Chapter Fourteen:- When am old with three kids
I stood up from my bed, yawning. My alarm was on the floor, broken. I must have broken it when it wouldn't stop ringing earlier this morning. I was tired and I needed sleep. Jack had came earlier and well I sorta told him I wasn't going to school. He wanted to stay over with me but that's the least thing I wanted. He later left and I kinda slept back immediately.
Checking the time on my phone it was 10:34. Should I just head over to school?.
I smiled, remembering the dream I had. I had dreamt that Fynn and I had kissed and it was beyond beautiful and amazing. And the best part was that Fynn had kissed me back. I also dreamt that I got my diary back.
Slowly sitting up, I sighted my diary on my bed. Wait. It wasn't a dream. Fuck!. Its real. I kissed Fynn and when the moment was getting beautiful, I kicked him in his D...
After this, I'd prefer to stay alone behind this walls, than see Fynn's face in school. Jeez.. Am so dead....
I headed to the mirror, brushing my hair and packing it into two messy buns. Jeez, I look terrible. Not ugly kinda terrible but tired kind of terrible.
After going over to the bathroom. I felt refreshed. But am bored. Lisa is not even replying my text. I went downstairs to the kitchen. What do I do now?. I don't even know how to cook. I was about to get a juice from the freezer when I noticed a figure behind me. Turning as fast as I could, I aimed my fist to whatsoever was behind me but my hand was cut up in the air. It was caught inches from his face. Fynn had held my hand.
Fynn... Wait. What?
What the fuck is he doing here. I refused to go to school just not to see him and now he's here.
God what have I done to deserve this?...
There's only two things pissing me off right now. First is the sun. And second is Avira Smith. Who the fuck does she think she is?. Kissing me and kicking me in my fucking dick. Fuck!. She used me. As girly as that sounds, its like she molested me.
She kissed me so she could get her diary. The diary I had actually planned on returning today. She tricked me. That kissed meant nothing to her. And to me.. Fuck!.. It wasn't just a kiss. It couldn't just be a kiss to me. I felt a spark. I wanted more..
As I stepped down the stairs, I saw Jack talking to my mom. Just seeing him makes me more pissed. Like how the hell did he raises a bitch like Avira.
Oh my bad.. Jack didn't raised her. Her slut of a mother did...
"Woah.. Who got you so annoyed this morning?". Rosa asked.
Oh.. Its the girl next door..
"None of your business. Am off to school". I later said.
"Son. I need a favour". Jack said looking worried. What does he want?. Could something be wrong with Avira?.
"Avira is she okay?". I found myself asking. Like why the heck do you care Fynn. Its the girl that hurt your pride remember?.
"She looks tired and she's planning on skipping school. I feel There's more to it and am really worried". He said.
So what's his plan?. He want me to stay with his daughter and watch over her. Stay with Avira that kissed me and kicked me?. "I'll stay with her Jack".
Oh no Fynn. Tell me you didn't just said that.
"Thanks son. I knew I could count on you". He hugged me.
"You're the best son". Rosa kissed me on the forehead before they both left the house. So no school and I get to see Avira. I contemplated on whether or not to see Avira. Do I really want to see the girl that kissed me and hurt my pride.
I didn't know how much time I spent thinking about that but when I had looked at the time I was shocked. It was 10. I had really spent two hours wallowing about that. Jeez, by now what's she doing?. I just can't stop thinking about her so I found my legs closing the door to my house and heading over to hers. The door was opened.
What if a creepy man had entered and killed her?..
Shouldn't I be happy about that. I stepped into the house and I saw her walk over to the kitchen. She didn't even realise I was there.
What if am that creepy man?..
She looked fine to me. I followed behind and I was really thinking she wouldn't notice me, not until she turned and had almost hit me. But am Fynn carter, a girl wouldn't really hit me you know. I caught her hand just inches from my face. I must comprehend.. She aims well. She jerked her hand. "What the fuck are you doing here?". She screamed.
Wow.. Seems someone isn't so pleased to see me.
"Not only did you suck at breaking in. You also suck at throwing a punch". I smirked. I just really like teasing her.
She smirked back at me. What's she up too. "But at least am good at aiming a kick". She looked down and winked at my crotch.
She didn't just do that.. This damn girl...
"What are you doing here?". She asked again, crossing her hands on her chest. Jeez, she's oblivious to the fact that the way she had crossed her hands, her boobs looked well packed. I couldn't help but look at her legs. She was wearing the same wears of last night. A very short pink short and a tiny strap singlet. And now, her hair was packed in two rough buns. The fact that they're messy makes her more hot.
Stop it fynn. You should be angry at her. She kissed you just to get her diary remember. She doesn't care about how you felt. Wait, she mustn't know how you felt...
"Don't flatter yourself. I was on my way to school when your dad came to me, saying I should babysit you". I later said.
"Well, I don't need you. Please leave".
Gosh!. Why the fuck does she has to be annoying. "No. Am not leaving. He begged me to watch over you".
"And when do you have feelings to start obliging to ones plea?. Huh?". She asked and its the truth. Where the hell did this feelings come from?.
"Jack's different". Lies Fynn. "Now shut up". I screamed. I hate my subconsciousness. I mean the bastard tackles me alot.
