Chapter 1
Carrying a wooden crate filled with fresh produce from the farmers' market, Beth was making her way through the back door of her cafe, and into the kitchen. The smell of caramelizing onions and thyme permeated her senses, as she set the heavy load on the counter.
"What's on the menu today, Lucy?" she asked, walking over to her niece, who was vigorously stirring something in a large cast iron pot.
"I'm attempting to recreate a soup I once had when I was in Prague. I don't quite remember the name of it, but I'll never forget that taste. It was like tasting a spoonful of summer in every bite. I'm also revamping the white wine sauce for the scallops," Lucy brought the wooden spoon to her lips and took a small taste of the sauce. She closed her eyes, and smiled. "I think it's a winner, want a taste?" She extended the spoon to her aunt.
Beth tasted the sauce. "Wow. It's so smooth and rich."
"Is it too heavy?" Lucy asked anxiously.
"Not heavy. Heavenly!" exclaimed Beth. "Lucy, you are so talented. I mean, I don't even know how you come up with some of this stuff. What am I going to do once you get a real job? I don't even want to think about it. Half of the customers will probably flee."
"No. I'll leave my recipes for you. Don't worry. I'm not in a rush to follow in dad's footsteps. He's so busy all the time. I think he doesn't have the time to even enjoy the success he's had. That's not how I want my life to be."
"Well, your father will never stand for you to be a cook in the back of my cafe. Aren't you planning on going to grad school? I think your father wants you to reach your full potential and run the family business some day."
"But what if I don't want the family business? What if I just want a simpler sort of life? I'm not even sure I'll do the MBA program. I have the summer to decide. Maybe I just want to do this! Look how happy you are with your cafe?"
"Yes, but I am not the heir to the Hartwell empire. You are."
Lucy took some celery ribs and began dicing them. "It isn't fair."
Beth put a comforting hand on Lucy's shoulder. "Your father wants what is best for you. Believe me, you'll thank him one day, when you're a very important businesswoman, and you're docking your yacht in the bay, and you have your own private chefs cooking for you and your family."
"But I don't want private chefs. I want to be the chef! And I don't even like sailing."
"I'm just saying. Your father wants you to have a luxurious life. The life of a princess. A smart, respected, powerful princess-mogul."
"But what if I don't want that? Do you know how odd it is to have a helicopter pad in your back yard? Or to have a limo drop you off and pick you up from school? That's not normal."
"Look. If your mother were alive, things would've been different now. Your father may appear cold, but he only has the best intentions."
"Of course I feel guilty even saying anything, because how dare I complain about living a privileged life when most people are not so fortunate."
"Well, if it were all up to you, what would you do?"
"I would do what you do! I'd open my own little restaurant, and live in a little flat...right above it. I'd travel. I'd learn new recipes, and create my own..."
"I bet you'd be great at whatever you set your mind to, Luce. You're so passionate."
Lucy blushed and shrugged. "I don't know, I think I just have a love for food that's beyond reason."
Beth checked her watch. "Oh, we better hurry, we're about to open up."
Lucy turned down the flame on the burner, and washed her hands. Tucking the errant strands of her auburn hair behind her ears, and straightening her ponytail, she waited patiently for the head chef, and the line cooks to come in and take over. In a few minutes Josh and the rest of the crew appeared in the doorway. Josh was middle aged, brawny and had a great palate for adventurous cuisine. He trusted Lucy implicitly in the kitchen, and enjoyed collaborating with her on making their creative weekly menu.
"Hi Lucy," greeted Josh, as he walked over to the sink and began washing his hands. "Everything on point?" he asked, tying his apron and walking over to the stove.
"Hi Josh. Everything is prepped and ready to go," said Lucy, smiling proudly. Wait till you taste the sauce. Beth thinks it's a winner."
Josh took his special tasting spoon and dipped just the tip of it in the creamy mixture.
"Spot on," he said, closing his eyes. "Just right."
"Thanks!" said Lucy, relieved to hear his approval. "Well, I better head out there, I think the lunch crowd is here."
Lucy untied her apron, hung it on the hook by the door, and headed to the front.
The tables were starting to fill up quickly as Lucy began recognizing some of the regulars.
"George is here, and he's asking about the soup," said Beth, handing Lucy a menu.
"Got it," said Lucy, and headed over to the back corner table.
George was a regular, who'd been coming to the cafe every Thursday for lunch, and more frequently now that Lucy was in charge of the soups. George was in his late eighties, but sharp as a whip. He liked the usual offerings in Beth's cafe, but above all else he loved Lucy's cooking. Especially the soups.
"Hi George," said Lucy with a gentle smile.
"Hello there, Lucy. Please tell me you made that minestrone again."
"Not today, George. I made a summer vegetable soup. I think you'll like it."
"Sounds like minestrone."
"Well, I used some special spices, and I think it's even better than the minestrone."
"And you made it?"
"Yes, George."
"If you made it, I'll try it."
"One bowl of soup coming up!" said Lucy, and passed the order on to the waitress.
Remembering that George liked the special sweet bread rolls Lucy headed to the kitchen. As she walked through the swinging door, she nearly tripped over herself, as she was met by the most unexpected scene. Her aunt Beth and Josh were kissing. Arms wrapped around each other, gazing into each other's eyes, and kissing. Lucy was in shock.
