A/N- Love, unrequited and real. Something more than I could've perceived. But where once you had came then abruptly left, I realized that I really did love you..... more than anything.......
Narrator's POV
Continuing with the story, here we are in the Tomioka household.
The kids were adults now with families of their own, so it was just the relatively old couple enjoying the day to themselves waiting for them to visit.
It's 1987 now, 42 years, almost 5 decades, and 77 about to be 78 years of their life now.
A new song would ring through the radio, The Past by Ray Parker Jr. A very beautiful song that the old couldn't help but dance into.
The slow tempo was beautiful and the lyrics hit too close to home, especially for Giyu..... Since he did regret a lot.
Although the part where it talks about how the man almost cheated? He couldn't disagree more, for Shinobu will always be the love of his life/lifetimes.
But the numerous regrets he committed and the need for them to start all over again was prominent throughout the song.
Nevertheless they waltzed like there was no tomorrow, hell they felt 50 years younger at least.
The moment was very sweet, you could even say bittersweet since I will be doing something no one else would..... Muwahahahahah-
Anyways as the two were dancing, Shinobu would suddenly feel this panging pain from her brittle old body.
A sudden sense of fatigue would run throughout her body, to which her grip would loosen from his wrinkled hands.
Giyu would catch her limping body, instantly going for her aid as he screamed for someone to help them.
A few neighbors would hear this and would instantly run to their simple abode.
The young couple that lived in front of them would be the first ones there, instantly helping the old man Giyu to transport the collapsed Shinobu.
"What happened Mr. Tomioka?!" The distressed question of the younger woman would call to him, to which the panicking old man would shakily reply.
"I-I don't know, she just d-dropped.." The coarse and shaken statement inciting fear to the younger couple's hearts.
They were relatively new to the neighborhood, so they were kinda scared to approach any of their neighbors.
Well that was until the elderly pair would knock at the front door, with an impossibly caring attitude.
The two would always visit them whenever they could, often bringing food for them to indulge in as they would tell them stories of the unexpectedly beautiful romance that they now bear till this day.
Even whenever their kids and grandchildren would visit, they'd find time to visit and even help the grateful two.
And now the two were faced with the inevitable fact that one of the nicest people they've ever met is on the verge of.... dying.....
The saddened thought was interrupted by two men entering the house, their faces also filled with so much concern.
They instantly rushed over to see the old Shinobu, lying as the elderly Giyu held the poor woman.
"What the hell happened here?!" The bearded man would ask in disbelief, the young couple answering as the two men stood in disbelief.
"Babe, get the car, Mr. Tomioka helped me carry her!" The other man would tell his lover, as they tried to slowly carry the limp body of the old woman.
The two men were absolutely terrified, seeing the nice old lady that welcomed them was a terrifying thought for them, and yet here they were already experiencing those fears.
You see, the two of them were runners, both of a wealthy background and forced to marry someone they don't even know.
They were friends ever since they were young, and they slowly fell for each other.
Seeing this their parents agreed to separate the two in order to hide the disgrace the both of them brought upon their families.
And so they escaped, with all they could carry and found solace in this placid neighborhood, yet their love was still ostracized in the community they've lived in.
But then came the older couple, who were surprisingly nice to them.
They thought that the two would be like the others, telling them about how the bible forbids such and all of that shit but they were very accepting, saying things like "You did the right thing, you fought for your love and nothing can ever measure loving someone".
And not only that, but they also treated them like their own sons, one of the nicest things that strangers have done to them.
If they ever had the chance, they would rather have them as parents more than their own.
The other neighbors would also look at the commotion, all of them looking as concerned as the 4 who helped the older couple.
The young lad told them that he'll quickly call the Tomioka family, considering that they do live a bit far from here.
He gave his wife a quick goodbye before running off over to the family.
The rest rushed them over to the hospital, and an impending sense of dread awaited them.
Tomioka's POV
We just arrived at the hospital, and I've never feared so much in my entire afterlives.
The doctors told us to wait outside while they did everything and while we waited for the news.
I couldn't sit still, even with me fiddling and strutting all over the waiting area, not even caring that my decrepit body would probably shut down this very minute.
I saw Evelyn fiddling around, as she waited for Riech to come back. (The young couple)
Toby and David were trying their best not to break down crying as they laid their heads at each other's heads.
Every damned second I spend in this dim light hallway, I feel myself slowly trying to gouge each individual strand of my greyish silver hair.
The buzzing sound coming from the lights were already deafening as it is, but the quiet sobs coming from the already scarce amount of people in this hospital.
The constant ticking from the clocks didn't help with this.
As the hours went by the more I felt restless. Trying my best not to fall asleep until I can finally have the confirmation that Shinobu is fine.
Riech arrived a few hours ago with Hitomi, Akimitsu, Tomoe and Mine a while ago.
