When He Snapped
"Dudes" America shouted at the conference room. "Is anybody listening to what I have to say? I don't think you are, I think you're all just ignoring what I have to say. I have some very valid points you know."
"I'm listening" Canada said, smiling at his brother, but getting no acknowledgement.
"Dudes" America shouted louder.
Canada sighed and sank in his chair, so low that his nose was brushing against the edge of the table. "What's the point in me coming here?" he asked Kumajirou. "There isn't any point. They just ignore me all the time."
"Who're you?" Kumajirou asked innocently.
"Exactly" Canada muttered.
"Well... whoever you are, I'm hungry" Kumajirou rubbed one eye with his paw.
"I'm Canada, and you're always hungry"
Kumajirou pulled a face.
Across the room, Britain sighed and stood up, ignoring France, who had started his old taunt of 'Black Sheep of Europe'. "I think it's time we took a lunch break."
"Dudes, I was just thinking the same thing" America grinned. "Then, we'll all be completely concentrated for when I continue with my ideas."
Someone groaned at the back of the room and a couple of people replied with snickers. Canada stood up from his chair and left the room. He was only half way down the corridor when the others started coming out of the room.
"Hey America"
Canada carried on walking.
"America, I'm talking to you, don't turn your back on me. I need to speak to you"
Canada turned round to find Britain steaming up the corridor, frowning at him.
"Seriously, what's your deal today?"
"I'm not America" Canada whispered.
"Eh?" Britain squinted at him. "Speak louder, I can't hear you. You're starting to sound like that dull brother of yours."
Canada flinched and said louder: "I'm not America, I'm Canada."
Britain blinked. "So you are. Sorry 'bout that, couldn't tell." He turned to march back down the corridor. "Oh, Canada, the Frog was looking for you. Wants you to get us all some drinks?"
Canada nodded. "What does everyone want?"
Britain opened his mouth to speak but France appeared next to him and interjected. "It's just me and old Black Sheep here. Tea and a wine please mon petit."
"Old Black Sheep?" Britain scowled at him. "I'll have you know Frog, I'm younger than you."
"I'll go get them" Canada said, ignored as usual. The second he turned away from the fight, he exhaled sharply. "America's dull brother? Who the hell did you think you were talking to United Bloody Kingdom. I'll show you 'dull' brother. It's not my fault. He just overshadows me. I bet, if he didn't exist, I wouldn't be dull to you, or ignored by anyone."
He kicked open the door to the kitchen to find America already there, in the fridge.
"Yo Canada dude" he said, closing the fridge behind him. "Wassup? You look beat."
Canada's eye twitched in irritation and he forced a smile. "I'm fine."
America shrugged and popped the top of a can of coke he'd pulled out. Canada ignored him and wandered around to the kettle. He filled it, turned it on and placed a tea bag in a mug while he waited for it to boil, while preparing a wine glass for France. America was still there, making himself a burger and drinking his coke. Canada ignored him... or tried to, until he looked up. There in front of him, was the block of knives. A thought tugged at his brain.
"I can't" he thought. "I... I can't."
But the thought got stronger, until he found himself reaching for the biggest knife and grinning manically into it's blade as it caught the light.
Slowly, Canada turned round to face the back of his brother. In a single movement, he lunged forwards and buried the blade in his back.
"Canada?" America choked blood over his burger. "What the hell dude?"
Canada laughed, twisting the knife before removing it sharply. America opened his mouth to scream but Canada slapped his hand over his mouth. "Shhhh little brother. We don't want anyone dragged over here for no reason do we?"
America squirmed as Canada stabbed the knife into his shoulder. Tears pricked his eyes and he blinked rapidly.
"Oh dear, all a little too much for you?" Canada smirked and reached up, creating too extra cuts just below his eyes. A single tear leaked out of the corner of America's eye, the salt in it mingling with the blood. "Hurts doesn't it?" He replaced the blade in his shoulder and dragged it down, slowly, splitting open America's torso at the side. America squirmed again, more violently this time, more tears leaking down into the cuts. He bit down hard on Canada's hand, which removed itself for a split second. In the split second, America took a deep breath to scream. Canada's fist connected with his jaw with such force that there was a splintering sound and blood starting pouring out of his mouth.
