Chapter Eleven:- One of the rebels I'd pay a huge money not to see.
How do I cancel a monthly subscription I didn't sign up for?. Urggh...
Its the time of the month I hate. The time when my period starts. While Lisa's own lasted for five days, mine has always been two. Its usually a low flow. It makes me moody, feel pains and even sick. I sneezed. Today's is definitely not my day, I can tell already.
I wore a black baggy sweatshirt and joggers, and I packed my hair in a ponytail, as always. I used a concealer to cover the bruise on my face, but that didn't even cover how tired I was. I wished it was weekend, then I'd be sleeping all day.
Jack was in the kitchen preparing a toast. "Good Morning dad".
"Mi miera. Are you okay?.. You look sick?". His voice sounding so worried.
"Am fine". Sneezed.
"Are you sure?. You can-". I cut him off. "I said am fine". It was involuntarily. My mood do take over me whenever am on my period. "Ehmm.. Am sorry".
"Its okay dear. But you know you can skip school if you want to". He offered me a toast.
I had never skipped school before, not when I was sick or when I felt all need to avoid Eric, Courtney and Celeste. My mom made sure of that. "Na.. Am fine. Let's leave please".
"You need to eat something Meira". Jeez, doesn't he get?. Am fine. Well, am not. But am not hungry.
"I'll grab lunch in school. C'mon". I went outside and he grab his car key from behind. I got out only to see my neighbor's son on his motorcycle.
"Hey son". My dad greeted Fynn with a slight hit on his chest.
"Jack my man". Fynn replied but his gaze where directed to me. He smirked at my choice of clothing. Definitely that. "Hey Avira if you're not careful, your cloth will swallow you up".
I rolled my eyes at his comment, am really not in the mood for his jokes."hahaha. So funny and am laughing". I ruined my sarcasm with a sneeze. He looked at me so carefully and I really thought he could tell that I was sick but no Fynn is an idiot. "Wanna ride?". He asked.
Me... Ride on that?.. His motorcycle?.. Over my dead body.
"I'll rather receive a bullet in my head than ride that thing". I hissed. Entering Jack's car, I slammed the door. Anger taking over me again. I heard Jack whisper to fynn. "She's kinda moody. I don't know why. See you later son. Make sure you come back home". He smiled entering the car.
"Hey Barbie". Fynn said loudly. "It's your lost. You lose in two places. Firstly, riding with Fynn Carter and secondly, you getting to school before first period cause I see you're late". He smirked, revving his bike. "See you in school".
I watched him race down the driveway. "Idiot. He's just so full of himself". Jack smiled has he started to drive.
"I remembered years back, when you both were little. You were so close that nobody could separate you. You'd both go to the beach every weekend and build sand castles. How time flies. He even cried when you left, he refused to talk to anyone for days".
"I and Fynn". I do not remember that.
"You were only five then. I know its hard for you to remember. But as little as you guys were then, you guys had each others back".
No matter how hard I tried to remember, I still can't. Not memories of Fynn or even any memories of forks. The only memories I had, is growing up in forks.
"Dot stress it too much. I heard about your memory loss when you were six". Yes, that's probably the reason why I can't remember a thing. I fell down the stairs and it was pretty bad. Mom said she really thought I'd die.
"Yeah, mom told me they weren't important. I grew up not caring about the memories". Now I see why, I can't remember jack hitting my mom and them having arguments. "Was Fynn rude?".
Jack smiled. "Yeah, he was. But he never got angry at you. He always called you Barbie. Am not surprise he still does".
So he remembered. Too bad, I can't even remember a thing. My dad parked the car. "Thanks dad".
"Please be fine".
"I'll.. Bye". I got down, waving at him. I watched him drove out of the school lot. Turning right, I saw the rebels sitting on Jasper's jeep. They were all staring at me, laughing. Am sure they were prolly making jest of my choice of clothing. Today I'd ignore. Placing my bag well on my arm, I passed them, earning a whistle from dennis.
"Hey princess. What's with the baggy clothes?. Are you trying to disappear in those, never to be seen again?". Dennis laughed.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Trust me, I'd glady take your retarded brain along". I looked at Zara, she had an evil grin and then at Fynn, who wouldn't stop staring at me. I entered the school building, over to my locker. My head is aching and I feel so nauseous.
Can this day get any better?. Its been like years in this fucking class, meanwhile its just fifteen minutes. As much as I love calculus, today's just not my day for calculating. The door opened, causing the whole class to murmur. I raised my head up from the desk only too see Fynn and Dennis. Looking around, there were only two spaces. A seat with me and behind me.
I'd rather choose to die than choose to deal with one of them sitting near me.
As if my thought was heard, Fynn sat beside me and Dennis behind. I groaned, earning a chuckle from Fynn.