Hitomi was crying all the way here, instantly running over to hug me.
Akimitsu would follow, even if he did inherit my numbness at times and would break down in tears after hearing the news.
Tomoe and Mine were just sobbing silently as they hugged me for comfort.
I told them everything that happened, trying my best not to spare any detail so they can understand the situation.
We've told them so many times that we were already old, and that we were bound to kick the bucker someday... And I regret to say that this is probably the end of the line for Shinobu.....
They couldn't handle it and spent most of the time trying to compose themselves while we all waited for the worst.
Riech and Evelyn bid fare well after they arrived with Toby and David following afterwards, with them telling me that they'll be back tomorrow morning.
"I'm sorry Mr. Tomioka but we need to go home, we left the house unattended when we rushed over. We promise to come back and visit in the morning" Evelyn would tell me with a hint of sadness still on her voice, with me just replying "No Evelyn it's fine, you and Riech get some rest. You've helped us enough, and I'm very grateful for that. You leave the rest to us" with them nodding from my reply as they bid farewell again.
"We also need to go back Mr. Tomioka, I need to attend a meeting tomorrow and David has paperwork he hasn't done yet. We'll promise to visit afterwards" Is what Toby would tell me, with me just telling the both of them "No no, it's alright sonny. I thank you for everything, so rest and leave it to me okay?" with both of them nodding and going their merry way.
With that I just slumped myself on one of the waiting benches near Hitomi, Tomoe and Mine sleeping from exhaustion.
Akimitsu excused himself and went outside for some fresh air while I was once again left with the ambience of the hospital.
I tried getting some shut eye, but every time I closed my eyes I saw glimpses from the past.
I remembered the war, the explosions, the blood, the smell.
I remember the scent of gas and smoke filling up the air, and the consistent deafening sounds coming from military artillery, vehicles etc.
And with those also came ones from Hitomi's earliest memories, the love we've shared.... And all those beautiful memories.
As I forced my eyes open, I felt a stinging feeling coming from my eyes as the tears fell on their own.
I closed my eyes afterwards, trying my best not to continue this feeling..... Even if it did hurt me.
I didn't want to look so down, I wanted to see the light from the gloomy tunnels but I guess I failed with that too.
I could only wipe my tears afterwards, getting up and trying to shake this feeling off, as well as not disturb my daughters from their slumber.
I myself decided to go out for some fresh air, probably some coffee to wake my senses.
Luckily for me there was a diner close by, just in front of the hospital's entrance.
It wasn't too shabby, not too fancy either. But the place was rather desolate,
The only person other than the cook and the waitress, being a man sitting near the counter.
As fast as my crippling body could, I approached the seat from his side and waited for the waitress to get my order.
Looking at the man besides me, I could see a pretty peculiar face. Rather a familiar one.
It was... Sabito? Good lord he looks like shit, hardly even noticed him until I saw his most notable characteristic. That damned scar, with all the others that riddled his antique face.
I saw that he was drinking something alcoholic, beer to be exact. Smelled it too, and from the looks of it he already drank a decent amount of it.
I was about to start a conversation with him when the waitress asked for my order.
"What can I help you with this fine evening sir?" The waitress would ask me, which I replied with a brief "Coffee please, no sugar or creamer".
"Americano then, I'll serve it in a jiffy" She'd reply before heading off to the coffee machine.
I slumped over the counter again, not even paying attention to my friend.
I took small glances but he didn't seem to notice them, not even acknowledging my presence in the store.
It took a few minutes, but the waitress arrived with my coffee.
"Here's your coffee sir, enjoy your beverage" Is what she'd say, before leaving me be once again.
I slowly drank the bitter drink, while I drowned myself with the stale atmosphere.
I would look over Sabito at times but he still wouldn't look over me, he doesn't even look sane at all.
He didn't even bat me an eye, so I decided not to bother him.
It took a while for me to sip the boiling drink, and another minute to give my thanks to the waitress for her service.
I was about to leave when a loud thump echoed over the room, and bottles clanging and breaking all over.
I would instantly turn back to see Sabito passed out all over the floor, a few shards littered over his decrepit body.
The waitress and cook would also rush the same as me, getting him up and rushing him to the hospital in front of us.
Narrator's POV
As they helped the poor man over the hospital, we could see Akimitsu coming back from his calming walk. Arriving back to his sisters and his father, to see his old man missing from his seat.
He didn't mind though, his father always did this. It wasn't weird to see the man wandering around at night to collect his thoughts.
The others from their family didn't pay mind to it, but Aki sometimes wondered how the man could manage to walk for hours even with his prehistoric body. Without even breaking a sweat nonetheless.
There was even one time when Mine was still a baby, Giyu and Shinobu had an argument about Hitomi's prepubescent, hormonal changes.
With Shinobu arguing that she should stop this and Giyu telling her it was normal, which Shinobu didn't like.
