The last normal day on Earth
Hi. My name is Chaos Dranigon. I am 17 years old; eldest of my class; have platinum blonde hair, and really tanned skin. My true race is Native American and Hispanic and I'm teased because I'm an outsider. I am an orphan and had been for 15 years.
My date of birth was July 22nd, 2001. My birthplace is Abiline, Texas. My birth mom died when she delivered. Her name... was Bellaza. Spanish for Beauty. When she was alive she had beautiful white hair; where mine came from; and was just the most kind person I've heard to know. My birth father's name is James Dranigon. He died a few years later, died while fighting for the Americans. His code name was Acnologia. I was born in America, but was forced to move to when the old man was stationed out in South Korea for the war that had started and I was forced to stay with one of his retired buddies in Japan. But, he died from one of the soldiers in his platoon shot him instead of the target. The corporal told me later that year of his death. I never cried so many tears in my life. Not even a month after, my caretaker was murdered in cold blood. It shook me to no end as it didn't take long that I figured my life was surrounded by death.
After that ordeal, I stayed in the orphanage; which was run by a very strict caretaker who'd beat us if we did anything wrong; and was where I met my first friend. Her name is Esmeralda Yin. She has Emerald green hair and eyes, tanned skin, and a very cheerful attitude. She was my roommate and my best friend. The same thing happened to her parents. Mom died at birth and dad was killed. But by a gang member who just wanted to kill the first person he saw.
While I was living in the orphanage, I would get teased a lot because of my hair color, skin color, and my ring; which I kept in a box hidden from the caretaker. I would either be alone or just go out to the weight room and sort out my problems while benching, squatting, running, and just a normal routine.
A few years later I went to school. I can't remember the name but I do know that I was the top of my class. Since we didn't have lessons at the orphanage, I had to put my mind into my studies and would always be seen holding either a book, a bag of workout clothes, or with Esmeralda. She was the one that kept me sane when everyone else made fun of me for my skin color or because I'm not like them, or just because I was a brainiac. Hey, they want to learn something then they would pay attention in class or they wouldn't learn it at all.
After middle school I started to go to Fairy Tail High, part of Oshibana, Japan and a well known school. During my first-year class, I was by myself since Esmeralda was a year younger than me and was still a junior high schooler. I wouldn't eat because I would use that time to practice Baseball, a sport I've come to really like, or be in the weight room. I always had protein bars, drinks, and some fruit. I was a healthy student and I planned on staying that way.
One day the school held tryouts for the baseball team. I was there and bested everybody which put me on the Varsity team along with Natsu Dragneel; the second best player out there; Gray Fullbuster; rivaled Natsu in pretty much everything; Gajeel Redfox; the same as Gray; Elfman Strauss; a guy with the same hair color as me but never shuts the hell up about being a man! Loke Leon; one of the pretty boys of the school but could still play ball real well; Laxus Dreyar; the principles grandson but was better than Natsu on terms of strength; Sting Eucliffe; one of the populares along with Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Elfman, and Loke; Rouge Cheney; is kinda like me on terms of popularity; and Jellal Fernandez; another one of the populares.
Once news got out that I was the Ace, everyone was trying to talk to me. I didn't like it. They only wanted to talk to me because if my fame but not for who I am. I mean hell, I didn't even have a last name. But only Natsu saw the real me. He came up to me one time wanting to learn about my past. He told me his and vice versa. After that, he accepted me for who I was, and we became so close that one would call us brothers. I went to lunch with him once and still didn't like all the attention I was getting, but it was great. I actually met a few interesting people. I met a girl with Platinum Blonde hair named Mirajane Strauss. She was the eldest of her family and had a younger sister in a grade lower than Esmeralda.
I met another with Scarlet hair named Erza Scarlet. She was the disciplinary of the group. She always kept Natsu and Gray in check.
The last female I met was another girl with Emerald green hair named Bisca. She was a markswoman and was head over heels for Alzack Connel. She just never realized it yet.
