Chapter 2
I walked beside Kylie into the big field. I didn't usual go there. "Hey, Kylie." A girl with braids and a dark skin said as we reached the group. There was two guys along with this girl and Kylie. "Hey, Bee." Kylie said as we sat down on the benches. "Who is this?" The guy with brown hair asked. "This is Jane." Kylie said. She never told her other friends about me. I didn't know how to feel really. "Hey, Jane. I am Chadd." The dark skinned boy said.
I gave him a little awkward wave. "I am Alexander." The guy beside him started. I tried my best to give him a smile. "Aren't you supposed to be training, Chadd?" Kylie asked. She was sitting beside Alexander. I sat at the bench beneath them, beside Bee or whatever her name was. "Yeah, yeah." He got up. "Have fun." He leaned down and pecked Bee's lips. I looked away. "It's just a kiss, Jane." Alexander laughed. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Chadd skipped down to the field. The football team, I assumed ran into the field. "You like football?" Bee asked me. "Oh, no." I answered awkwardly. "I am Beatrice, by the way." She said. "Hi." I looked at her. "Yeah." She looked back at the field, probably to watch her boyfriend. I looked behind me at Kylie. Her hands were clutching Alexander's. I was confused. Were they dating? Why wouldn't Kylie tell me if she had a boyfriend?
I looked back at the field, wishing I could have just let her come alone. I stared at my hands the whole time. My bitten nails and cuticles looked horrible. I sighted.
After an hour of watching my hands, Chadd came skipping our way, drenched in sweat. "Are we going to the party?" He asked. "Of course, dumbo." Kylie called from behind me. That was when I am supposed to say "oh no, not me". "I will shower and meet you guys there." He said. "Don't be late." Beatrice called after him. "Let's go, then." Alexander got up. "You coming?" Beatrice asked as she stood up as well. "I think I will pass." I smiled nervously.
"Really?" Alexander asked. My lower lips got caught between my lips. "Hey, it's you." The same voice came saying. Shit. "Zack Lakes?" Kylie asked, furrowing her eyebrows. She knew him? "Hi, that's right." He smiled. "How do you guys know each other?" Alexander asked, sarcasm coating his words. "We're in the same literature class." He said. "Really?" Beatrice asked. He nodded. "Are you going to the party at the liberty sorority house?" Kylie asked.
"I don't know, really." He shrugged. "We gotta go." Beatrice said. "You guys heading there?" He asked. "Yeah, but Jane is not coming." Alexander shrugged. I didn't like him, at all. "Oh." He said. "See you, J." Kylie waved at me as she walked away with her other friends. "They don't seem to be your kind of crowd." Zack said. I looked at him. "I gotta go." I said, skipping down the benches. "A party to head to as well?" He asked, walking beside me.
"I don't party." I said, my gaze focused on the ground beneath me. "I could have guessed that, Jane." He said. "Are you mocking me?" I stopped and looked him dead in the eye. "Woah, no." He raised his hands in defense. "What exactly do you want from me?" I asked. "God, you really do have a temper." He smirked. I sighted, rolling my eyes. "I wanna walk you back to your place. Can I?" He said. I looked at him. His hair was sandy yellow. His skin was tanned, his eyes were wide and blue. The kind of blue, you see in the ocean.
"I am sorry, but, I don't even know you." I said and walked away. The sun was going down. Kylie has been acting weird since we started collage. She's been distant from me. I felt like we're not even friends anymore. Like she wasn't hanging out with me anymore. Ever since freshmen year, she's been changing. Hanging out with cooler people. The ones who weren't too shy to party or drink or even have sex. By joiner year, she had lost her virginity.
I went into the empty room. I kicked off my sneakers and sat in bed. I opened my laptop and tried to write anything other than a poem, like professor Harries told me earlier. My mind stayed blank, only poems floating around. I gave up and started to type in the rhythmic words. After I read the poem a couple of time, I saved it, closing the laptop. I laid in bed, thinking how much fun is Kylie having now, without me in the picture.
I turned in bed, stretching my body. I looked at Kylie's bed to meet Alexander's face. His eyes were closed. I sat up in confusion. Laying upon his chest was Kylie. Her sheets were covering their lower part. I tried to slower my breath, afraid to wake them up. I slid out of bed slowly. I changed into a grey hoodie, my eyes watching Alexander. Wearing my same pair of jeans and my hood on, I left the room. I checked my phone, it was 10:00 am. I made my way to the cafeteria, to grab something to eat. I bought a granola bar and went to class.
After finishing my usual classes for the day, I found a spot in one of the gardens, surrounding the building. I leaned against a tree, taking out my notes and laptop. It was windy to stay outside. I had no idea if Alexander left our place or not. I thought about calling Kylie, I just didn't want her to think that I didn't like her boyfriend, even though I did.
"Hey." I looked up to his tanned smily face. Was this guy really stalking me? I thought. It really scared me, but I was tougher than I looked or so I thought. I looked back at my notes. I heard him sight. I shook my head, to focus on my notes. "I like this weather, don't you?" I looked up from my notes. He was sitting in front of me, his arms stretched beneath him as he looked at the sky. I would somehow admit that he was cute.
I was just not used to this much attention, being Kylie's friend. I watched him for a couple of seconds, until his gaze met mine. I looked away with a blink. "You're really something, Jane." He said. I looked back at him. "How so?" I asked, out of curiosity. "I don't know. You're just different. I like it." He smiled. I wasn't sure if this was a compliment or not. "You don't think this is odd?" I asked.
"Why?" He shrugged. "You're Zack Lakes." I said. The principal's son, the most popular boy in the whole college, not a party he wasn't in. "I know, that's my name." He sat up straight, legs crossed. I shook my head, to try to hide a smile forming on my lips. "I just really want to get to know you." He shrugged. "And why is that?" I asked. "I should have a reason?" He raised his eyebrow. "We all do everything for a reason." I said. "Well, that's not how I work, Jane." He smirked.
"I am not the kind you would want to be friends with." I started to gather my notes. "That's not really for you to decide." He said. I zipped up my bag. "I just know, Zack." I got up. "Are you free this Friday?" He asked. I looked at him. "There is a party at the football team sorority house." He explained. "I told you last night that I don't party." I walked away. "Hold up." He came skipping beside me. I let out a sight. "Just this one party." He said.
"I don't know." I crossed my arms as we walked. "Come on Jane, what are you going to lose?" He shrugged. Maybe if I went to this party, I would prove to Kylie that I am still a cool friend. "Just come and the minute you feel uncomfortable, I will walk you back myself." He begged. "Fine. I will come." I said. He smiled widely. I rolled my eyes, as we reached my room. "Good to know where you're staying, for any future walking you home plans." He winked at me.
"Don't get your hopes up." I rolled my eyes, slightly liking the idea. "See you Thursday." He said, walking away , facing me. That's when we share a morning class again. I watched him as he reached the end of the corridor.
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