He always knew about his mom's tendency to be both so kind yet so hot headed, and thus it ended with Giyu spending the night away from their room.
He usually crashes at the couch and would watch tv all night, but that wasn't the case this time around.
Early in the morning, Shinobu would wake up with Mine crying and the doorbell ringing.
Even if she was sleepy, she'd carry Mine and feed her while going downstairs to see why Giyu wasn't answering the door. Knowing fully well that Giyu was a pretty light sleeper.
However she was surprised to see that no one was at the couch sleeping, and the man she was trying to wake up was actually behind the disturbance.
The man didn't even care if his wife would scream at him, he just hugged her and kissed Mine before going back inside and getting himself a coffee.
They asked him where he went so early in the morning with nothing more than a scarf and his wallet.
He told them he left for a walk, and that he didn't realize that he'd been walking and looking around for almost the entirety of the night. And the rest was pretty much history.
Sitting down, he patiently waited for any nurse or doctor to tell them about any news about their mother's condition.
The thing is, waiting for the news was killing him.
He doesn't know if the news would be good nor bad, and expecting something and not knowing what will happen next is just too unbearable.
He would fiddle around a lot, standing here for a second then suddenly walking around the hallways.
He wouldn't even stop until the crowded banter from rushing nurses were heard over the hallways.
The shuffling also caused the other siblings to wake up, and alert them towards that direction.
But to their surprise, rushing with the nurses was their father, the elderly man even outrunning some of the following nurses.
They knew their dad was resilient and insanely strong for someone his age, but this man was built differently.
He was already in his 80's but the man had better endurance than most people in their 20's.
Seeing his kids, and them actually on their path. He'd stop over them and ask about their mother, which they beat him to by asking what the heck is happening.
"I went outside to get some air, I saw the diner in front and decided to get some coffee. The guy was beside me drinking himself in a coffin when he fell over and broke a few bottles with him. I decided to help the staff with him and here we are" He'd tell them, lying about the man's identity.
"Dad you know that he's a complete stranger right?" Hitomi would reply, with her father telling her not to fret.
"Hitomi, strangers or not. Helping someone in need is a must, plus he isn't a stranger." He'd reply, before taking his seat.
The conversation ended there afterwards, with them not questioning him further.
They could only wait as the hours passed by, with little to no news about their mother's/wife's condition.
All of them were tired, they still had work but needed to take the leave because of this.
They just waited and waited, taking turns sleeping and trying to get any news from the nurses that were patrolling over the halls/the ward.
As dawn struck, the siblings woke up to the sound of their father and the doctor talking.
"Mr. Tomioka, I'm so sorry for the wait. The patient you admitted last night is fine, just a few lacerations from the broken glass. No concussions but his body is too weak as it is. I'm afraid time has caught up to him, as all people do. But he'll be taken care of" Is what they would hear the doctor say to their father, with him only giving a nod.
"Your wife however, she's awake.... But I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but she only has a few months left... Worse case being a week and the best being about a year... I'm truly sorry, we've done everything we could. She suffered from a STEMI heart attack, which is where one of the major arteries is blocked and causes the stop of blood flow. And her heart is already decrepit and degrading, heart attacks are triggered because of a part of that muscle dying.... And well her heart is failing. Even doing a Coronary Artery Bypass Graph would risk her dying during the surgery and the risks of having more heart attacks are still possible, I truly am sorry.... You're allowed to enter the room now. Again, I truly am sorry" The doctor would give them the run down of the situation, the siblings already starting to cry from the revelations, and Giyu trying his best to compose himself from the news.
The following weeks would consist of them trying their best to make the most out of their remaining time, even if they knew how much it would hurt.
They spent hours talking with each other, telling stories and of course with the whole family gathering.
Hitomi's husband, Edward would visit them with their daughter Elise as they tried to cheer the old woman up. Which worked but it still wouldn't hide the pain she was going through.
Aki's wife, Vivian would visit often. Even if she was currently 7 months pregnant. Telling Shinobu that if the kid was gonna be a girl they would name her Saiyuri (means to endure which is the same meaning for Shinobu, patience, enduring, to suffer which is what is happening for the love Shinobu and Giyu has, and because Shinobu's VA is Saori Hayami), and Ethan (also to endure) if it was a boy.
Tomoe's fiance, Ian would also visit them whenever she does. Promising to her that he will do anything in his power to protect their little girl.
While Mine was accompanied by her best friend Cole, who they knew personally because of the two growing up together.
They definitely distracted her from the pain but the day had to come, and so it did.
It was night, around 11pm. Giyu was watching Shinobu sleep after a tiring day of trying her best to fight the pain off.
He sat beside her, wanting to help her just in-case she wanted something or needed assistance.
The room was only lit up by the bedside lamp, even with that it was still pretty dim.
