friendly - kind and pleasant.
Harry's POV
I can not possibly seem to stop thinking about it, him. Why would he smoke? He is merely 16. It is a nice morning to be honest. I promised Chris, PJ, and Lily that we would hang out tonight, and I quite frankly feel like it has been forever since we have had a sleepover. I wipe the sleep from my eyes as I reach for my glasses which sit on my bedside table. I slip them on, and head to my closet. I grab whatever I feel first, and it happens to be a yellow and black plaid shirt followed by some skinny jeans. I hear my phone buzzing.
"HAZZAAA BOIIII," I hear Chris's loud ass voice say.
"Chris would you mind turning down the volume because it is about 7:30 in the morning," I say clearly annoyed.
"Sorry Haz," he replies, "So the reason I call? Well, I am just confirming that you want the regular variety of cereal as snack?"
"Christian Kendall, how long have we been friends?" I inquire.
"'Bout since birth."
"And have I changed my snack request in that history?"
"Is there any indication that I would like to, now?"
"Don't believe so."
"It does not take a Sherlock deduction to figure out the answer to your original question," I replied snarkily.
"You are an absolute git."
"Yes, yes I am, but you love me."
"Yes, I love you, goodbye now."
"See ya in a bit"
He hangs up, and I go into the bathroom to finish getting ready. Once I had handle my morning business.
"Good morning, mum," I say as I give her a hug.
"Haz, my beautiful son," she replies
"That is me," I say doing the gayest hair flip I can manage. Yeah I am a pretty gay one, ohh and sorry if it bothers you that I am fully comfortable with myself. I have true pride in who I am, no one should feel shame in themself for things they can not change. An example, sexualiy. I came out to my mum when I was 11 years old so, yeah. She was so kind and loving. That is also partially why I am so proud. Ok moving on from me being the great gay I am.
I sit down at the table with my mother, and she places a bowl, milk, and a box of cereal in front on me. I pour my stuff into dat bowl ya, ok sorry I am never going to repeat those words again. I eat as I have a nice chat with my mother. Then my alarm goes off signalling that I should leave my home and start walking to school.
"Bye Mum, I am going to head to school," I say as I walk to the door and begin to put my shoes on.
"Bye Bub, have a wonderful day. You are going to stay over at Chris' tonight, yeah?"
"Yeah, that is chill, right?" I ask slightly worried.
"Of course, of course. Have you packed a bag?" she questions.
"Yeah it is by the front door, put it there last night."
"Great have a lovely day," she says as she gives me a kiss on the forehead.
"Bye Mum."
"Bye." she smiles as I walk out the door.
I arrive at school with about 15 minutes until school starts. I see the gang hanging out by my locker once more. We have casual conversation until the bell rings. When we hear the bell ring, we are off to the races. My dad likes to say, "Off to the races, the races of love, light, and life." I miss him, but only for a few moments before I remember he is coming back from his business trip in a mere week. I smile I walk into Maths class, and I take my normal seat in the middle row towards the left.
A few minutes later I see Louis enter the room. I smile at him, and he gives me a head nod. That is progress, right? The teacher calls attention to her.
"Today we are learning about hyperbolic parabola. Can anyone give me an example of a hyperbolic parabola?"
I raise my hand and she called on me, "Harry, notably the only one with an answer."
"It is kind of funny, but Pringles are an example of a hyperbolic parabolas. This shape is specifically formulated for strength, and the only reason a Pringle does not crush under the weight of the many other Pringles on top on it is because of this amazingly strong shape."
"Yes, exactly Haz."
So, the day dragged on as usual, assignments, homework, a couple of quizzes. The day is fairly normal apart from three instances, well four if you include the one from this morning.
Zero (I suppose): This morning when I smiled at Louis, he nodded. He did not ignore me. This is strange because he usually refuses to acknowledge my existence.
One: Whilst I was quite board during English. Now, do not get me wrong I do love books and English class as a whole, but when we go over the same essay formatting often it gets repetitive. Repetition is necessary in obtaining knowledge, but come on, I am going to die if this does not get more interesting. I want to learn, learn something that scintelates me. Okay back to my point, I texted Louis for no particular reason. I texted, "Can I call you Lou the man?" and he replied with "*Lou"
"Lou the man is far better"
"Lou or nothing"
"Fine, Lou"
This was a FRIENDLY texting session, though it was not really a session. It was a 5 long series of text which is practically the same.
