Chapter 13
I woke up the next day with piercing headache. My head seemed to vibrate and pound so hard. I turned in the sheets. For a second it was all comfy and warm. But, they weren't my sheets. I woke up with a start, praying that I didn't lose my virginity over the night. Pain stretched through my head, which made me fall back into bed.
Also, my hoodie was missing. Even the tank top I wore, was missing. Being half naked in a bed other than mine, wasn't something I was used to. It was also cold. I pulled the sheets to cover my exposed skin. As I got up, a bit slower than last time, I took in my surroundings. It was Zack's room. I was in his bed.
I let the liquor burn my throat. Alexander who had a smug smile on his stupid face, took a shot as well. Kylie watched me with confused eyes. "Jane, I think this is enough." Zack whispered. "What is it, Jane? Had enough already?" Alex smirked. "Leave her alone, asshole." Zack said in my defense.
The memory faded as my head spun. The first thought that came to my mind, that I slept with Zack. This would have been a disaster. I got out of bed and searched the room for my hoodie or top. Zack wasn't in the room at all. I found my hoodie at the end of the bed. I pulled it on. My hair was loose and messy. I tried my best to make it look better. I found my boots by the bed as well. I slid into them and sat in bed.
My hips were shaking as I stood on a table. I never thought I could dance like this. I shook my head to the music as I took off my hoodie. "Go girl! Yeah!" The crowd that was watching me cheered. My thoughts were blurry.
"God." I mumbled as I buried my face into my head. The memory made me feel so embarrassed. The door opened, I turned to look at Zack, who just entered. "Hey." He was holding a mug. I looked away as more memories flooded my mind.
"Jane!" Zack called at me. I looked down at him. "Hey!!" I smiled. "Please, come down from there." He seemed worried. I couldn't understand how can he be worried, I was having the time of my life. I danced again and again. I even took off the top I was wearing and threw it somewhere into the crowd.
Zack sat beside me. I couldn't believe that he saw me half naked. "I think you need some of these." He handed me the mug. Coffee filled my nostrils, warming my insides. "Thanks." I mumbled. "Who knew you could stripe down like that?" He said. I choked on my coffee, looking as him. He laughed. "I am kidding, Jane. Well, not entirely." He said.
I sighted in embarrassment. "Cheer up, it wasn't that bad." He patted my back. "I woke up in my bra, in your bed, Zack." I said. "Yeah, that, that was nice." He smirked. I sighted, hiding my face. "Come on, it's okay." He rubbed my back softly. "Really?" I looked at him. "You had fun, right?" He asked. "Yesterday maybe, now not really. My head is killing me." I said. He chuckled. "I think I have some aspirin somewhere here." He looked around the room.
I sipped my coffee as he looked for the aspirin. The feeling of embarrassment was fading away slowly. I liked hanging out with Zack, even when I was batshit drunk and half naked. He seemed to make me feel good even at my worse.
"I think I found it." George said from across the living room. It was a mess around here. A couple of guys from the team were cleaning the place. I offered to help as well. "Found what?" Zack asked. George came up to us with my top in his hands. "Oh, thanks." I took it from him. It was sticky. I think someone used to wipe their mouth after drinking.
"Who knew you were such a tough one, Jane?" Oliver said as he placed used cups into a trash bag. "Stop teasing her, man." Zack said. "Thanks, guys. Let's just never mention last night ever again." I smiled nervously. They all chuckled as we went back to cleaning.
Thinking back to these moments, I really forgot that some psychopath was trying to kill Kylie and Zack and make me watch. I forgot that I was attacked once and Kylie was kidnapped and shot. My anxieties seemed to disappear during these moments, plus Oliver and George weren't that bad. Not as bad as Alex or even Kylie.
"See you, guys." I waved at George and Oliver. "Come party more often, Jane!" Oliver called as I walked with Zack. "And kiss Zack, he wants you to!" George called as well, making my cheeks burn. Zack turned and gave him the middle finger as we continued to walk. I chuckled.
"George really wants this, huh?" I teased. "He's annoying, I am sorry." He shook his head in disappointment. "He's funny. You're friends are nice, really." I shrugged. "Really? So, last night wasn't entirely screwed?" He smiled. "Yeah." I nodded, making his smile grow wider.
"Wanna grab some dinner tonight?" He asked as we reached my place. "Is this a date?" I smirked. "Yes, Jane. It is." He smirked back. I chuckled, with a blush. "Alright alright, Romeo." I smiled. "See you, tonight." He winked at me and walked away. I was smiling like a kid as I got into the room.
To my surprise, Kylie was in there. Sitting in her bed, scrolling through her phone. She looked up at me. "Hey." She gave me a small wave as I walked towards my bed. "Hi." I was so confused. I thought she decided to ditch me again and stay at Alex's place. "You were batshit drunk last night, congrats." She smiled.
Who the hell congratulates you when you get drunk and stipe down in front of half of your class, half naked? Apparently Kylie was this kind of person. "Did you sleep with Lakes as well? He took you upstairs." She said. Zack was the one who took me upstairs, that wasn't a surprise. But, did we kiss or make out or something, I wasn't exactly in a state to tell.
"Of course not." I shook my head. "You were drunk, how would you know?" She raised her eyebrow. "I know that he wouldn't do such thing to me when I am not even sober." I crossed my arms. "You're still so damn naive, Jane." She smirked and went back to her phone. I clenched my jaw as I looked at my own phone.
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