyes on both men at the same time.
But with the crowd this rowdy, it proves increasingly difficult to avoid obstacles. Such as the one Josi bumps into.
"I'm sorry." But when she spares a glance at the stranger in front of her, she has to take a second to sink into his looks. The most striking thing about him is the gruesome line that runs from his left jaw, over his nose, and ends on the right. Quite the scar, that one. With slicked dark hair and brown eyes, Josi concludes the stranger must be somewhere in his early thirties.
But this particular stranger has a certain air of intimidation to him, like there's something chilling about his character. Josi can't quite put her finger on it.
"Pardon me, Ms. Cade." He says with a friendly smile that is meant to make light of the situation. But it doesn't seem to work for Josi. She keeps her silence and continues her survey on the man in front of her, less concerned about the fact that he knows her name and more about the daunting cloud that shrouds him.
"I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening." He finally takes his leave. He walks off with precise, confident strides, hands now tied behind his back. Josi only resumes her journey towards Enzo once he's out of sight, as the trance has now been broken. She has work to do.
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