Speaking of which, that was the last person I met. He was in the same predicament as Bisca.
I still sat by myself mostly during my free periods; since I was in advanced classes I had quite a few. That or I would be in the weight room or on the roof thinking to myself.
One day Natsu came up to me and told me to ride back with him. I accepted and as Igneel was taking me back, I saw some adoption papers in his hand. At first I felt kinda down, but hid it and started talking to Natsu about Esmeralda. He always teased me about her after that, asking if she was my girlfriend yet. Bastard.
That very same day I had heard that Esmeralda was getting adopted. She was going to be living with the Dragneels. That really made me upset, but I sucked it up and gave her the best goodbye I could give her. Which was visit all of our fun places and gave her a big hug when she left.
By this point I really became antisocial. I talked to no one but Natsu, Esmeralda, and Mira. Mira because she was the one I went to when I just needed to talk about something. I never slacked off and I put more effort into baseball and made sure we won every game. We even went to State but had to forfeit since Sting and Rouge were transferring to a new school. Sucked.
But, that same year they transferred, I got a double scholarship from the University of Tokyo for playing Baseball and for Mathematics. I accepted and was really happy. But who knew all of that would change the next day during school.
-Scene change-
"Chaos!! Great news to tell you!!" shouted a 17 year old Esmeralda. She came up to me with a smile beaming across her face.
"And what's that?" I questioned, "Hopefully not news for a banquet that I have to go to."
"Nope! Bixlow just made it official and decided that we should let out our secret to everyone!!" Oh yeah. Bixlow Soulinger. He is known for his fucked up hair and tattoo on his tongue. He is also dating Esmeralda.
"What, that y'all're dating? Pretty sure everyone knew that." I told her as her happy face went to one of complete embarrassment as she looked like a fucking tomato.
"T-they did?" she squeaked out. I could only nod my head as she ran back to him. Kissing him on the cheek now excited that she doesn't have to "hide" it anymore. Never did anyway.
The next few hours passed and here came my final class. College Algebra. A pretty easy class if you ask me. Yet I'm the only one of the fourth-years taking it. Oh well. As I'm finishing up my work for the day, I started to grab my stuff and walk to my locker. As I was putting my stuff in, I just kept hearing rumors about how the baseball team was probably just removed from the school instead of losing members. That pissed me off, slamming my locker with enough force to silence the hallways. I grabbed my dufflebag off the floor and headed off to the gym to workout before I ended up bashing the poor bastard's skull in.
After I did my workout, I went back to the orphanage in my red 2015 Ford Focus. Due to my part time jobs and volunteer work, I was able to get a sweet deal on it and only payed ¥125000.00 every month.
"Oh! Hey Chaos! Something came in the mail for you!" Informed Ryuko, the new caretaker. She has light tanned skin and baby blue eyes. Her hair is short but messy that it fits her state of dress. For the most part it was mainly blackish and navy bluish with a strand of red hair going down. She handed in a bag that was sealed and was sent from America.
"Thanks, Ryuko. I'll open it now." I replied as I opened the bag with my pocket knife. As I pulled out the sealed item, something else came out of it. "Hmm?"
As I looked at it, it was a key for the post office. On it, there was a tag that has the number 178. 'I'll check it out on my way back from work.' As I hooked the tagged key onto my keychain which held my room key, work key, and car keys on them.
"Alright. I'm off to work now. See ya!" I waved as I drove off towards my set destination. A dealership.
"Chaos! You're half an hour early! What's up?" Asked my boss, Toma Fiore; the richest man in Oshibana.
"I get payed more by the hours I work, so yeah."
"Ok then. Well, actually today is going to be a long day. Everyone else called in sick. Only you and me still alive and well." He told me as I was getting my uniform on.
"I bet. I heard about that sickness going around. It's supposed to be really bad. Oh well. How's your daughter, Hisui?"