"You don't tell me to shut up. This is my house". She screamed back.
Jeez, I wasn't even talking to her in the first place. I was trying to shut my thought for crying out loud. I moved closer to her and she inched backwards till she was leaning on the wall. "You.. You don't intimidate me. Am not sacred of you". She stammered.
"Well, you should". My voice came more of a whisper. I looked at her lips. I should take my eyes away. It was the same lips that has betrayed me yesterday. Jeez, I remembered the kiss and how it felt good. Fuck!. I moved away from her immediately. I mean, she's the one intimidating me if i was to confess. "What do you want to eat?".
"And why do you care?". She asked. I so much want to strangle her right now. Why is she so stubborn. I thought we were friends already. I mean she sang while I drove the car. She smiled at me and even thanked me when we got home.
Could it be because of the kiss...
"Cause I want to cook. You need to eat something". She looked shocked at my response but then she's Avira for Christ sake. She'd always say something that's Worth's killing her for.
"No. You're a jerk. I refuse to eat anything you cook. If am hungry, I know my way to the kitchen". God. After everything I had done for her and she still calls me a jerk. I fired back. "You ungrateful bitch. I might be a jerk, but at least am not an obnoxious knobhead self centered bitch like you".
She gasped. "Me.. Self centered". Then she laughed. "You're the self centered person here. You care about no one but yourself. You douchebag".
"You kissed me. You didn't even care about my feelings. See, you're self centered". I blurted out. What did I just said?..
Just drop the argument idiot before you say something more stupid than this..
"You have no feelings Fynn. And I kissed you because I know that's the only way to get my diary that you kept in your fucking room like its yours". She poked me angrily.
"I was going to give that to you anyways".
"Oh I see. When Fynn?. Tell me?". She pushed me. Jeez, this girl has a thing for pushing whenever she's angry and she gets angry a lot. "Tell me?. When am old with three kids?. Huh?".
"Today. But seems you had your ways already".
"Oh okay. Well, am sorry I hurt your feelings and your thighs". She said. This girl....
"Trust me. I wasn't hurt in either places. The kiss meant nothing to me". Lies Fynn. Liar liar burn in fire.
"Same here". Avira said and I can't even tell why I felt hurt.
"Good". She went out of the kitchen. She had one expression I can't even tell what it was. What's she thinking?. I followed her. "Let me break this down to you Avira. You don't turn me on".
Her head snapped towards me furiously. "You're so full of yourself. Well, I guess for once I'll boast of myself". She said moving closer to me. Oh oh. This definitely a bad idea. "Just my slim legs are enough to turn every guys on. And me touching them..". She placed her hand on my chest, slowly drawing circles. God, am doomed. She smirked and I swallowed only God knows was in my mouth. "And me touching their faces". She softly carasses my face and I couldn't help but stare into her blue eyes. Am being electrocuted right now and I hope she's not aware. She moved closer only inches apart and she whispered into my ear. "Tell me. How do you feel now?".
Turned on Avira. I feel so turned on....
She placed a kiss on my ear. I didn't even know when I let out a breathe. What the fuck is she doing to me?. I really hope she can't hear how loud and fast the rhythm of my heart is. She's so close that I really want to hold her by the waist and kiss her. I pushed her away. To hell with you Delilah. "You don't turn me on. Okay. You'll have to do more than touching me or kissing my ear Barbie. Maybe taking me to bed". I winked at her and immediately she became red. I smirked at her. If only she knows that every part of me was aroused by her, I guess she wouldn't be emebarassed. "Now, can we get something to eat. Cause am hungry". I changed the topic. And I saw how glad she was that I did.
"What do you wanna cook". She said too quickly and I smirked. I thought she said she refused to eat anything I cooked.
"Anything you want Barbie".
"Right now, just cook any fucking thing. That's if your jackass really knows how to cook". She smirked. This girl..
"Oh Barbie. Taste.. Praise and wish for more". I saw the look on her face. she's definitely thinking about something else entirely. I laughed. She knew I was thinking what she's thinking. So she masked her expression off quickly.
Corrupted minds....
"Whatever. Am a hundred and ten percent sure that's its gonna have the worst taste ever". She said.
"Being a charmer. It means being good in everything". I smiled at her.
"Aside for being good at being a jerk, an asshole and a douchebag, what else are you good at?". She asked.
"Good on bed". I winked at her and she just started laughing.
"Eww. You're just one annoying sexy beast".
"At least you find me sexy".
"Well, am not gonna deny. You're sexy, but also an annoying beast".
And you are beautiful Avira..
Eii.. Have completed this story days ago. But I didn't want to upload it cause am not getting the energy I really wanted😭.
I mean am putting a lot of hardwork to this story and am not even getting any votes.
I had joined wattpad 2017 and even uploaded an horror story but due to the fact that no one was commenting or even voting.. Wait, I didn't even had lot of viewers then. I had to delete the story from wattpad and now, I feel like doing that again.
There's this spirit that forces me to do things I'd later regret.
Please guys kindly Share.. Vote and even comment.
This story has been completed on my notebook, am just typing it over here, trust me When I met the rebels is a story you don't wanna miss.
Please keep on journeying with me and those miss the train.😓😍❤
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