light - having a considerable or sufficient amount of natural light; not dark.
Haz's POV
I notice that Lou is not is school today, and that cannot mean anything good. I only notice that the beginning of third period, though. We have English together, yet he is not here. I quickly text him to make sure he is okay. I am sure he may just be sick or tired or something of that sort. Yet, I worry. Is he okay? My mind in running wild with my thoughts getting worse and worse. I get a reply and I immediately check it.
"Harry, please phone away during my lesson. You know that."
I cannot breath, and it feels as though my chest is tightening by the second. Lou's text read, "help me." I jump out of my seat, and regardless of the teacher's hectic complaints, I just run. I run to Lou's house. I do not know how or when I got his address, but I remember. My mind was focused on one mission. Get. To. Lou. As. Soon. As. Possible. Once I arrive at the step, I see the door is not locked. I hope that he is here, but what if he is not? I cannot think about that now, so I run some more. I open every door that I see, and I can not find Lou. I feel tears fall down my cheeks. I call out over and over again.
What if he did not need help here? The final door I open is the one of the bathroom, and I see him. I see him and his scares and his blood. I sit him up, and I see him open one of his eyes.
"H-haz," he says meekly.
"L-lou I need to call an ambulance what is going on-"
"Please do not call an ambulance, I will t-te-" his eyes shut again.
I needed to stop the bleeding. I saw that there was some bandage in the bathroom cupboard. Thank god it was open. I carefully wrap the bandage around his arm. I took an emergency health course just a few month ago, so I could do this. I could do this, for him. I can think straight for him. He lost a lot of blood, so he needs sugars and carbs. I carefully lift him in my arms. I am not sure how, but I manage it.
I see a sofa in the front room.
I place a pillow under his head and lay him down.
I ran into the kitchen and check the fridge. I see a little bit of orange juice, so I grab that. I also put on two pieces of toast as well as get some butter out of the fridge. There are some plates that look clean, so I put one on the desk. I go next to him, and I check to see if he is going to wake up.
"Lou, Louis, please wake up, Lou-" I had not realized I was sobbing until now. I see his eyes open.
"Do not talk, just drink this," I say as I hand him a glass.
"I-i cannot drink this it is for Adrian and he-"
"Louis do not be an idiot, I will get you more juice," I said wondering why he could not just get some more. I hear the toaster pop, and I grab the toast and put it on a plate. I also see a knife and butter it. I then bring the plate to Lou. I sit, and he eats. He looks really pale, yet he is also gaining colour again.
"Lou please tell me what is going on," I say once he is finished.
I can barely hear anything he is saying, but I lean my ear close to his mouth. I listen to his partially audible whisper.
louis pov
i tell him
i tell him everything
mum left when i came out
dad and mum had been fighting often
dad blamed me when mum left
it was the final tear final divide
i did not get a chance to say goodbye
she left without a second glance back
adrian was too young
he has a seldom memory of her
i poisoned her life just like the rest of my family
dad got drunk
a lot
only goes to work and gets drunk
i take care of adrian
he hits me on occasion
though it is rare that he does not verbally abuse me
i put the only person i love up for adoption because we can narrowly afford food
so i work
so i shop
so i cook
so i help adrian with his homework
so i do not have friends
so i do not have as much time to study
so i do not go out
there it is
i started crying and he held me
i do not know why
i guess he cared
it was nice he cared
he held me
it was nice for someone to hold me
i do not remember people holding me much
i feel safer
i do not remember feeling safer
we both fell asleep
i feel the mental drain but i always feel like this
for haz it is new
never felt it
never felt the dark
only the light on the eastside
leave me please
love me please
help me please
it was three when my phone's alarm went off
"got to go, haz"
"pick up a"
"can i come?"
"you are special and i like spending time with you"
"do not pity me"
"i am not i just like having a different friend"
"we are friends"
"if you consider someone who kinda just saved you life a friend"
"well i did not want to be saved"
"i wanted you to be saved"
"no one want me to be saved"
"adrian and i beg to differ"
"i cant"
"hold on, lou"
"light at the end of the tunnel"
"all i see is dark"
"maybe i could be a bit of light?"
"never had light cannot see it now"
"well ill make you see it"
"like to see you try"
and he did
he did try
he told me stories of his youth and it made me smile
he is funny
so i pick up adrian and he buys us ice cream
adrian says he likes my new friend
and i say i like him too
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