"She's doing just fine, thank you for asking!" He stated as the day started. After about three hours, we finally closed up shop.
"You know, Hisui has been asking me nonstop about what you've been up to?"
"You know. Just getting scholarships to Tokyo." I heard a clipboard drop before I was engulfed into a hug by a rather curvy form.
"You were?! Congratulations!! Daddy! We need to celebrate! Or reward him!" Shouted a 17 year old girl who had Jade hair and eyes, creamy skin, and was dressed in her street clothes. Which consisted of a tank top, short shorts, and some tennis shoes.
"Indeed Hisui. We must. Chaos. I want you to join us tonight for a feast, to celebrate your new opportunity." Answered Toma as Hisui just stayed on my back.
"Sir, I couldn't impose. And besides, I can't leave Ryuko alone with the kids at the orphanage. They'll run her ragged before she turns 35."
"Very well, though I'm sure she'd be able to handle it."
"What if I think of something else?" I questioned as I turned around and saw Hisui blushing a little.
"Hmmmm. Got it! You have to take my daughter out on a date. Or else you're fired." He answered with a Cheshire grin on his damned face.
"Sigh. Ok. I'll pick her up at seven and have her back by ten. Would it be alright if I had the rest of the day off?" I asked as I started to walk over to the sign-out sheet. He nodded in return and I signed my name, unknowing that it would be my last time in the big dealership.
-Scene change-
After I drove over to pick up Hisui, we went out to go get some food for the two of us at a fancy restaurant. I didn't eat much, just a salad and medium-rare steak. She had the same thing as I did and we just talked about the schools we went to, how they were treating us, and how everything else was doing.
"You still stay in the orphanage? I thought you would've been adopted already. You are the sweetest person I know!" Hisui said in shock. I could only tell her that everyone always went for the younger ones and that I was the eldest by about six years.
"Besides. The new caretaker is amazing. Much better than the old one. And I like watching over the kids for her when she has to go out. But, it's mainly because I make sure they don't have to go through what I went through. Anyways, you said that you were starting you're Third year next year? Congrats. Much better if you went to FTHS though. They treat everyone like family." I told her as we were walking through the town. It was really nice at night. The lights were all on, everyone was either talking about their summer plans, but really, I like the night sky more than the fucking city that was right in front of me. I've always liked the country side views better.
"I could convince my dad to have me transfer there, but I still wouldn't get to see you..." she was kinda down. So I did the only thing that could cheer her up. And that was hug her. I don't like it when I see people get down, especially girls.
"Hey. It'll be ok. Who knows. You might end up going to the same college as me." I tried cheering her up. And as if a miracle happened, it worked. She hugged me back and smiled gracefully.
"Thank you Chaos. For the amazing date. But I think we need to head back now." she said while grabbing my hand and let me lead her to the car as we drove back to her house.
But before we left, "Who the fuck drives a Chevy in these parts?!" "I know, right?!"
-Scene change-
After the date and the drive home to her house, which was fucking huge by the way, I was heading back and stopped in front of the post office. 'I never went there because I was so busy with work and Hisui. Might as well go check it out.'
As I walked up to the specific locker the key in my hand belongs to, I started to wonder what could be in the box.
I opened it up and I see three items.
A letter. A combat knife that looked like it was just sharpened, and a..... Colt 1911.
Well then. As I close the locker, I opened the card to see the contents inside. 'What the hell would New York want?'
The letter read;
You may not know me but your father was my best friend in the Military and was like a brother to me. And while we were searching, we found something terrible.
We found something that could take over mankind in only days.
A biological weapon known as Project Z.
A virus once injected, can kill the host in only minutes, and can make them into reanimated corpses.
I haven't even gotten to the worse part.
I'm injected with the virus.
By the time you get this I will most likely be dead yet still moving. I pray that you and your friends can survive. You will face losses, loved ones, and go through sacrifices.
I hope you understand.