"Happy to see me". He whispered to my ear. I rolled my eyes. "I bet you wish".
He stared at me for some seconds, and once again he looked as if he had realized am not feeling too good but then he's Fynn. Nothing good can come out of his mouth. "You have drool on your mouth". So embarrassing. I touched my mouth to try wipe it off, but there was nothing there. He laughed.
"You think its funny?". I had said that so loud that everyone began to stare at me, including our sub-acting calculus teacher. "Am sorry". I apologized.
Mr Adams scowled at me, turns out he's a lot different from my favourite Mrs Bella, who couldn't made it to class today cause she's sick. "Careful newbie". He said.
Fynn moved closer to me as he whispered again. "Seems someone is in a bad mood. Your girlfriend broke up with you?".
Calm down Avira. Do not let your period anger get hold of you. Just stay calm and ignore him.
I sneezed. Jeez, I feel so weak. I was about to put my head back on the table when I heard fynn talk again. This time, it wasn't a whispher. "You okay?".
That's it. I banged the table so loud. "Don't you get?. I don't want to talk to you".
"Avira, this is a classroom". Mr Adams scolded.
"Forget it. Then am out". I carried my bag and books as I walked out, slamming the door. Passing the hallway, I ran into the females bathroom. I just humiliated myself. Must I really start a fuss?. As if my day wasn't bad enough, one of the rebels came in. It was Kim Nana Young. I had never really had an encounter with her, like I have had with Zara and mostly Fynn.
"Look who we have here. Its the French girl". Kim Smirked.
Ignore. Ignore please.
"And look who I have here. One of the rebels I'd pay a huge money not to see". I growled.
She laughed. "Now I see. Ever since you came, the boys wouldn't stop taking about you. They said you're the Lady of action. And you punched Zara, damn. But babe, quick advice. Stay away from her". She patted my shoulder before she sat on the white tiles. Pulling out a cigarette from her bag, she lit it. Placing it in her mouth, inhaling and then exhaling. "C'mon sit with me".
I hate it when someone smokes. They reminds me of Eric de ville. "Nah... Am leaving".
"Oh c'mon, I know you. you don't have anywhere else to be. Its all over the school blog. You screamed at Fynn, then at your calculus teacher and then, you slammed the door. Three things have never seen in forks high before. You Avira, is my favourite person". She smiled. "C'mon sit with me. Let's pass time together".
"Okay". I sat down, not too close to her though. I can't trust the rebels. But Kim looks so different. "Why are you different?".
She laughed. She has a pretty nice smile I must comprehend. "Oh, you mean not taunting you like the others?"
"Well like I said, I like you". She said that moving her face closer to mine. "You have such beautiful lips and beautiful eyes.. But mostly the lips". She kept moving her face closer to mine as she stare at my lips.
Wait... Kim is gonna... gonna kiss me...
I jerked away almost falling. "Stay away.. Am not into girls".
Kim started laughing. "Oh my.. You should have seen the look on your face". Laughing so hard, she puffed a smoke.
"You're crazy". I had said that out loud, but I really don't mind cause it's the truth. She's different from the other rebels cause they're rude and she's crazy.
"Chill babe. Trust me, am different because am the calmest and well, most reasonable". She smiled. Looking at the cigarette in her hand, I doubt if she's truly being reasonable.
That shit lessen a fucking life spam...
The lunch bell was jingled. I grabbed my bag, standing up. "I have to go Kim". She lit out her cigarette, placing it back in its pack. "Its nice talking to you, especially when you thought am into you and wanna kiss you".
I smiled. I really like her. "Okay". I turned to leave, feeling aches in my head. "Jeez".
"Hey.. You okay?". Kim asked, looking worried. I nodded. "Wait... Everyone says you're Cupid's girl. I ain't know what's that though, but I hear you give relationship tips". I nodded again. "Well, my boyfriend's birthday is coming soon. What do I give him?".
"I can't answer that for you Kim. The only thing I can let you know is that, its not actually the gift that matters. Its about you expressing how you truly feel towards him. And letting him see you really do. You guys might go out to his favourite place and then do his favourite things". I smiled.
"Woah girl... You're so good".
"Bye Kim". Walking out of the bathroom was like stepping into another dimension. A very bight one. I couldn't see clearly and everything looks so blur. My stomach hurts a lot, likewise my head and it feels like am really going to die. Someone touched me from behind, it was Bianca. "Hey B".
"Avira. You all over the school blog girl. A girl posted you shouting at Fynn, then at Mr Adams, then you walked out slamming the door. What the actual fuck". She paused, finally taking note of my appearance. "Are you okay?.. You look terrible".
"Thanks Sherlock. Yunno, for stating the obvious". I forced a laugh. "C'mon... Am so.. so hungry".
