The Decision
The strange thing about life is, the reactions people expect are almost never the reactions people get. You tell a guy his pet Zorvo has died, expecting him to be sad. Instead, he laughs and goes nuts (y'know, insane). You tell another fellow you stole his car and crashed it, expecting him to be angry. Instead, he praises you for your honesty. You tell a guy-
Oh, never mind, you get the point.
This is exactly what happened with Supreme Commander Vorbox. He eyed me carefully, no doubt attempting to gauge my reaction. Instead, I remained stoic and silent, furiously thinking.
They abduct me and chain me up, only to tell me that I am to command the largest and most fearsome army in the world?
Who gave me away this time?
Why are they doing this?
Was my talk with the Emperor an interview?
Is this my mother's doing?
I wonder....
By now you should know, my mind is accustomed to experiencing these flashbacks. Suddenly, another one hit me.
3 years before I joined the Time Warriors, 2 hours after a class with Professor Gilos. I was walking with my best friend, Antwerpus, along a slow-moving river, which meandered its way through the purple and lush fields of the Cronomos planet (If I forgot to mention this earlier, the Time Center was an entire planet, and the place I'd mentioned earlier was the entry-point for the planet, not a building) from which arose long and lithe yellow bushes the size of redwood trees, with purple needles for leaves and a vibrant blue bestiolar (the part of those bushes which consumed insects) on top.
"Are you sure?" Antwerpus asked me.
"Can one ever be sure of anything in this life, my friend? We do not even know whether what we see and experience is real. The best thing a man can do for himself is to throw himself into the present moment, keeping in mind the lessons of the past and the consequences his actions can have on the future."
"Don't get philosophical with me, Melsur, and answer me honestly- are you sure?"
"No," I admitted, "But you know I must do this."
Antwerpus stopped, facing me. "We don't have to do anything, Melsur! We always have a choice! You do not need to take this Elite course! Yes, it will ensure you reach the Time Council sooner, but it will mean you will be separated from us, your friends! You must choose- your friends or the Fast Lane."
My mind jolted back to the present. I remembered my choice very well. I had chosen my friends, and refused the Fast Lane. I had never regretted my decision. And yet, when I was faced with the same choice once more, I hesitated. Taking the offer would give me riches, power and everything I'd ever wanted, but I'd lose the ones who always had my back and were there for me when I needed them. Refusing it would ensure that I remained a Time Warrior, and maybe someday, attained the position Lord Tafos currently held, retaining my friends.
Indeed, the Supreme Commander's question was fitting.
The offer was mine to take. The question was....
Should I?
"Well, Warrior Melsur? What is your decision?"
As I looked at him, I made my mind up.
Supreme Commander Vorbox smiled.
"Welcome to the army, General Melsur."
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