"Whoa," managed Lucy after the initial shock wore off.
Beth looked over and blushed, pushing Josh away.
"Oh, hi Lucy, uh... this is awkward," said Beth, fidgeting with the edge of her blouse.
Josh just turned his back to them and began stirring the pot, pretending like nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
"Can I speak to you in the office?" asked Beth, motioning to the door.
Lucy just followed her aunt into the tiny room right off the kitchen.
"Listen, Lucy, I've been meaning to tell you. Josh and I... well, it just kind of happened one late night after closing. I've been trying to keep it under wraps, since we work together and all. I don't want it to be weird for everyone else."
"I don't think it's weird. Just unexpected, that's all," assured Lucy.
"Oh, Luce, he's so great. We've been hanging out for about a month, and I'm just so happy."
Lucy looked at her glowing aunt, and couldn't help but smile along with her.
"I am so glad that you found someone to make you feel this way," said Lucy, sincerity clear in her voice.
"It's been such fun dating again, and I think we're ready for the next step."
"Oh no! Going on a vacation together."
"Nice. Where? When?" asked Lucy, excitement growing.
"We're leaving in a week. First, we're going on a cruise to Mexico."
"Sounds wonderful."
"And then, Brazil."
"Wow, you'll have so much fun. The food is to die for."
"And then, Chile. Maybe even Columbia."
"Beth, that's a lot of traveling. And a lot of time together. Are you sure you're up for it?"
"That's the test, right? If we can survive this, and actually enjoy it, then I know we're right for each other," said Beth confidently.
"It sounds like you'll be gone a long time. What about the cafe?"
"That's the thing, Luce. We'll have to close up for a little while."
"Close up?" Lucy began feeling a slight rise of panic. "For how long?"
"Well, it's probably going to be about a month."
Lucy's eyes widened. "An entire month? Isn't that excessive? I mean, for a first vacation?"
"I know how much you love working here, Luce, but I haven't had a vacation in years. Trust me. As soon as we get back, everything will be just as it is now. Or even better! I am sure we'll pick up a couple of new recipes along the way."
"I suppose you can never have enough inspiration," said Lucy, trying to stay positive.
"And you could use a break too, Luce."
"But I don't want a break. Can't I keep the place open for you?" she implored.
"I thought about it, and it's just too much responsibility to throw on your shoulders. A month is a long time, and I really don't want to put the burden on you."
"I don't mind. I have nothing better to do. This was my of avoiding dad's plan to have me work at his company."
"It's just a month, Lucy. It'll be over before you know it."
Lucy didn't want to make her aunt feel guilty. After all, she adored Beth, and liked Josh enough to know that they both deserve to enjoy their plans without worrying about her.
"You know what, I'll figure it out. Enjoy your trip. And call me as soon as you get back."
Lucy left Beth's office, and headed back to the front of the restaurant. She was leaning on the counter, lost in thought, when George approached her.
"Well, Lucy, I have to say, you've done it again. That soup was delicious. If only I could eat this well every day, but my cook is not very sophisticated. He basically uses the same ingredients over and over again. I even got him a cookbook for Christmas as a hint, but I think he's just too set in his ways."
"Well, if he's your personal chef, he should aim to please you. Tell him you like soups, and I am sure he'll be able to whip something up."
"Oh, he's tried. Believe me, I've asked him to make me a minestrone, and I am pretty sure soup out of a can would have tasted better."
"George, if you don't like how he cooks, why don't you just get rid of him?"
"Well, he's been my family cook for about forty five years. At this point, he's more of a family member."
"Oh, I see. Well, then, maybe you can learn how to cook yourself."
"Look at these hands," said George, presenting his shaking arthritic fingers.
Lucy felt a strange need to comfort this frail man before her. "You know George, if you ever want me to come and cook for you I'll do it. Free of charge. Just for the love of food, and good company."
George smiled at her. "You are such a dear, Lucy. And I'll gladly take you up on your offer. Just tell me when you're available. And I will pay. I insist on it! I know how hard you young people work, and how little money you make. Believe me, I've been there. If you come and cook for me, you will be handsomely compensated."
"George, that is truly unnecessary," protested Lucy.
"I am not one to take advantage of kindness and not give anything in return," countered George.
"Believe me, I am happy to do it," insisted Lucy. She never liked to advertise the fact that she came from a wealthy background, and her being part of a prominent family only made her want to achieve things based on her own merit.
"Please let me pay you, Lucy. I may be an old man, and old fashioned. But I really would feel better about it if you accepted at least some money for your time and effort."
Lucy saw that there was no way for her to win this argument. "Alright, George. I'll take a minimal fee."
"Can you come tomorrow?" asked George.
"Well, I have to be at the cafe through Friday, but a week from now, the cafe is going to close for about a month. I'll have plenty of time then."
"So, you'll be available for a month?"
"Oh, well, I don't know. Maybe," answered Lucy, feeling a little uncertain about committing to anything at the moment.
George extended a business card to Lucy. "Here's my number, and address. Call me when you can come," he said, putting on his fedora hat, and leaning on his cane for support, he hobbled out of the restaurant.
Lucy held the card and smiled. Just when one door closes another one opens, she thought.
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