Chapter 1
I woke up on the alarm I set the night before for my early class. "Can you stop this stupid alarm?" Kylie whined from her bed. Kylie Collins, my childhood friend. We met when I was two, when our parents became friends. I sat in bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I grabbed my phone and set the alarm off. I got out of bed. "Where are you going so early?" Her sleepy voice asked. "I have a class." I yawned as I got a towel and my toothbrush. "Nerd." She mumbled from her bed. I rolled my eyes, leaving to the bathrooms. Not a lot of people are as consistent about their education as I am, so the bathrooms were nearly deserted.
I splashed water onto my face. I brushed my teeth, knowing very well I have no time for a shower. I peed and then made my way back to our room. Kylie's snores were filling the room as I got in. I pulled a beige sweater over a pair of black jeans. I brushed my messy brown hair into a braid. I gathered my books and notes into my bag. I said goodbye to Kylie as I rushed to my class.
I got there just in time. I entered the half empty class. A class at 8:00 am is an impossible mission for teenagers that party till 3 am. I don't party much. I took my usual place. "Good morning, everyone. Please proceed by opening your books to page 268." Our literature professor said. I opened my book. "Do you mind if we share the book?" A guy beside me whispered . I looked at him. He didn't really look like he belonged here.
His hood was covering his hair. It seemed as if he didn't even wash his face. I stared at him, confused. "Please?" He raised an eyebrow. I sighted, nodding. He moved closer beside me to reach the book. "Thanks." I heard him whisper as I looked at the professor. The class went on.
"As you all complete reading, I want you to write me an essay about your opinion on Romeo's character." Our professor said, ending his class. "It will be due to next Friday." He gave us all a smile. Everyone started to get up to leave. I closed the book and placed it back into my bag along with the notes, I wrote. I took one last look at the guy and left. I needed coffee. "Hey." I turned to meet with this guy again. "Can I help you?" I asked. "Well, you did help me back in there." He pointed at the class, smiling.
I just looked at him. That guy really looked out of place. "This is my first time in this class." He shrugged. I could have guessed. "Right." I nodded. I wanted to go get coffee and start working on my essay, instead of standing here and talking to this guy, I didn't even know. "My mom made me take it. I am not really a literature type of person." He explained. "Look, I am sure you have a lot to talk about, but, I have other stuff to do." I shrugged. I didn't want to be mean. "Oh, alright. Of course." He looked hurt.
"It was nice meeting you." I gave him a smile and walked away. The cafeteria wasn't packed either. I got a cup of coffee along with a waffle. I took a seat in the chilling outside part of the cafeteria. I took out my laptop. I ate my waffle as I read the novel, focusing more on Romeo's character. "You're fast." My attention was grabbed by a familiar voice. I turned my gaze away from the book, to look up at the same guy. His hands were in his pockets. His hood was still on.
"Are you following me?" I asked, putting down the novel. "Don't take it that way. I just wanted to get to know you." He sat beside me. "This is called stalking, by the way." My eyebrows furrowed. "Maybe I am a stalker." He smirked at me. I looked at him. "Chill, I am kidding." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes away from him. I have never been good with guys. "Are you really writing that essay now? It's still due to Friday." He said.
"Can you please leave me alone?" I crossed my arms. He looked at me, even more hurt than before. "Alright. I will leave you alone, but, I will see you in class, mystery girl." He got up. I shook my head as I watched him walk away. I don't even understand why is he so interested in me. Being friends with Kylie meant less attention for me and more for her, which never really annoyed me.
After finishing the essay, I gathered my stuff and went to my writing class. I liked writing. I think it is a window to the soul. For you to truly discover someone's soul is to read their writing. I started writing at high school, freshmen year. Poetry is my favorite kind of writing. Professor Harries entered with a smile. She was a pretty woman with black silky hair and tanned skin. "Hello there, guys." She waved at us.
The class ended. "Hey, Jane?" I heard her call me. I walked up to her. "I really liked your last poem." She smiled at me. I smiled, for she is one of the very few people who admire my writing. "But, I need you to try writing anything else other than poetry. With a talent like yours, you can make such fine art." She explained. I couldn't really write anything as great as poetry. It is the window to my soul. "I will try, Professer." I nodded. She gave me a smile as I walked away.
The room was filled with the sound of The Neighborhood. Kylie was dancing in the middle of the room. I walked to the speakers and turned the sound down. "Hey!" She whined as she stopped dancing. "Some of us prefer to keep our hearing, thank you." I said. "Let's dance together!" She turned the music back on and took my hands. "Kylie." I shook my head as she started to sway my arms with hers.
"So, how was your day?" She asked after we stopped dancing. "It was okay." I said, ignoring the guy from this morning. "Did you go to any of your classes?" I asked. "I am taking the day off." She stared at her phone. I am used to Kylie ignoring her education. Since kindergarten. When she failed a class, I would help her after hearing her promise she would keep up. Still nothing ever changed. "Your mom is going to get an email, Kylie." I said.
"I will just tell her I am sick or something." She answered, still buried in her phone. I sighted as I stared at my notes. "There is a party tonight, you coming?" She asked. I looked up at her. "I have work to do." I said. "Oh, come on. Breath a bit, J. College is about having some fun." She said. "It will also determine your future." I crossed my arms. "Oh for god's sake, we're gonna have so much fun." She whined. "I can't. I am sorry." I said. She rolled her eyes to look back at her phone.
"I am going to the field, coming?" Kylie dressed in a pair of jeans shorts along with a hoodie asked. "What are you going to do there?" I asked. "I will chill with some friends." She shrugged. I understood that she had other friends. Kylie was a social butterfly. As for me, I struggled to make friendships. "Come on, Jane. At least come to this one, it is only a gathering." She came up to my bed. "Fine." I let out a sight, getting up.
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