Julian.... my father would always tell me stories about him. He even brought him over once. But now to know that he is one of those things he was telling me abo-
I gotta warn everyone! But, there's no way they can reach Japan yet. I can tell them tomorrow. But I need to stay with Hisui and make sure she doesn't end up like those things.
-Scene change-
"Mr. Fiore! Hisui! Let me in please!" I knocked a few times before waiting a few seconds, as the door opened to reveal Hisui in her nightgown.
"Chaos?" worry was clear in her voice "What's wrong?"
"I need to stay here for the night. If that's alright with your father that is."
"It is quite fine. After all, you are like the son my wife could've had if it wasn't a miscarriage." Toma said as he walked around the corner.
"Thank you sir. But I have disturbing news as well." I announced as I walked in. I told them the story and showed them the card and the two objects that were sent with it. As they read, they were horrified.
"Chaos. Is this true?" Hisui asked as she came over and snuggled against me out of fear. I don't blame her for being scared. I would be too if I wasn't to worried about the subject at hand.
"Only one way to find out." I answered as I reached over to turn the tv on. "If anything may be too disturbing, please let me know and I'll turn it off."
Sure enough. The first thing that came on was the fucking apocalypse in America and to where it's spread.
"The last country to be infected should be Japan. And that is only until tomorrow morning. Everyone stay sa-" I turned it off. Only until tomorrow. That's all we had left.
We all tried to sleep that night, but none of us could. Toma slept with his wife in their room and I stayed with Hisui in her room to comfort her.
"Hisui, tomorrow, I want you and your family to initiate that lockdown security system I helped install downstairs and stay on this floor. Do not leave until you see me coming." She nodded her head and curled into me as I held her close and she lured off to sleep.
As I waited throughout the night, I was praying Hail Mary's for everyone tomorrow, that I can at least save some people.
-Scene change-
As the morning came and I was driving to school, I was thinking of who I should save first. I already made a list of people that I am pretty sure that are the best choice.
Natsu and Esmeralda, as well as Gajeel, Levy, Mira, and Elfman were the ones at the top of my list. This is my group, and I don't plan on losing any of them yet.
I parked and made my way up the railway. But as I'm passing by I already see a couple 20 already starting to cough up blood and whatnot.
Dammit. I need to find the others quick. I already grabbed Natsu and told him of the situation and who I'm trying to find.
-Scene change-
After we got the other five, I made sure everyone got something to use as a weapon. I already put my handgun and machete in my bag, Gajeel always carries his bigass knife as well as an iron club for some reason, Elfman grabbed a bat from the field, Natsu had his bow and arrows. That leaves the girls unarmed.
But before anything else could happen, we heard the principle in the intercom saying that school was released, but was screaming in pain. Afterwards he was followed by ten seconds of silence, only for moaning and terrible things to happen.
The whole school went to hell. People shoving others, those that died in the escape were killing their fellow students, teachers and staff alike. Natsu, Levy, and Elfman got separated from us, but they let us know before hand to just meet at the parking lot ASAP. That left me with Gajeel, Esmeralda and Mira as we ran our asses all the way to some clearing. However, our hopes were shortly lived as we somehow got onto the roof.
So that's where we are, currently. Half of us were on the ground, waiting for us to regroup and half of us were stuck on the damn roof. No one was surrounded yet but it wouldn't be long until They advance towards everyone.
Well shit.
-End Scene-
So. Uh, how'd you guys like? Sorry for some parts. It was a little rushed. Please review and tell me your ideas on the story. Thank you.
P.S. Thank you @crystal_mellota for allowing me to use your character Esmeralda.
So it's been about three years I think since I looked at this fic, and I figured something out.
I don't like the way I really started it.
So I made major changes here and there, some subtle, some obvious. The next chapter will probably stay roughly the same.
I have decided that I want to return to this story, as I now have a better idea that I want to take on, now that I'm no longer really basing it off of High School of the Dead.
Expect new things, maybe not soon, but yeah.
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