"You don't look okay Avi..".
"Am fine". I managed to walk over to the cafeteria, Bianca tagging along. Looking around, Its really had to see a thing. Everywhere was crowded but blur, loud but I couldn't hear an actual word. Bianca touched me again. "Avira, what's wrong?. You're sweating".
"Hey Bianca. Hey Avira. What's wrong?". That was Gina's voice. I held my stomach tight, it really hurt. I tried moving, but my leg failed and I fell down on the floor. It hurts a lot. I heard screams, but my eyes were closed and I couldn't actually tell where and who they were coming from. All I knew next was that I was lifted up from the ground and a voice followed.. "Barbie please open your eyes"... Fynn Carter...
"What's with you Fynn? Angry at the fact that she screamed at you. Jeez, I still can't believe it". Dennis said, laughing.
"Oh, I wish I was there. What look did he had on?". Jasper asked.
"Oh trust me. Its the 'Woah, this girl just screamed at me. Me.. Fynn Carter. What the fuck' type of look". Dennis laughed again.
"Oh my. I would really pay a lot to get the chance to watch that". Jasper looked at me, laughing. "C'mon dude, say something".
"Shut your mouth you two. Am in no mood". I said angrily. Avira doesn't feel okay. Something is definitely wrong with her. She has been moody since. Who had upset her?. Why won't I stop thinking about her?.
"The girl has quite the nerves". Zara growled. "She thinks she can actually mess around. Jeez, she embarrassed me yesterday and everyone won't stop talking about the two punch she gave me and how I only gave her one. Now people think am weak. She'd pay".
"Enough Zara. I told you to let it go".
"No, I won't. She'd pay". Zara said.. her voice so hard.
This time, I gave her a straight look. "You'll let her be. Final, no more words. You Zara Mackenzie would stay away from her".
"C'mon guys. The food won't eat itself. Zara, let's go get it together". Jasper held Zara's arm but she jerked it away.
"I ain't going anywhere". Zara barked.
"C'mon Zara. Go with Jasper". Dennis decided it's time he joined the conversation again. They all knew to well that whenever am angry, it always goes wonky. And right now, if Zara doesn't move, something nice won't happen.
"Fine". She gave me a look before she went ahead following Jasper.
"What's all that about man?". Dennis asked. I gave him a 'what' look and then he continued. "Your mood swing. You never had a problem with us dealing with anyone before, so why won't you let Zara teach that loose mouth a lesson. She deserves it".
"Shut up. No violence. No more violence. Do you want to get expelled in your last year in highschool". I asked him, finding excuses.
"But Zara's the principal daughter. He'd never expel her".
"Enough. I don't have to repeat myself Dennis. Let's just stay away from trouble". I saw Avira enter the cafeteria with Bianca, as they headed to their usual Table. Something is wrong. She placed her hands on her stomach. I couldn't hear what they were saying. All I saw next was Avira falling, her friends screaming, and I dashing over to meet her. I carried her up, jeez, she was burning up. "Barbie, please open your eyes". Running out of the cafeteria. "Hang on Avira, jeez". I passed through the hallway. running into the infirmary, I placed her on the bed. Nurse lily and Ana came over. "What's wrong with her?".
Nurse Lily moved closer to check her out. "Fynn.. You have to excuse us. Now".
"Cmon she'd be fine". Nurse Ana added.
I can't leave. She was rolling on the bed in pain. What the fuck is happening?. "Do something".
"You have to leave. Now". Ana said again.
"Fuck!". I went out. I saw Bianca, Gina, Edward. They all looked away, no one wanting to share contact with me. I don't care. Avira is my concern. What could be wrong with her?..
Wait.. Am scared...
My heart is actually beating so fast and I can't seem to stop picturing her as she was rolling on the bed in pain. I hope she's okay, she better be. Dennis, Kim, Jasper and Zara walked over. What the fuck are they doing here?.
"How's she?". Kim asked.
"The nurse.. Inside.. Not yet". What the heck did I just said?.. Calm down fynn. She'd be fine. "I don't know yet". Looking away. No one must know how nervous he is. Jeez, why are the nurse taking too long.
C'mon Avira, please be okay.
The door opened as nurse lily came out. Jeez, thank goodness. "How is she?. What happened?".
"She's fine". Nurse lily smiled.
"Well, a moment ago, she wasn't. What happened?". I tried to make my voice calm, but I failed.
"She's on her period". Lily said.
"Period?". We all murmured, earning a chuckle from Dennis, Jasper, Edward and Zara. I glared at them.
"As in menstration?". Dennis asked while lily nodded. "So she fainted because of her period?". She nodded again. They once again burst into laughter. "This is so so hilarious".
I still don't see what's fucking funny.. Moments ago, Avira was in a fucking pain..
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