"As I say, we don't want anyone dragged over here for no reason do we?" Canada grinned the manic grin from before and stabbed America's other shoulder. By now, he was looking very pale, and like he was going to black out anytime soon. Canada dragged the knife down again, this time reaching his hip.
This was when America fell unconscious. Canada pulled a face. "Going so soon?" he sighed. "May as well end this then. It's only fun while the person is alive." He sliced America's neck open and watched as the crimson bled into the puddle already surrounding him.
Canada stood up, wiping his bloody hands on his top then glancing down at the mess made of his brother. "Oops." Then, in a more serious tone. "I should probably get changed."
Behind him, the kettle made a popping noise, indicating that the water was boiled. Took it's time.
Calmly, as though nothing had just happened, Canada poured out the liquid and put France's wine glass to the side.
"It's the same colour as my idiot brother's blood" he muttered, then froze as another idea occurred to him. He giggled insanely and lifted the glass to his lips, drinking the glass in a split second. Then, he bent down next to the mangled body cluttering up the floor and scooped up some of the red liquid, filling most of what needed to be filled in the glass, and filling the rest of it with the average wine France drank.
Canada wandered over to the surface where Britain's tea was brewing and removed the tea bag. How did he like it again? No milk no sugar? A little blood never hurt anyone. He got another cup out of the cupboard and filled it with America's blood, pouring most of it into the mug so that it still looked the dark, tea colour, but definitely tasted different. It was vital that both of them got enough iron and after all, that was what blood was mostly made of.
He got out a tray and placed both drinks on it, shrugging a long red coat on over the top of his bloodstained clothes. He hadn't anticipated this happening, not that he would've changed anything, but he didn't have any spare clothes with him. He'd simply have to wait until he got back to the hotel to change, and then burn the current clothes.
As he passed a mirror, Canada noticed the blood on his face. That would be a problem. He splashed water on his face and rubbed hard with a tea towel, removing the worst of the liquid before dumping it in the red puddle. He'd leave the body where it was. What did it matter if anyone found it? No one would know it was him. People hardly ever even noticed him, so how would they question him?
Him. Calm, collected Canada. Invisible Canada. Silent Canada. Trustworthy Canada. Canada, America's older brother. Well... too bad America was dead. He chuckled silently and glanced down as Kumajirou padded in. He'd wondered where he'd gotten to.
Kumajirou froze. "What? Canada? What have you done?"
"So you do remember my name?" Canada smirked. "I still can't remember yours though. What was it? Kumaweirdo?"
Kumajirou frowned up at him. "You're not Canada."
Canada shook his head, laughing, being careful not to slosh any of the drinks. "Of course I'm Canada. I'm the newly improved Canada. Like it?"
Kumajirou didn't say anything, just stood there in the middle of the doorway.
"Hey look" Canada suddenly gasped, reaching onto the kitchen surface and replacing the tray. "I've forgotten to put the knife away or wash my prints off it. How stupid would that have been of me eh?" He reached for the knife, picked it up, and then dropped it. Kumajirou was staring at his paws, frowning, clearly confused, so he didn't notice anything until the knife went straight through his brain. "Oops."
Canada laughed again and ran the knife under the tap, scrubbing at the handle to remove any trace that it was him. He replaced it in the holder and then turned back to the bear, already lying in his own small puddle.
"Got to do something with that body" Canada sighed, picking up the tea towel he'd dumped in America's blood, lifting Kumajirou by the scruff off his neck and locking him in a cupboard. "All I have to do now is use my perfect force crying."
He left the kitchen, having washed his hands again and picked up the tray again. It didn't take long for him to get to the conference room where he made a small entrance which was noticed by a number of nations for a change.
'The effect of the death of America is already taking it's toll' he thought, smiling warmly as he handed Britain and France their drinks.
"Merci mon petit" France beamed at him and took a sip. "This is a new type of wine is it not? It taste like that from Bordeaux, but there's something different about this one. What is it?"
"Pure Claret Cruor" Canada smiled and sat down, watching France drink. He had a lot of words stored in his brain. Claret was slang for blood. But no one caught on to that. Cruor is the part of blood that form a clot. But no one caught on to that either.
"What flavour is this?" Britain frowned into his mug. "It's not Breakfast or Early Grey it's... I can't think of it."
Canada smiled again. "It's Blood Orange" he said.
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