The curtains were draped over the sides, with the moon illuminating the rest of the room. But barely enough for it to actually be noticeable.
He desperately needed to rest himself, being old wasn't the best thing but he couldn't do anything about the sluggishness he would always feel. Even if he was stronger than people as young as 20.
He just sat there awake, trying his best not to make as much noise as possible just so Shinobu could rest as much as she could.
He garnered a habit of talking to her in her sleep, often doing it to calm himself and express any of his thoughts.
Usually the conversations would be one-sided, most of the time the questions are left unanswered.
This night wasn't so different......
Giyu started the conversation with an exasperated sigh, and an elongated pause.
"I know I'm repeating myself, I have been for the past weeks but I really am grateful for everything. I hope you know that being with you for almost 5 decades has been the most extraordinary years of my catastrophic life.... I just can't imagine my life without you...." He'd start the conversation, clasping her hand as to feel any of her fading heat. And so he could see if she would actually wake up and talk to him.
"Ever since you stumbled at my shop, ever since Hitomi called me her Papa. My life turned around, and I couldn't ask for more.... I just hoped that we could've spent more time with everyone.... Aki's about to be a father, Tomoe is about to be married, and we have yet to see the relationship between our little girl Mine with Cole...." He'd add, clasping her hands even harder. And eventually bawling his eyes out.
The quiet sobs were miniscule compared to the bustling streets below, yet they somehow surrounded the room enough that they muffled everything else.
He wanted to whine himself to sleep but the sudden twitching coming from Shinobu.
He instantly stood from his seat, waiting patiently for her to speak or her asking for help.
But instead of doing any of that, she would answer his cries a second ago with a weak yet determined voice.
"I know.... and I've always thanked you for being there with u-us..... even if it was all because of a coincidence... I would've never asked for anything else.... You are one of the very best things that has ever happened to me.... and I am grateful that I was given such.... I never wanted anything else in life.... I now feel as though I've fulfilled everything that I have ever wanted...." She would say through lengthy pauses, with each of her words giving this immense pain that coursed throughout her chest and spreading through her already sickly body.
Yet, it didn't matter to her. Because to her, she was content with this.
She smiled, and didn't falter even through the torturous experience. Which Giyu noticed, only looking over her as he knew he couldn't do anything to ease the pain even for just a bit.
"You know I'll never forget the first day we met.... If it weren't for that then we wouldn't even be here.... All I know is that I could've been sold to a brothel at that time...... luckily you were there..." She'd add, with Giyu smiling at her.
"And I wish that moment lasts..." He'd reply, with her only sighing as a response.
"Giyu... You know that isn't the case here.... It's already my time... I can't escape that.... You of all people should know that.... Leaving you... All of you would leave such a heartache... But all those memories... All those beautiful memories.... No one can take them... They will always be with you... No matter what..." She'd weakly say, grasping as much air as she could while Giyu clasped her hands harder, tears already streaming from his eyes.
"I know... I know... But I just can't do it.... I can't...." He'd reply, the tears streaming stronger, with Shinobu only smiling as she would reach her weakened and skinny hand over Giyu's face.
"Do you believe in reincarnation?...." She'd ask him, with Giyu suddenly gasping to himself as this was the very problem that caused all of this to him.
But he would reluctantly nod, as Shinobu would smile from his response.
"Then promise me.... Promise me that we'll meet again... Promise me that we'd live a life that is far better than the past... And promise that you'd never ever... Forget me...." She'd ask the favor, with Giyu replying with "I will, I will never forget you. And if ever I do, I will make sure to do everything to remember you. To remember us....".
With that Shinobu smiled again saying "Then it's settled then.... Tell the kids I love them.... Tell Uta and Kyo granny is moving to a better place..... I already feel.... So sleepy....." She'd mutter, her voice slowly degrading into softer whispers. Her sickly grasp over his hand slowly wearing out.
And as fast as the conversation went, and so did all of the energy from her now lifeless body.
As her hand limped, Giyu could only let her rest. Laying next to her as he cried to himself as softly as he could.
This was the coldest night yet, and one of the worst memories to ever look back on.
The ceremony was held afterwards, where we see the grieving family over the downpour, looking over the graves of Shinobu, Kanae, and their parents....
Kanao was the only one left.... And she could only cry at this reality...
Everyone was distraught, especially with Giyu being the one to be with her as she died.
But they were finally at rest... As all people would end up someday...
But the sorrow they left was not a scar that can easily heal, and as such that sorrow would follow Giyu once more, to where he would follow her a week afterwards. And the cycle repeats...
And here we are, back at the normal timeline, where we see Giyu finally visiting his parents after almost a decade of being away.
He couldn't wait... But maybe we can, for a little bit....
A/N- I know pretty goddamn late, but here's the goddamn story! Ehe. Bye bye now!
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