Five hours later, there was a new announcement on the Evening News.
We bring to you now, a message from the Machite leaders!
" We were preparing for a peace summit with the Magnan government, when we got news that four of our Machite warriors are missing. That has unfortunately forced us into cancelling the peace summit, and we shall make no further attempts toward peace until our brave men are returned to us. Be warned; if they are not returned by next week, we shall continue our fighting. Until then, we request for a ceasefire."
I clenched my fists once more, and noticed Morfus' concerned glance. I laughed, and he relaxed.
"So, you're gonna return them, obviously?"
"What? No! This is the best opportunity I've gotten so far to get a war against them, and I'm not just going to squander it away so easily, at the very first threat. Let them declare war, let them. Those cowards need to be shown that their violent ways won't get them anywhere."
Morfus sighed, resignedly. He knew there was no changing my mind.
"Now, I haven't slept in ages, so if you'll excuse me," I yawned, "I'm going to go sleep. Shigran!"
I woke up nine hours later, and was getting up, when I noticed that I was unable to. I tried harder, and realised that there was a harness restraining me. I pulled against it, but to no avail. As I looked around, I realised I was not even in my own room anymore, but somewhere dark and stuffy. I yelled for someone to let me go, but the darkness stifled the sound as soon as it left my mouth.
Quickly breaking through the haze of my drowsiness, I took a quick stock of the situation. Here I was, with all three of my hands at my sides, tied up to the bed, and so were my legs. It was a dark room, and very clearly, nobody outside could hear me. I closed my eyes in despair when suddenly, a flashback hit me.
"Now, class, Jorg is going to demonstrate how to escape when both your hands and legs are tied up." said Professor Gilos, tying poor Jorg up. "Now, Jorg, try escaping."
Jorg pulled against it just the way I'd been doing, and it didn't work, just like it didn't for me.
"Sometimes, all you need is a little cunning. Suck your chest and stomach in, will you?"
Jorg did so.
"Now wriggle a little, see if you can. Ah, you can. Excellent! Now, pull your entire body back, get it as close to your bonds and try to break the bonds. Ah, good, keep trying. Now, it's always a good idea to keep your nails sharp, class, as you never know when you may have to unlock a particularly annoying lock."
My eyes flew open! Of course, all I had to do was use a simple trick they taught us at the Time Center- use our flexible nails to fit the lock like a key, and open it! I executed what Professor Gilos had taught us, but realised that my captors had cut my nails. I cursed. That trick was the oldest in the book, of course they would have safeguards against it. But wait... Another flashback hit.
After Jorg had escaped, Professor Gilos asked the entire class to tie HIM up.
"Now, class, let me show you a little trick known only to a select few. I perfected it, but never patented it, so keep it a secret, okay?" He conspiratorially winked at us. We fervently nodded back, and he began breaking through his bonds.
"Most bonds you will find are made of the finest gontonum, so most people will recommend that you don't try to break them as all that will happen is the breaking of your wrists. There, class, lies the trick. You let your wrist break, which lets it come through easily."
"But- Professor- won't that hurt?" a tiny Hofro asked.
"Yes it will, Koh-jer-pah, and that is the price you must pay for freedom."
I must admit, I was rather fond of my wrists, but I was way more fond of the ability to move my arms. Pulling myself up again, I attempted to break the bonds using my wrist, which caused them to break. I grunted in pain, and pulled that hand through. I then pulled my contingency annihilator out of my chest pocket with considerable effort, and aimed it at all three of my bonds in quick succession. Soon, I was free, albeit with one limp hand.
I slowly slunk towards the door that I saw nearby and tried the handle. It was locked. I then stood with my back tightly pressed against the wall, with the butt of my annihilator ready to knock my captors out, were they to come inside.
I waited....
And waited...
And waited some more...
Until an eternity passed, and someone entered. I quickly leaped towards them with the butt of my annihilator ready, but when I saw who it was, my annihilator fell to the floor.
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