Last card on the table had to be opened. Martin was confident about the fifth card would also be any from spades. The bet had been huge 2.2 million. " I will raise", Romero added more to the bet. Martin thought for a moment and raised his voice "All in".
Romero, in that whole scenario was taken by surprise for the very first time. "What is this lad upto?", he was calculating in his head. He never backed off and raised the amount. The bet reached to 2.5 million.
"This gamble has to pay off", Martin sat there with his fingers crossed.
As soon as the fifth and last card was about to get unfolded world around Martin seemed to stop. It was, as if every thing had shifted gear and turned into "slow mo", please be a spade, please be a spade..he kept praying!!
Its a flush to the gentleman sitting on the left, voice raised by the table manager engaged an applause... Martin had pulled off the biggest pot of the night, 2.5 million bet and he had out smarted every body .. He gambled all his way to the top.
Romero squinted at him but remained calm enough to pass a grimmish smile.
People were looking at the game due to the hype created on that table by Romero and Martin .They had taken all attention.
Peeps congragulated martin and shook hands to commemorate him for such a brave display. He nodded to all the greetings he got but he had plans in his head therefore, before Romero could react to the situation he left the table.
He walked passed the tables and went to sit on the bar.
After moments, He was drinking his favourite Moscow Mule when he heard, "Arent you tired, yet ,of ordinary drinks?"
He knew who had asked him that question. "Never leave your taste", Martin didnt turn his face while he replied.
"You know after a long time it felt a real game", Romero leaned against the bar while he answered ogling at a bar waitress.
"It could have been more worse, you know time can change any moment sir, I happen to be a risk taker", his intent was clear.
Martin had to play with his words carefully, his tone was polite and fluent while countering Romero's questions.
" How about I invite you to have a drink with me?" Romero posted an invitation which Martin had anticipated,already.
"Sure sir!" Pleasure is all mine.
"Call me Romero and I like to drink in my space, this place is to much out dated for a drink " he looked at the casino with a snobbish look.
"Sure , let the drink be in ur space,Romero", Martin reciprocated and clutched his teeth.
As they were walking off to have a drink Italian guy came in a rush, he banged into Martin along with the salver and thursted the finger prints replica into his his hand.
"Scram you clumsy piece of shit", Martin disgusted.
"I am sorry sir, please accept my apologies" Italian guy acted perfectly.
Romero intervened, "You were in my suite as well, you are a pain in the ass, control where you go and when u go and whom you bang into,scram now". Romero started walking as he pinned the Italian guy with his class.
"Havent seen you around Martin, howcome you have arrived with such a bang? I am truly impressed by your professionalism", as Romero spoke he pulled out a cuban cigar.
"I am a traveller, I find good competitions, take my chances and win. You also have impressed me, your bluff is still piercing my ego somewhere", Martin scoffed and kept walking along side Romero to the elevator.
"What are your stakes", Martin asked while the elevator doors closed.
"I trade diamonds, I am a man of simple taste and money making is my passion", Romero's elegance was at its peak as he smoked off his cigar.
"But I have other businesses as well good to be known and good not to be known ", he mocked his own statement as they reached Romero's suite on sixteenth floor.
It was fifteen mintues into the suite and Martin had been responding to Romero's unsettling questions!!.
Martin obviously had to execute his purpose of being there but was unable to find a proper way but had to keep up the conversation.
Three pegs each of 1926 Macallan already and inoxtication had started taking is toll.
" Normally I dont drink with people who have cost me something,especially money " Romero poured another peg for both but Martin insisted not to drink anymore.
"Drink with me until we are jaded , its my play yard and everything happens here according to my liking", Romero arched his brows, and thrusted glass in his hands ...
It was quite unsettling for Martin, he wanted to smash that glass up Romero's forehead but it could ruin everything in a moment..
Romero gulped the peg and stood up. He placed hand on his own neck and relaxed it my massaging it for a second or a two..
"Too much for a night, sit here young man while I take a leak and freshen up"
It was "The" moment ... Martin got up from a leaning position threw the peg in the flower pot and sat straight .
Romero went into the rest room,as he locked it Martin took a deep breath and rushed towards the safe. He entered the combination as fast as he could but there was no response .. Dammit what now ... Why no response...
He didnt have a second to spare he entered again but there was no response again.. In moments he had sweat all over his head... "Damn".. "Screw me" .. Wwhaat noww..he shivered !!
God, what is wrong!!... He suddenly got a thought,it must be the impression. He pulled out the finger prints impression and placed in the compartment under the safe...
The color on the keys turned from red to green, yess it worked!! ... He re entered the combination and the safe opened with a thud .. He opened the lid with his hands shaking, trying to control his nerves.
There was a white envelop placed in the safe he pulled it out and looked at its back..
"To dear Romero from Katherine" the back of document read.
"This is it , its the envelop" Martin opened it up and pulled out the documents with one eye on the door, as he searched he heared the door unlocked. his breath stopped , "I am dead!!" he muttered.. His reflexes worked like a flash and he slid the document inside his jacket.
" I hope you'rin ur comfort",Romero was out but he focused was on fixing his belt.
Martin took advantage of the moment and placed the empty envelop back inside the safe ..
"I like night at this hour, calls for intimacy ", Romero went direct towards the window and glanced outside,ignoring Martin's standing place.
Martin had to close the safe's lid with his life on the line!!. He saw Romero busy in sight seeing, closed the lid in an instant, lights on the lid panel turned red again..and he grasped his breath again!!
"Yes its beautiful, I like calm nights with no mess around", Martin cleared his throat and responded, still shivering.
Romero looked at him and became a bit incredelous."Why do you seem nervous?", Romero asked in an exasperated tone.
"Nothing its, nothing",Martin was trying his best not to loose his composure!!!
"Then why do you have sweat all over your,forehead?",Romero enquired.
Martin was always persuasive, his timely replies were a trait of his personality." Ohh, why shall I not be nervous?, I mean I am standing in the room with one of the best gamblers whom I have just caused millions"
"Romero laughed at his reply", surely you shall be nervous..
"Umm I think I shall leave, it was nice to see you", Martin bid farewell..
"Why so soon", Romero suddenly pounced onto Martin and grabbed his collar!!
"Keep one thing in mind, I dont like loosing. Next time think a million times sitting on the same table with me. Like I always say, I forgive one time only, second time is not an option. No one beats Romero, by strategy or by fluke. If I see you here I will personally mince you and throw every piece of you around the got me ?", Romero came out of the closet and showed his true self of the first time that night.
"Get out bastard and stay out of bounds!!",Romero had gone wild in moments, that was him, so inpredictable so impulsive,pushed Martin out of the suite, "Remove this fitlh of my floor",he said.
Two of the bouncers grabbed Martin of his arms and escorted him to the lobby, never piss Romero, this is the only rule in this town. Get lost and never come here again..
Martin did what he was there for, he knew this all was going to happen.. So without further delay he entered the elevator.
"Get all the preparations done, we are in for the ride of our lives", Martin spoke over the microphone as the elevator doors closed....
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