Two: So, during the next class following English I handed Lou a note as I went to grab tissues. The note read, "Why can't we not be friends?"
To which he replied, "I am being friendly but I sure as hell do not want friends. This has been plenty of interaction for a day Haz." Ignoring the unpleasant parts, he CALLED ME HAZ as well as saying he is BEING FRIENDLY. So yeah that was pretty bloody amazing in my opinion.
Three: My final weird thing was so strange that I cannot comprehend. Once I arrived at home after school my phone beeped with a text, "Why are you being nice?"
To which I replied, "I like being nice to everyone"
"Do you care?"
"I do not believe you"
"That is great"
"How can I?"
"Because I am a genuine person"
"I do not think anyone can be nice to a freak like me with no ulterior motives"
"You are no more a freak than I am"
"Not true"
"It is"
"Will you leave me alone"
"Why not?"
"I care"
"I cannot stop caring Lou. I cannot control emotions, if i could I sure as heck would make you less depressed"
Then he left me on read. I am not completely sure what I did wrong, but I hope he is okay. I was tired so I went to bed, though I had not done any of my extensive amount of homework. Tomorrow was going to be so fun. So, so,sos,sofafjewijwfjeoijfaojewioigfahighosiagherwiogofjrjgfirewfwhfhudsijfjowehaoigawjgorigoiawjgiwjoiwghoikgbarhoghwrogirewhgoihgaoiehgoierkhgoklzdjvsalnvfsjkCNViskjdnvisokghsdihgjaioghroghigwrosghiwrighwroighwihgoidknvja;sdflnhbviakhgnifhgiaowrshgneoisdka;hgnowjeksdl;hgnoijksldhgjnokvlsdzhjfgkjsfkjewfjioewjfowijefiewjofiwejfeifjksdcnsnwuejaofksjkfjlkdsljksdljksfjklsdjnemnwmnwem,eoiiouiuoxioxenwnmmewn,aioiouoefiuwfoijnsdnflkuewofeuwiddchiwfkhkejkfhkjslfjelwksjfoikjewoksjslkfejwofjewiskjflscnncnniewuoriwaoaoieuoioiuew. Is how I feel at this moment in time.
louis pov
a week
a week of being friendly
a week of pretending not to enjoy haz's presence
a week of being undecided on haz
does he really care?
does he really want to be friends?
he has friends
he does not need anymore of those
i am just a fucked up fag
at least that is what those kids told me as they beat me up
at least that is what my father who beat me up told me
at least that is what the old lady on their front porch yelled as i passed
i fuck up
i am fucked up
and i am a fucking fag
trust me though
everything is great
everything is fucking great
i currently sit on my bed
and question
not my existence
or my future
or even my mother
no i do not bother questioning the usual
this time I question Harry Styles
i have no more time to deliberate before i receive a text
from him
who else would possibly text me
haz: meet me in the baby part of pinner park
lou: i feel like we have been here before
haz: yes just wondering if anything has changed
lou: maybe
haz: if it has, then meet me at the banana swing in the playground
lou: time?
haz: so you are interested by my proposition
lou: time?
haz: 9:30pm?
lou: maybe
haz: i will consider buying you shaketastic if you say yes
lou: maybe
haz: after shaketastic has been offered??!!
lou: prefer to smoke or get high
haz: :(
lou: happiness is a lie
haz: no it is not
and that is where i stop the replies
i put my head down and think
should i show?
maybe i said it out loud
or adrian read my mind
but i heard the familiar voice of my brother
"go please lou"
"what? when did you start listening?"
"does it matter?"
"cheeky monkey" i smile at him
"you going?"
"if you want"
"then you are going"
"bring me back a cookie monster" he runs off
i frown cause i know we do not have the money to
but haz said he would buy
i'll let him do me a favor
i do not let people do me favors but he can
prove himself
maybe he may be nice
probably not
but i shall give him a chance
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